Regiment, as a subject of everyday life, accompanies in life. You can’t do without it. This accessory is especially needed at the entrance to the apartment, to the house. With conveniently located shelves, it is easy to find where to hang clothes. Put or hang a headdress. Put shoes. Remove the ladies' handbag, men's bag or umbrella.
Shelves should be functional, for certain goals. Who is interested in what they can be, you can see the photo shelves in the hallway. These things can not only be bought. They can be done independently. Often it is better than buying in a store. Since each apartment has its own special flavor, its own layout of objects and things.

In the hallway, this is especially noticeable as the necessary shelves are established. Depending on the size of the hallway and the location of furniture items. You have to take into account every little thing.

So that there is convenience from the very beginning of the entrance to the apartment, you need to think about: how the shelves for shoes in the hallway will look like. Since there are a lot of shoes in any family, especially the nursery, you have to think not about one shelf.

Here is the best solution: make a peculiar cabinet on your own - an open chest. Which will stand in the corner at the entrance, and will not interfere with the movement in the apartment.

The basis for this product must be taken wooden bars of the desired size. Make a drawing of the future frame. Build an elastic rigid frame. Not too high. But so that all the necessary shoes fit.

For women, this thing is especially important. It is advisable for convenience to place a mirror with a shelf in the hallway. Most often it is installed opposite the entrance. Near the mirror you can install a hinged small shelf for female spirits, and other small cosmetic objects.

Leaving the apartment, already dressed, women paint their lips at the entrance. This shelf will be by the way. By showing fiction and ingenuity, you can make it compact, with several departments. Better - without doors, but with the back wall.

You can make from plywood and several small rails. The product then either paint or cover with a beautiful film.

The most time -consuming thing when creating home -made shelves at the entrance to the apartment is a hanger with a shelf in the hallway. Since it often has to be done with the calculation for many people who will take off outerwear.

Not only ingenuity is needed here, but also strong materials. Reliable mounts are needed to fix it all on the wall. It is best to place such a shelf with a hanger a little further in the corridor from the entrance.

To take off shoes, pass three steps and hang outerwear. It can be a corner niche. There to install such a regiment will not be difficult. Make from several small boards, outlining a plan of action in advance. Hang strong hooks on the fortified boards on the wall. And make shelves for hats and caps on top.

It happens that it becomes necessary to ensure that the regiment under the shoes in the hallway be under the hanger or next to it. Then it must be placed where it is more convenient. Each apartment is individual. Situations in the hallway can be unique in their own way. We must proceed from convenience for a specific family. There are other materials for shelves. If desired, you can always find chipboard and small boards of the right size.

It must be understood that when creating different shelves for different goals at the entrance to the apartment, it is difficult to then change their location then. It is advisable to determine the stationary place of such items immediately. Where will it be. In any form. And implement. Build, create these necessary objects for comfort.

Such a thing as a shelf for clothes in the hallway costs the efforts spent. And other regiments will serve for a long time, many years. Will become the usual necessary item that can be used without hesitation.

When the location of the shelves is selected correctly, they harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway. Since they are in it in the right place, they perform their function correctly. Do not interfere when moving around the apartment. They do not stumble about them. They are remembered only when they are needed. Here are the right signs of the exact choice of the place of shelves with a stationary location in the hallway.

An important factor, an incentive for homemade creativity with regiments is the savings. These products are not too difficult to do. You just have to make one shelf, you want to make another, even better. Since this is a creative process, it captures. A peculiar excitement arises.

Who made the shelves himself knows this. The shelves may follow successful attempts to build tables, cabinets, cabinets. There will be something to show relatives, friends, good acquaintances. As they say: there is no limit to perfection. Especially when the family budget is saved.