To make your business recognizable, attract customers, you can not do without lightboxes.
This type of outdoor advertising is very popular. Light boxes have different shapes, sizes, types of backlight, made of various materials, so it is difficult to decide on the choice.
This article will help you navigate and choose exactly the lightbox that will effectively solve your problems.
Types of lightboxesBilateral or unilateral boxes in a metal, plastic case are most common and universal in their intended purpose. Used both for the design of facades and for interior signs Products/Lightboxes are advertising and information.
Figure lightboxes emphasize the style, status of the company and exclusivity, focus on themselves. Can be used to create an image of a company logo, brand name.
Corns-Kronshteins. They have not large sizes, fastened by the side to the building. They are placed in such a way that they are visible to a large number of people: to pedestrians to passengers of urban transport and drivers. Thanks to internal backlight, they are clearly visible in the evening.
Floor lightboxes are easy to tolerate, they do not require installation, so they are suitable for short -term use. Attract attention, if you install in places of a large accumulation of people. Materials
The most universal is an aluminum profile, as it is used to attach a banner canvas from textiles and acrylic; The design itself is light. This is a budget option.
Metal galvanized profile frames are very popular, widely used to create street advertising. Are valued for strength and reliability.
Lightboxes with a plastic frame are installed mainly in the room, they can be made with rounded corners, you can choose the color.
Box from composite panels have an attractive appearance, they are durable. The features of such lightboxes are that they themselves do not glow, because the composite does not miss the light. Only letters and images shine in them, which are cut out on the front part. More than the option.
Box panels are made of banner fabric, vinyl, acrylic and polycarbonate. Banner fabric is suitable when creating lightboxes of various sizes, while having an affordable price. Acryl in its properties is durable, has a long service life, retains color for a long time. Vinyl is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so it is better to use it for advertising in the room, has a low price. Polycarbonate products are light, with an average service life.

LEDs are most often used to illuminate the lightbox. They are chosen for bright lighting, low energy consumption and simple service.
Luminescent lamps are a thing of the past due to inconvenience with frequent replacement, although this is a very budget option.
In order to make high -quality lightbox taking into account your wishes, you need a reliable team of professionals. The Farol Media company will do a great job with the task!