Sixty years ago, the TV in the house of an ordinary citizen was considered the same luxury as a personal car. Now a lot has changed, a large selection and variety of forms of television broadcasters allows you to use them in almost any room.
Flat monitors are easily mounted in the kitchen, in the living room and even on the balcony or loggia. Many medical workers believe that the worst place for installing the TV is a sleeping room, motivating that you can only watch TV in a sitting position.

Having discarded all theories about the dangers of television broadcasting for vision and cerebral cortex, for people who do not suffer from insomnia and neurological diseases, the TV in the bedroom is a great way to relax and relaxation.

The choice of suitable dimensions
To install the TV in the bedroom, the following conditions should be provided: monitor dimensions; distance to the TV; television translator installation height.

The distance for viewing is determined based on the dimensions of the screen. The smaller the diagonal of the monitor, the closer you can equip the berth, and vice versa. Experts even deduced the following pattern by which the screen diagonal is calculated by dividing the distance from TV to a sleeping place by 3 (for a person with poor vision) or by 4 (for people with good vision).

In practice, if the bed is located two meters from the monitor, the diagonal of the screen during medium vision should be no more than 67 cm.

Choosing a place for the location of the TV
The determination of the location of the screen installation depends entirely on the individual requirements of the person. As you can see in the photo, in the lying position, the TV can be installed just above the level of the sofa. When viewing your favorite channels on your side, the installation of the monitor away from the berth is suitable.

A large folding sofa provides a good overview when the TV is located in the top of the room. Setting the screen from above in the corner is a universal option, since it is suitable for viewing from a berth and from the chairs located nearby or chairs.

The height of the screen installation in the bedroom
Depending on the position of the person when watching the TV, the height of the location of the monitor is determined. For a comfortable viewing of a person’s eyes should be at the same level with the upper part of the monitor.

When choosing the future place of installation of the TV, sit on a chair or sofa, close your eyes for a while. Having opened them, remember the point that was noted on the opposite wall. This level will be the best for viewing.

Do not hang the TV too under the ceiling, with this location, the spine is curved over time and intraocular pressure may develop.

When using the TV exclusively in the lying position, it is best to purchase an inclined bracket with the possibility of angular adjustment. For vertical viewing there are special ceiling brackets.

Design solutions to install a TV in a bedroom
One of the most interesting solutions is the implementation of wall panels for TV. In this case, you can come up with your own project.

The main condition is the presence of a spacious room. Given the low cost of consumables, this design option looks very attractive. To create an accented panel wall, wallpaper, decorative stone, photo printing or wooden products can be used.

A bedroom, made in a classic style, may not contain a dedicated area for a television screen - the monitor is installed on an empty section of the wall.

They put a bedside table or a coffee table as a decor of the interior, fixed at the selected height. In the case of high screen placement, a large chest of drawers is perfect, spectacularly filling the free space.

With the length of the television cable, I do not always want to lay and waste time on wall cable channels. The solution here is to install the TV on a large cabinet that allows you to close all cable connections and sockets.

Photo of TV in the bedroom