This is a specific place in the apartment. Where people sleep, rest. In order for the rest to be full, not only the bed is needed, but also the place where you can put things up. Each person has a lot of things, clothes for daily everyday life.
They occupy a large volume in the living space of the apartment. It is impossible to allow situations when they lie somewhere and whatever you like. It is for order and convenience that you need a cabinet in the bedroom.
Cabinets for these purposes are: built -in; mirror; hull; Corner.Depending on the location of the room, its size and design of the room - the necessary cabinet is purchased. A large role is played by the size of the sofa or bed. If the vacation item is wide, then for the cabinet less space remains in a small bedroom.
The need for the subjectFamily albums have many photos of the bedroom cabinet. Each family has pictures that captured households in a familiar atmosphere, among which there are also shots with a closet. The closet absorbs everything that a person needs. It is difficult to imagine a person’s life without this piece of furniture.
The vacation spot is not just decorated with the presence of a cabinet. It is vital in the bedroom. Even having this accessory of furniture, it is sometimes difficult to lay out everything and remove what is available on the shelves and hangers. So this furniture is relevant.
Therefore, the right choice of cabinet is important for comfort and health. It only seems to not matter at first glance. No, in the bedroom it has, along with the bed, of course, paramount importance.
If the area of the room allowsWith a large enough bedroom area, you can choose such a wardrobe in the bedroom, which will satisfy all the requirements of a person living there.
The choice of the cabinet is influenced by the factors: taste; financial opportunities; bed size; furniture location; The size and shape of the room.
All this is summarized together and superimposed on each other. Determines the choice of the necessary piece of furniture in the bedroom. The wardrobes themselves exist of a different lineup.
In other casesMost are content with more modest options and models. But here also interesting design solutions arise. When it is possible, any family acquires a cabinet corps model. Since the bedroom cannot be without a closet at all.
Where there is a bed, a sofa, there you need a closet in the design of the premises and the convenience of living space. This is an axiom. Inexpensive cabinets made of pressed material are in all furniture stores. Having picked up the desired color, size, model of the cabinet - they pay and order furniture to bring the furniture.
The spaciousness of the implementationThere are wide double wardrobes. They take up a lot of space. Such cabinets are installed in spacious rooms where you can realize any fantasies of a living person. When there is no constraint in finances, then a person, the family can afford a double wardrobe.
It's good to make a corner cabinet from such a complex. It is spacious, has many niches, all kinds of appliances for clothes. Of course, it is difficult to assemble such a closet.
But this is not necessary to do this to the landlord. After all, a person buying a closet of this kind is usually wealthy. And when there is money, the wardrobe will be collected by order of experts, quickly and skillfully.
When collected themselvesThen the furniture is collected. Themselves. Usually the owner of the apartment himself is engaged in this. With a certain dexterity, you can easily assemble even a complex cabinet. It is worth thinking, see the assembly scheme. Before assembly, all parts of the cabinet are laid out on the floor.
To have an idea: what, where and how it connects. The decomposed parts of the cabinet are located so as not to confuse the sides, as well as the top and bottom of the collected. After that, the assembly process itself begins. Neatly, slowly.
Procedure of the processDepending on the design, the assembly is underway. Most often, the side sides, top, bottom are first gathering on the floor. And partitions. When the partitions are set and strengthened, you can raise the frame. The rear wall breaks. At the same time, make sure that the cabinet is even, standing vertically.
After punching the rear wall, the case acquires a final character. Shelves, mirrors, doors, boxes, handles to boxes and cabinet doors. Everything is installed alternately, assembled, strengthened.
The importance of convenienceDoors behind which a mirror and rows of costumes, dresses on hangers. Nearby - drawers with linen and other accessories. Close the door if - the cabinet merges with the wall nearby, at the same level. But the polished surface shines, recalling that there is built -in furniture.
And the design of the cabinet is harmoniously inscribed in the environment. Where everything is subordinated to beauty, comfort, rest of a person after work. A person spends the best hours of his life in the bedroom.
This must always be remembered. To decorate this place, to create amenities in the bedroom is not a whim, but a vital necessity. Decorating the bedroom, a person respects himself and his family.
Useful, comfortable thingIn a successful case, if lucky, a built -in cabinet is purchased. It is good because it does not stick out of the interior. He is in a kind of niche. Such cabinets are not cheap, but they are still not as expensive as corner dual furniture ensembles.
So an ordinary family can afford with a happy setting of circumstances - buy a closet that is equipped in the walls. This is a figurative expression - heated.
In fact, such a cabinet is installed where part of the wall is fenced, and there you can as in a niche, integrate furniture. This arrangement of furniture is convenient in that you use it, and does not interfere with movement. At the same time, there is external surroundings.
Photo cabinet in the bedroom