Panel houses today are considered the most common. A huge number of citizens of our country live in them. But many try to change the options for the planning of the creation of more comfortable and pleasant conditions.
First of all, almost all changes are aimed at significantly expanding the area in tight rooms, which can most often be found in such apartments.

For this, changes are used as the transfer of the opening using drywall septum. But for this it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

Before redevelopment in the apartment, you need to understand that such an event should be without fail agreed.

This is because most often many walls that need to be destroyed are supportive, which means that they can harm the structures of the whole house as a whole.

It is also necessary to take into account the condition in which condition the house is currently located in general, what engineering systems are in it.

It is necessary to coordinate with neighbors, and find out if they have redevelopment. Only after such events can you think about starting repairs in your apartment.

The beautiful and improved layout of the rooms in the apartment provides for the changes in the corridor primarily. In some cases, many tenants try to remove it by creating an additional space for the bathroom.

Also, many try to break the wall and make a living room combined with the corridor, which will make the living space much more and more comfortable. In some cases, it is necessary on the contrary to an increase in this room.

Most often this is possible if there are adjacent rooms that can be increased, which will create a full -fledged entrance area. If you have always dreamed of a fashionable and beautiful dressing room, then this option is created specifically for you.

But most often they try to change the kitchen, since in panel houses it is this room that differs in very small areas.

It is best to conceive such a redevelopment only if the wall that needs to be demolished will not be carried. Only in this case can you create the right and beautiful space.

Most often, small bathrooms can be seen in panel houses, which also in which cases can be changed.

But you need to understand that in some cases, housing inspections may not approve and approve permission to demolish a particular wall, so you must be as careful as possible before planning repairs in your apartment.

Most often, it is most profitable to remove the wall between the toilet and the bathroom to increase the space. But in this case, it is sometimes necessary to change engineering lines, which is also additional financial costs.

In order to start this procedure, you need to find out as much information as possible on this topic.

First of all, you need to see as many photos of the planning of the apartment in order to clearly understand what exactly awaits you in the future.

It is also best for designing project documentation, as well as to draw up a work plan, it is best to contact a professional designer who can carry out all the work quickly and efficiently. After the design institution of your redevelopment, you can start work on the repair.

This procedure can be carried out independently, but for this you need to contact specialized intermediary organizations.

If you need a redevelopment in which you do not need to break the supporting walls, then most often in this case the collection of documentation will take the minimum amount of time. The approximate period of this work may take from one to two months.

Turning to organizations on the execution of all the necessary documents, first of all, you need to pay attention to their existing experience. They should also have a large number of positive reviews from customers who have already used their services.

If you have an apartment in a panel house, and you decided to make a repair soon and want to redevelop a living room, you need to understand that this follows a large number of nuances.

For example, the execution of the necessary documentation, in order to be allowed to demolish the walls. You will also need to draw up a plan for the work, which will also need to be attributed to specialized organizations. Only after receiving the necessary permits, it will be possible to start work.