Bathrooms, with shower cabins equipped in them, are gaining more and more popularity recently.
It is not so important that you live in a private house or in an apartment to install and stylishly arrange a shower in almost any room. The only difference is the footage of the bathroom.

With private houses, everything is simple - a spacious room allows you to realize many design ideas, properly arrange equipment and accessories.

In apartments of multi -storey buildings, as a rule, small bathrooms of a separate bathroom you will not meet so often.

But what to do to owners of small apartments who want to arrange a bathroom with a shower cabin in accordance with the latest fashion trends? You will learn the answer to this question from this article.

Shower booth for the bathroom - select correctly!
When preparing a room for installing a shower cabin in the bathroom, you probably already managed to look after several interesting models.

However, you should not rush with the purchase - a hastily purchased booth may simply not be suitable for your bathroom. Therefore, first you should make measurements of the place where you plan to install it, with an accuracy of a millimeter.

The next step will be the choice of a shower cabin for the bathroom. They are different in color, shape, material from which a frame and a pallet is made - these are all very important points that cannot be deprived of attention.

Not only the appearance of the entire bathroom depends on the selected characteristics, but also the number of funds spent. We will consider two main types of designs:
Open showers. This design consists only of the pallet and side walls. The cabin is not equipped with any special functions - they are simply not needed here. This is the most ordinary shower, fixed by the front walls on the wall.

Closed showers. This design is more perfect, has a deep pallet and roof, from all sides it is protected by the walls. Often, such boxes are multifunctional, can have a rectangular, round or triangular shape.

Compact and stylish options for decorating a bath with a shower room
In conditions of limited space, all objects and elements used should be as compact and mobile as possible.

Take several ideas for the optimal placement of a shower cabin in a small bathroom:
Combined bathroom equipped in minimum space. Usually, such a small area of the room is allocated only for the bathroom.

However, if you professionally approach the issue, even in a small room everything you need will fit. To achieve such a result, you should choose the most simple shower cabin, without the presence of additional parts or specific functions in it.

The pallet should be shallow, and the walls are transparent. Otherwise, the impression of the workload of the space may arise. The mirror placed opposite the cabin will play the benefit of a small space - it will make it visually wider.

Expansion of the room using the correct combination of the toilet and bathroom. The most effective way to increase the space is to make one of the two rooms one. The wall that previously divided the bathroom will be an excellent partition in the newly formed room, if you do not completely demolish it.

In the design of such a bathroom, I often use a warm color scheme. To add to the interior of originality, you can apply several shades of the same color.

The shower cabin can be set the most common maximum preservation of free space in such a room is much more important than the additional functions of the cabin. Give preference to smooth transitions, and rounded forms - this will greatly soften the interior.

Bathroom in light cold colors. Such a room may not seem very pretty at first glance, but even it has its own highlight and design idea.

Decoration of walls, floor and ceiling in gray, white, as well as beige tones - a sign of strict and official style. In such a bathroom you will not find homemade comfort, but it should not be here.

A similar interior speaks of the accuracy and businessarity of the owner of the house. One of the undoubted advantages of this design option is the ability to choose and install a large shower cabin that has a number of additional functions.

Shower cabin in the interior of the Khrushchevsky bathroom type. The room designated for the bathroom in the old Khrushchev’s apartments does not differ in large dimensions, but even it can be optimized and designed, taking into account the wishes of the owners.

The shower cabin in such a room will occupy most of the space. Therefore, for finishing and decor, light colors should be chosen - they will visually increase the meter of the bathroom and it will not seem through the chur of a cluttered. The semicircular matte doors of the shower cabin will close part of the wall, due to which the room will seem more.

Small but stylish bathroom with a shower. Probably, it seems to you that the small dimensions of the room will not allow you to realize the modern design of the bathroom with a shower? Remember - competent zoning of space simply works miracles!

The shower cabin located in the corner will not take up much space, which means that the remaining area can be used to accommodate the nightstand, holders for towels, and even to install the washing machine.

For wall decoration, you can use ceramic tiles of two contrasting shades. This technique will certainly attract a look and will become a kind of highlight of the interior.

How can a shower cabin surprise us
Closed shower cabins are almost always equipped with several additional functions. Among them, they highlight: Lighting (creates intimacy atmosphere, allowing you to not use the main lighting in the bathroom, can have a chromotherapeutic effect); Aromatherapy (the booth is filled with your favorite aromas); Pouring rain (streams of water of incredible power pass through a special nozzle); A contrast shower (a frequent change in temperature regime charges with energy and has a positive effect on labor activity); The bathhouse (humidity in the cab is raised to the maximum, and the temperature is from 40 to 60 degrees)

As you can see, if you professionally approach the creation of the interior in the bathroom, then not only the shower cabin, but also many other important little things will fit in it.

The favorite design of a modern shower will last you longer if you do not regret the time for the correct preparation of the room and think in advance all the details.

After listening to our advice, you will get a comfortable and incredibly stylish room where you can bask in a hot bath and enjoy an invigorating shower.

Bathroom photo with shower