How to choose linoleum for an apartment in terms of quality, video instruction

For a room with a rather aggressive environment, linoleum is the best option

Almost everyone who is faced with the arrangement of their own home, there is a need to learn how to choose linoleum for an apartment in terms of quality. You should be especially careful here, because for each specific room you need to select a floor covering of a certain quality.

For a room with a rather aggressive environment, linoleum is the best option

In addition to its versatility, linoleum also attracts with its bright design and low cost. This coating has other advantages as well:

  • convenience and ease of installation;
  • soft and springy base;
  • does not crack.
  • Of course, in order for the material to last as long as possible, you need to know how to choose it correctly.

    In addition to functional characteristics, the appearance of the finishing material is no less important

    In addition to functional characteristics, the appearance of the finishing material is no less important

    Various types of linoleum

    Modern high-quality linoleum fits very well into the Provence style

    Modern high-quality linoleum fits very well into the Provence style

    The first step is to figure out what types of coating are produced. For example, there is:

    • polyvinyl chloride material;
    • glyphthalic;
    • colloxin;
    • relin.
    • It is clear that each of the above materials has its own distinctive characteristics.

      Provided that the screed is properly prepared, the linoleum flooring is easy to do with your own hands

      Provided that the screed is properly prepared, the linoleum flooring is easy to do with your own hands

      In order to understand exactly which linoleum is best for an apartment, any buyer should focus on the following criteria during the selection:

      • clarify the purpose of the coating;
      • what kind of load it can withstand, for example, whether it will be possible to install a table, bed, headset, sofa or other piece of furniture;
      • whether it has sufficient antistatic properties, as well as heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties;
      • does it fit with the main design of the home.
      • The best option for the first flooring for a new building - linoleum

        The best option for the first flooring for a new building - linoleum

        Some experts argue that it is best to buy natural products. But I would like to refute this opinion, today there are quite good synthetic materials that have good characteristics and are suitable both for a private house or apartment, and for office premises. But in order to more accurately understand what kind of coverage should be given preference, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with the information about how they differ from each other.

        The surface of linoleum can copy any materials, including ceramic tiles

        The surface of linoleum can copy any materials, including ceramic tiles

        What are the advantages of natural linoleum?

        First of all, it should be said that the composition of natural linoleum includes:

        • wood flour;
        • pine resin;
        • natural dyes;
        • limestone powder;
        • jute fabric.
        • Linoleum is a popular material that can also be used for living room flooring

          Linoleum is a popular material that can also be used for living room floors

          Due to the fact that this material contains exclusively natural ingredients, it is quite logical that such linoleum can be laid both in the bedroom and in the office hall. True, the only thing worth paying attention to is that for each specific room you need to select a coating with a certain thickness and density. Natural linoleum is suitable for rooms intended for the life and work of people who suffer from various allergic diseases or asthma.

          Some types of linoleum contain a special layer, which contains microparticles that increase friction

          Some types of linoleum contain a special layer, which contains microparticles that increase friction

          But besides the fact that there are only natural materials in the composition of the canvas, it also has other positive properties:

          • fairly resistant to abrasion;
          • environmentally friendly product;
          • does not fade in the sun;
          • its structure does not change;
          • has good antibacterial properties;
          • does not ignite, even if a spark hits the floor;
          • it is quite easy to look after him;
          • has a very original design.
          • High quality nitrocellulose linoleum is fireproof and perfectly withstands moisture

            High quality nitrocellulose linoleum is fireproof and perfectly withstands moisture

            In order to understand exactly which linoleum to choose for an apartment, you should also understand what negative sides this or that coating has. For example, if we talk about natural materials, then they have the following negative qualities:

            • very fragile, it is forbidden to bend it strongly;
            • it is undesirable to use in rooms with high humidity;
            • the cost is higher than that of synthetic linoleum.
            • Linoleum flooring - the right hygienic solution for the bathroom

              Linoleum flooring the right hygienic solution for the bathroom

              It is imperative to take into account both the pros and cons so that the choice of linoleum for the floor of the apartment is correct.

              How to choose synthetic material?

              If we talk about synthetics, then here you also need to take into account that each separate type of material has its own characteristics. For example, PVC is made on two different bases - fabric and non-woven. The coating can be either two-layer or one-layer. Has the following advantages:

              • low thermal conductivity;
              • environmentally friendly;
              • does not rot;
              • has a very interesting and original design;
              • has very good dielectric properties.
              • Increased abrasion resistance allows the use of linoleum not only in apartments, but also in public places

                Increased abrasion resistance allows the use of linoleum not only in apartments, but also in public places

                But, as with the previous material, there are drawbacks. The material has the following disadvantages:

                • very sensitive to too high temperatures;
                • has a low level of resistance to various chemical solvents;
                • if the air temperature drops sharply, the coating will begin to lose its elasticity.
                • Durable linoleum flooring - a practical solution for a mini gym

                  Durable linoleum flooring a practical solution for a mini gym

                  It is clear that any synthetic material is divided into household linoleum, commercial and semi-commercial. Therefore, in order to understand which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment, you need to know not only what material it is made of, but also what parameters it has. For example, household flooring is much thinner than commercial flooring. Accordingly, it is cheaper and has a shorter service life - about 3 to 5 years.

                  Linoleum flooring matches perfectly with infrared floor heating

                  Linoleum flooring matches perfectly with infrared floor heating

                  If we talk about glyphtal coating, then here it should be noted a special production process. It is made by applying an alkyd resin to a special fabric base. The advantages of such material are quite clear, they are:

                  • very good sound insulation;
                  • good thermal insulation properties.
                  • The purpose of the room is the most important criterion when choosing a floor covering

                    The purpose of the room is the most important criterion when choosing a floor covering

                    But among the shortcomings it should be noted:

                    • high level of fragility;
                    • difficulty in the installation process.
                    • Many buyers are interested in the question of how to properly lay linoleum in an apartment. If we talk about a glyphtal coating, then before laying the linoleum should stand in a warm room. This will help avoid possible deformation.

                      Tips from renowned experts

                      As mentioned above, when choosing linoleum, it is very important to take into account which room it will be in.

                      Linoleum imitating parquet - the perfect design solution for the living room

                      Linoleum imitating parquet ideal design solution for the living room

                      For example, the well-known colloxin coating has a nitrocellulose base. Therefore, it has very good moisture resistance. It is more often laid in the bathroom or in the kitchen. It also has good fire-fighting properties and an original external design, the decorative shine that such linoleum emits, allows you to use it in almost any interior.

                      Natural polyvinyl chloride - the most popular type of linoleum at the present time

                      Natural PVC is the most popular type of linoleum at the present time

                      Relin is best placed in public places, and in rooms where people are not for a long time. This is due to the fact that it contains materials that have a negative effect on the human body. Although over time they almost completely disappear. In addition, this two-layer coating has very good moisture resistance properties and can withstand heavy loads.

                      Cheap and tasteful: how to choose linoleum for your home

                      Cheap and tasteful: how to choose linoleum for your home

                      But if we talk about how to choose linoleum for an apartment, then it would be more correct to pay attention to the marking and various classifications, which are very important. For example, the first number in the marking means the type of room for which the coating is suitable:

                      1. the room in which the lowest level of traffic of people;
                      2. rooms where people live;
                      3. a room in which a large number of people are located (offices, shops, administrative buildings);
                      4. industrial premises.
                      5. Today on sale there is a wide range of colors of linoleum

                        Today on sale there is a wide range of colors of linoleum

                        The second digit indicates the immediate load class.  Accordingly, 1 is the lowest level and 4 is the highest.

                        You need to understand that a twenty-first class covering is suitable for a bedroom or an office. To the hallway or kitchen - 23rd and 24th grade. Well, the highest class is 33. Most often, buyers choose linoleum class 31. He has the most loyal characteristics and has a pretty nice cost.

                        Insulated linoleum is a good solution for floor insulation in an apartment

                        Insulated linoleum is a good solution for floor insulation in an apartment

                        What is best for the kitchen, corridor and hallway?

                        If we talk about how to choose a good linoleum for an apartment, then it is important to consider where exactly this covering will be located. For example, if we are talking about a vestibule, a kitchen or a hallway, then you need to pay attention to the patency. Its thickness must be at least 3 mm. It is clear that in the kitchen it is best to lay household linoleum, which is made on a polyvinyl chloride basis. Of course, it is best to use a fairly high quality semi-commercial coating. But only it has a very high cost in comparison with household coating.

                        Linoleum is an ideal combination of price and quality, unpretentious care

                        Linoleum is the perfect combination of price and quality, unpretentious care

                        Of course, you should pay attention to the external design of linoleum. In the living room, the level of traffic is slightly less, so here you can use a covering with a thickness of 1.5 mm. In this room, it is quite allowed to lay a household covering. It can be made of PVC or polyester. For the bedroom, you can choose an even thinner coating - from 1.2 to 1.5 mm, it is better to give preference to products made on the basis of polyester.

                        The main criterion for choosing linoleum is operating conditions

                        The main criterion for choosing linoleum is operating conditions

                        And, of course, before making a purchase, you need to know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, based on the requirements of the interior of the room.

                        How to make the right choice?

                        The main recommendations have already been described above that will help you make the right choice. But you should understand how to choose linoleum for an apartment, based on existing requirements. To remember all this, you need to summarize all the recommendations. It looks like this:

                        Modern linoleum can easily imitate any materials externally

                        Modern linoleum can easily imitate any materials externally

                        1. First of all, you should trust your taste and smell. It must be remembered that really high-quality linoleum does not have a pronounced smell. You should also pay attention to the fact that it does not have a greasy sheen, so the pattern on it is very distinct.
                        2. The width of the covering must completely match the dimensions of the room. In this case, you also need to take into account that the drawing must correctly match the dimensions of the room. Therefore, linoleum is often bought with a margin.
                        3. It is best to buy the cover in a store with good heating, and not in the market.
                        4. It is also important to check whether this product complies with all established safety rules. To do this, pay attention to the marking and other data that are indicated on the material itself.
                        5. Before buying, you should roll out the linoleum to be sure that the film does not peel off on the top layer. If, for example, there are bumps or other irregularities, then this indicates the poor quality of the material.
                        6. Some store employees may fold the roll in half, this is prohibited.
                        7. Of course, the coating must have a special protective layer.
                        8. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to "try on" - to view samples of linoleum in the room where it will be laid.
                        9. Linoleum, imitating dark parquet, contrasts well with white walls and plumbing

                          Linoleum, imitating dark parquet, contrasts well with white walls and plumbing

                          It is clear that any buyer seeks to purchase a high-quality and durable coating that will last as long as possible. To do this, of course, you should take into account in which room this linoleum will be laid and what characteristics it should have.
