Very popular is a service that will save your time and effort - the construction of turnkey houses Domwood96.ru . The customer, trusting the construction and installation work of the contractor, saves himself from many troubles. Professionals solve the tasks in a short time, giving the client the opportunity to get a ready -made house by the appointed time.
Advantages of building wooden houses
Wooden houses and cottages are environmentally friendly and create a unique atmosphere, which so lacks the inhabitants of modern cities. In addition, inside a wooden house, the optimal humidity level is maintained, heat is maintained. The construction of wooden houses from timber and logs is carried out in the shortest time and has a more affordable cost than the construction of a house from other building materials.According to surveys, recently there are more and more lovers of wooden houses. Respondents explain this to psychological reasons. A pleasant pattern and warm surface of the tree delight the eye and create a positive mood among the tenants and guests of the house, while brick or concrete buildings seem “cold” and “dead”.Stages of building a wooden house
Only in fairy tales can you build a house from the foundation to the roof in one night. In fact, this is a rather long and complex process. The work includes several basic stages: project preparation. Construction begins with preparatory work. A finished project or individual, which meets the specific requirements of the customer can be used.
Fill the foundation. High -quality foundation - the key to the durability of the building. It should be created from concrete of the M-300 brand (B22.5) and higher and correspond to the project of the reinforced concrete structure. When erecting the foundation, special attention should be paid to the diameter of the reinforcement used and the step of the reinforcing frame. Currently, when erecting wooden houses, slab, field with a grid and field with suspended net foundations are most often made.
Assembly of a wall set. This is the main stage of the construction of a wooden house, which includes the construction of walls, as well as the installation of the crate, rafters and beams. Particular attention should be paid to the horizontal location of the first crowbar crowns. Proper laying of bars allows you to reduce the deformation of the structure during shrinkage. Jute fiber is laid as a heater between wreaths. The construction period of the house is 150 m2 for about two weeks.
Roof erection. The construction of the roof of a wooden house includes the installation of a rafter system, crate, lattices and insulation, as well as waterproofing and vapor barrier. After that, the tiles or metal tiles are mounted. The main task of masters performing work: to ensure smooth sliding of the rafters along the upper log walls when shrinking the house. The most popular roofing material is a durable and aesthetic metal roof that has excellent sound insulation.
Installation of doors and windows. Leading construction companies install doors and windows immediately after erecting the house. Special sieges help to avoid unpleasant consequences of the building of the building, which use insertion frames. A special gap is left between the casing and the upper bar, which over time decreases, not allowing the window opening to slip.
Conducting engineering systems. The most difficult stages of construction are engineering systems. Start laying it with the installation of the boiler. Then install the pumps and mixers.
Finishing work. Construction ends with a two -stage grinding and polishing of wooden surfaces. Then, antiseptic, painting of the structure, as well as a sofa or installation of warm seams (installation of sealing cords in places of joint joints with the subsequent application of the sealant) is performed.