Each family has a baby, well, or planned in the near future, what question is asked after determining the name for the baby, where will he sleep?
The choice of cribs rolls over to any color and taste, wooden, plastic, iron and on a fabric base, round, square and others.

The bedroom of the baby
In most cases, the first years of the child’s life, Ikea's crib stands in the parent bedroom. But sometimes from birth, parents put the baby to their own children's room.

Preparing the room for the baby is a very entertaining process, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, so that in the future it is not necessary to redo something.

The child’s bedroom should be in light colors, well illuminated and necessarily with the window, so that it is possible to regularly ventilate the room. It is not advisable to occupy the bedroom with carpets, they accumulate dust.

Do not forget to fix the canopy on the crib so that insects do not get to the baby. Before furnishing the room, think about what the baby needs for the first time.

Coting in the bedroom of parents
The first months of life, the best solution would be to install a crib for newborns next to the mother’s bed. This decision will be the best in such cases:
The baby is much more comfortable next to his mother. It is proved by scientists and psychologists that the baby feels his mother, and has a stronger dream.

Always under your supervision. You do not have to lie and constantly think how the child is there, and this will be much calmer.

Do not have to run. In which case, you will immediately find yourself near the baby, and you will not have to run to him through the whole house.

If your child will sleep with you in the room from birth, you will need a crib, a mattress in a crib, a player, a chest of drawers, if the layout of the room does not allow you to install so many furniture for the child, you can put a crib with boxes to save space.

An ideal solution for a large room: to put a crib of a rocking chair, thereby in alarming nights, you can calm the child with a few movements of your hand without getting up from your bed.

By zoning your bedroom, you can improve the space in terms of comfort.

If you approach such an idea with full responsibility, then you can still work on the interior design, which will please in the future. Also, with the help of these tips, you can divide the room: Dull consecration of a standard crib. Artificial wall partitions. You can use a variety of solutions, for example: screen, cabinet, curtain, drywall, etc.D. Separation of rooms into color zones.

One of the simplest solutions to zoning the parent bedroom for two zones is to hang a canopy on a crib.

Thus, you protect the child from possible mosquitoes, bright rays of light and add harmony in the room instead of any partitions.

Place for the crib
Photos of children's cribs in the interior, will help you, decide on the place of installation of the crib, some will look great in the middle of the room, and some exclusively near the wall or in the corner.

To protect the baby from unwanted drafts, buy a kit in a crib.

Cold design for the interior
Before purchasing the crib, consider all the little things, you can order, assembly of the crib and then it will be exclusive and perfectly fit into the overall interior.

In the room where the dark tones will be good to look good, a white crib will look good, and in a bright room a classic dark crib will look more harmonious.

Photos of cribs in the interior