The interior design of this era fully reflected its essence, conveyed the moods and views that reigned at that time. For several centuries of her dominance, a number of directions have been formed, the most famous of which are Gothic, Romanesque and Staufenskoye.
The influence of religion on the formation and features of interior design
They are characterized by severity, restraint, conciseness, power, impregnability, monumentality and at the same time harmonious, sophistication, greatness and mystery. The influence of the religious canons of that time was put in the center of God and the Church, and man faded into the background. Therefore, when creating interior design in those days (although this process was called a little differently), elements that extol that a simple person were considered unacceptable. All painting, like other types of art (for example, architecture) of that time could only be on religious subjects. The abundance of bright cheerful colors was considered unacceptable in the design of the interiors. Luxury and pathos were banned, asceticism and humility dominated everything. Here you can order an ordering interior design, which is made in one of the styles of this era, fully corresponds to its canon of restraint and renunciation of all worldly.
But, not only Christianity had such an influence on the development and formation of the history of the interior, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and other world religions also made their “adjustments” and left a significant mark in it. For example, Muslims, following the Holy Scripture of the Koran, could not use the images of living beings (people, animals, birds) when designing their houses). But, they have reached real skill in creating unique ornaments and patterns. Their Arabesques became the hallmark of the Arabic style.