Before approaching the choice of the design of the hallway, it is necessary to clearly understand why we need this room, what functions it performs, what should be in it first of all.
The hallway is the first impression of an apartment that any person who has crossed the threshold of your home will receive. Therefore, this room should be as attractive as possible, not cluttered, characterizing you in the best way.

The first work on the repair of the hallway will be the decoration of walls, floor and ceiling. When choosing a finish for this room, it is important to remember that the surfaces of the hallway will be constant cleaning. This is one of the most quickly polluted rooms, therefore, the finish should contribute to quick and simple cleaning.

Despite the fact that we do not walk along the walls, in the hallway they still quickly get dirty. Either they inadvertently smeared with shoes, then they wiped it with a dirty box, then the cream for shoes flew away not where necessary. Therefore, the walls are needed primarily practical.

If you choose the wallpaper, let them be detergent and most high -quality, resistant to abrasion. If the walls should be painted - choose less marg tones, or masking shortcomings.

It is better to refrain from decorative plaster when repairing walls, because it will be very difficult to wipe it from dust and dirt.Liquid wallpaper is also better to leave for other rooms, as well as the trim with a cork or bamboo.

The modern design of the hallway involves the choice of high -quality flooring for the floor. Among the most common options, laminate, tile and linoleum should be indicated. The main condition for which it is necessary to pay attention when choosing a floor decoration option is its strength and ease of care.

Paul in the hallway passes a lot of tests: they are constantly stomping on it, including sharp heels, put heavy furniture when drifting/removal from the house, etc.D.

Of course, we all dream of a large spacious hallway. But not always our desires coincide with reality. And it happens that it has to put up with his small hallway, in which it is quite crowded.

The main rule when creating the design of a small hallway is not to overdo it with furniture and accessories. Let it be better here to a minimum. It is better to choose furniture not bulky, as high as possible, but at the same time taking up little space near the wall.

A narrow shoe, a small stand for outerwear, is perfect, roomy, but a small banquet is perfect. The main rule: do not clutter up. And designer solutions will help to give light and space: bright finish, mirrors, competent lighting.

If the size of your hallway allows you to enter a spacious cabinet into the interior, be sure to miss such a wonderful opportunity. Cabinets in the hallway is an excellent solution, in fact there is a place for them. The more functionally we equip the hallway, the more space will remain in the rooms. In addition, it is worth considering that cabinets are always additional dust and extra smells. And if there is an opportunity to remove a bulky cabinet from the bedroom - then why not?

If we carefully look at the modern photos of the hallway, then on many of them we will find built-in cabinets or roomy wardrobes. It happens that at the first glance at the photo it is even difficult to say that there is a cabinet in the interior, and it is for such a disguise that you need to strive for the repair of the corridor.

A cabinet in the hallway with sufficient space and a competent approach can become very spacious and functional. When choosing a cabinet in the hallway, it is better to prefer built -in by individual orders.

When we are talking about cabinets, after all, it is not only about storing clothes and shoes. They can conveniently have sports equipment, rarely used things and accessories, even books if desired. It all depends on how to organize the interior space of the cabinet.

Especially if you want something grandiose, maybe even a five-meter. Having thought out everything in advance, there will be fewer problems in the future. And the cabinet made in its design will probably be more convenient to use, and it is more pleasant in the realization that this is your brainchild, albeit only on paper. And if the performance does not upset you, such a cabinet can last a very long time, without a desire to replace it with new.

Speaking about the latest trends in the design of the hallways, we can note the lightness of modern interiors, their airiness and space. Much is hiding from the eyes - shoes, clothes, accessories, even keys. There are many built -in, not occupying a lot of wardrobes space.

Convenience, practicality, quality - these are perhaps the main characteristics of the design of the halls of the coming year. But still, choosing a room design for your home, first of all, you need to be guided by your preferences and desires, because individuality and following your internal motivation is the basis of the success of the project.