To make the apartment light and beautiful, it is necessary to install a lighting device, for example, a stylish ceiling chandelier. Modern manufacturers offer many models, among which it is not easy to make a choice. But even more difficult to hang a chandelier so that it is safe, but retains aesthetics.
Of course, if you do not feel the strength in yourself, it is better to call an electrician to the house and entrust him with this important work. However, those who like to do such work, our information will be useful.
The installation of a lighting ceiling device consists of two stages: mechanical and electrical. First, all the elements of the system are fixed together, that is, the chandelier needs to be assembled. After that, the electrical assembly is carried out - the connection of the wires and the connection.
So, the first step is the assembly of the chandelier using the instructions, each manufacturer tries to create the most detailed and understandable materials, so there should be no particular difficulties. But even without instruction with some experience, you can assemble. Remember that first the upper part of the case is assembled, then - horns are fixed for ceiling. The ceiling and any glass elements themselves are installed last. Be sure to check the symmetry of the location of paired parts.
The next step is the fastening to the ceiling. If it is concrete, you need to pre -set the hook. Then move on to the determination of the phase and directly connecting. Sometimes beginners, accustomed to focus on marking, wires, are faced with a problem - all cables are painted with white. That is why be sure to check each wire with a multimeter or indicator screwdriver.
Disconnect the power, remove the insulation layer by 1-1.5 cm and be sure to dilute the cable veins in different directions-their accidental contact may be dangerous. Next, connect the voltage and use the screwdriver check the reaction. A tanned light bulb says that you have a wire with a current. If the system has not only a phase and zero, but also grounding, a multimeter is used for diagnosis. It is included at a voltage of 220 V, then one probe is fixed to the phase, the second sequentially check the rest of the wires. The fact that the grounding is in front of you, the voltage parameter is less than 220 V.
The wires in the chandelier are carefully connected and hidden under the hull cover.