Despite the fact that the brick in the interior has been used since ancient times, designers have found an excellent solution for modern interior, now they use imitation of brick.
The finish of such material can be different, for example, flexible or solid. Such material can have forms as a single brick, or a certain square meter of the product, in which there are many single bricks.

Flexible tile style imitating brick.
This is the most popular and common method of decoration for brick, usually external. It serves as a decoration, and also has many positive qualities.

The surface will always be protected from external influences, for example, it is difficult to scratch or tear it off from the wall. It is very convenient to glue it at the corners, since it is very flexible, and after it is glued to the wall, it is not inclined to deformation.

Despite the fact that it is very simple to use, it is glued on the surface of various objects, for example, walls in an apartment, ceilings, glorifying fireplaces and some decor elements.

As shown in the photo decoration of the walls with a brick, you can deprive a certain part of the wall, or make the wall completely under the brick.

One of the most convenient in use of such a style of tiles, since it not only has excellent flexibility, as well as a huge range of color scheme.

Installation of a flexible style
For the installation of this tile, there is no need to purchase some new modern equipment, for this there will be enough tools that are available in the garage of any man.

For gluing, you need, first of all, ordinary tile glue. It is worth noting, when you purchase tiles, immediately ask and ask the seller’s advice so that there is no such thing, the glue did not suit this material of the tile.

Before laying the tile on the wall, you need to bring the surface into an ideal state so that it does not have any flaws and tubercles.

Decorative decoration of walls under a brick is a very interesting activity that will not be difficult to make it on their own, using the recommendations of knowledgeable people.

Facing tiles in the interior for brick
This is a fairly hard material, since it is made of such materials: gypsum, cement or clay. This brick can be made independently at home.

Laying of this kind of brick on the surface is done in the same way as the previous style, it is simply necessary to select the right glue.

Gypsum tile
This is the cheapest type of material, and also, it is very light, and is attached very quickly on any surface.

Glue, as a rule, is also selected on a gypsum basis, but it is necessary to take into account one moment, there should not be a draft in the room! Otherwise, the tile will not be attached firmly, which means that soon it will make itself felt.

If you need wall decoration for brick white, then gypsum tiles are ideal for you.

Cement tile
Very popular in external wall decoration with brick. The name speaks for itself, the composition is based on cement, which means that the material is very durable.

It is famous for having a variety of colors and various reliefs on the surface, which gives the walls a more beautiful and perfect look.

Clinker tiles
This is one of the most expensive metals, since it is made of strong clay, which has been subjected to various processing, and does not contain any impurities and artificial additives.

Such material will last a very long time, without any deformations on its surface.

Interior panels for brick.
Now it has become fashionable to use ready -made panels for brick, as they significantly reduce the process of laying brick.

They go to the wall very simply, already capturing a large section of the surface, and they must be assembled on the principle of mosaics.

PVC and MDF material panels.
These are the most common materials for decorative wall decoration for brick. They have no effect on the human body, which means they are completely safe.

Are very easy to use and are able to hide some shortcomings on the surface. Have a wide range, including various colors and a variety of forms of brick itself.

Glass -concrete panel
Made from durable cement, despite its weight, is well attached and suitable for all types of finishes.

A great panel, since it has the ability to protect the surface from external factors, for example, moisture and temperature changes. The cost of such a panel is slightly high, which means not everything will allow you to buy it.

One of the common option is to simulate brick using a stencil. The process is very simple: cement is laid out on the surface, and the stencil itself lies on it.

After the mixture dries, the stencil is removed, which gives the brick on the surface. In the future, this surface can be painted in any necessary color, or de simply covered with transparent varnish.

Photos of wall decoration with brick