Kitchen in Provence style - 103 photos of fashionable design in the kitchen. Provence -style kitchens in the apartment

Kitchen in Provence style - 103 photos of fashionable design in the kitchen. Provence -style kitchens in the apartment

The Soviet equalnulation has long been a thing of the past, and with it the same type of furniture and interior items, the same Romanian furniture sets and sets have gone.

Modular kitchens: 105 photos of examples of using modular combinations

Modular kitchens: 105 photos of examples of using modular combinations
Modular kitchens - modern ideas of functional and beautiful kitchen design (105 photos) What is it - modular kitchens?

It is not always necessary to make a kitchen to order, especially if the room has a standard layout. After all, for individual execution, you will have to overpay, and in many cases a rather round amount.

Kitchen tiles: photo review 120 ideas of modern design

Kitchen tiles: photo review 120 ideas of modern design

The high popularity of ceramic tiles for the kitchen is due to its environmental friendliness, reliability, long service life and original design.

The coating is able to maintain its initial qualities for many years, if you adhere to the basic rules for choosing a tile and caring for it.

Black color of the bathroom - 75 photos of unusual ideas in the interior of the bathroom

Black color of the bathroom - 75 photos of unusual ideas in the interior of the bathroom

Black color in the interior is used very carefully. His supporters believe that dark tones make the design more refined and luxurious, but opponents are afraid that black color can create a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere.

Kitchen interior - real modern interiors and design options (135 photos)

Kitchen interior - real modern interiors and design options (135 photos)
The interior of the kitchen - the best solutions of 2023 and tips on the use of beautiful design ideas (135 photos)

The kitchen can be compared with the artist’s workshop, because cooking is not only a technical process, you can’t do without inspiration here. And on how everything is located and conveniently arranged here, not only the time spent on cooking depends, but also the quality of the final product.

Dark kitchen: 155 photos of arrangement and ideal design combinations

Dark kitchen: 155 photos of arrangement and ideal design combinations
Dark kitchen - 155 real photos of examples of creating a beautiful interior in dark colors

The dark kitchen certainly will not go unnoticed if the guests suddenly looked at you. This will be the first thing that they will pay attention to in the room if it is quite contrasting and bright saturated colors are used.

Dark wallpaper - 70 photos of the best ideas of the combination in the interior

Dark wallpaper - 70 photos of the best ideas of the combination in the interior

The luxury of dark colors is obvious. The same can be said about dark wallpaper. The choice of wallpaper color speaks a lot about the nature and attitude of the owner of the interior.

On the contrary, the wallpaper of a dark color is not only not a fashionable element of the interior, but also as nothing else can emphasize your personality and extraordinary.

Boofing in the hallway: 110 photos of examples of using original models

Boofing in the hallway: 110 photos of examples of using original models
Ottoman in the hallway - application in design and the main options for assigning the best models (110 photos)

The hallway - the face of the house. If it looks careless and uncomfortable, then there may be an wrong impression of its owners, which I do not want to allow. Standard set of furniture for the hallway - cabinet, cabinet, shoe and ottoman, which you can sit on to shoe.

Violet walls - 50 real photos of a beautiful combination

Violet walls - 50 real photos of a beautiful combination

Did you know that the parents of purple are red and blue. Cold and hot shades created a mysterious and contradictory color, which still leaves anyone indifferent to it.

The bedroom in a small apartment is 120 photos of the best ideas for arranging a small bedroom design

The bedroom in a small apartment is 120 photos of the best ideas for arranging a small bedroom design
The bedroom in a small apartment is an instruction on how to arrange a practical, functional and cozy design in a small bedroom (120 photos)

Everyone dreams of a luxurious, spacious and cozy bedroom. A bed with a canopy, mirrors in carved frames, beautiful tables, cabinets and a cabinet, a sea of ​​decor ... But in reality - a ten -meter tight bedroom in the apartment of the Khrushchevsky type.