Why do you need a living room in an apartment?
When there is a living room in the house, it's great. After all, collecting people in the bedroom or in the kitchen is not the best event. The living room allows you to receive guests at any time of the day, gather the whole family to watch a film, or for gatherings with board games.

Therefore, in any apartment, even a small one, the living room brings together family members and creates convenient conditions for home holidays and communicate with friends. The living room is the heart of the house, it was created for spiritual conversations and a pleasant pastime.

To begin with, modern living rooms can vary in the size of the room, and in style, and in a social orientation. The choice of furniture is affected by the number of people who need to be planted at the same time, the type of class and hobbies, the need to have a children's zone, etc.D.

That is, each living room is selected individually for a person or a family who are residents of the apartment.

Typically, it has a convenient corner sofa, armchairs, a table, a wall or chest of drawers, shelves, TV. This is a standard set of furniture, which must be considered when arranging your living room, but at the same time rely on individual preferences, needs, size of the room, etc.D.

In a small apartment, often there is no way to allocate a whole room under the living room, but it is necessary. In this case, you can equip the living room area in the bedroom or kitchen, where there is enough space. If desired, you can even redevelop a large room where a drywall partition is made, thus separating the living room area from the bedroom. It is better not to touch the children's room, because it is not always possible to place friends there, for example, late in the evening, when children should already go to sleep. It is even easier to separate the living room zone in the kitchen by performing visual zoning using finishing materials, a podium, a screen, or even a way of arranging furniture. But here it is important that the kitchen is quite large, allowing you to do such manipulations.

Such a small living room will help create a separate zone for gatherings without damage to the common space.

When it comes to a small room or even part of it, there is no need to experiment here. It is best to choose a good and roomy corner sofa, put a table for it, place a TV and a minimum of storage systems in the line of sight.

In a small living room, racks for books will fit perfectly, where you can additionally arrange decor items, perform an original backlight.

Or you can put a large wide chest of drawers, and place a TV above it. There are mass options.And of course, it all depends on the room and its shape.

If guests with children often come to you, you can make a small children's area in the living room by placing a children's table, chairs and children's easels, for example. It all depends on your imagination and needs.

The design of a small living room should be approved by the owners, because designers can come up with one thing, but this does not fit at all. That's why it is so important to carefully delve into the design project that is done for you.

Typically, very small living rooms are either a fenced part of a large room, or a room of a very small area, for example, 9 meters. Is it possible to place a full living room in the room of such sizes? An unambiguous answer - yes.

Of course, the dance floor will not be able to organize here, but a comfortable zone for gatherings with a sofa, chairs, a table, a chest of drawers and a TV will be able to make. And with a competent arrangement of furniture, also for a rack or bookcase, or even more than one, there is a place.

Already from the word ...living room... It is clear that many people will gather in this room. Therefore, very important points in the development of the living room project will be the creation of good lighting and the ability to freely ventilate the room.

Both will affect the well -being of people who will be here. To create a comfortable atmosphere, it is enough to highlight the area near the table, and if desired - to make backlight around the perimeter or individual elements of the interior.

To illuminate the table, it is good to use ceiling lamps on a long cord, which allow you to illuminate the desired area. There may be one such lamp, or several, it all depends on the design idea.

Windows in the living room must be able to open for ventilation. In addition, you should think about installing the air conditioner for the summer period. It is important to protect the windows also from excess sunlight.

The main thing is not to try to accommodate more furniture and accessories here than necessary. After all, the clutter does not look hospitable at all, and for the living room this is an important quality.

For this, the best solution will be blinds on windows or curtains. They are especially needed when you want to watch a movie in the daytime. After all, even when the window is one, an excess of lighting can completely kill the entire atmosphere from the film examination.

If you develop a small living room design yourself, then you will definitely need ideas for inspiration. On the Internet or interior design magazines you can find many photos of a small living room that will inspire wonderful ideas for their premises.