Not every apartment in a new building, and even more a small apartment boasts a spacious hallway. A small hallway in a small apartment is a real problem for residents. A competent and qualitatively made redevelopment can save the situation, however, it is not always possible to organize it for various reasons.
To save your own nerves and money, it is recommended to resort to less radical, but at the same time effective design solutions.

Planning of any design, including for a small hallway, begins with the project. When developing it, it is important to consider that the space is limited, which means that each square meter is necessary with maximum efficiency, while without overloading the interior.

In order to achieve this, you should remember about: zoning - it is performed using color design, lighting, furniture; the height of the ceiling - often this is another major drawback of the Soviet typical buildings of the Khrushchev time; decoration - in this case, voluminous materials are not appropriate; adjusting the form - the necessary visual effects, as in zoning, help to achieve color, light, as well as skillful use of mirrors; furniture - installation of only necessary, the use of transformer structures in order to save free space; stylistics - the hallway should be in harmony with other rooms.

The finish is selected depending on the style of the interior, budget and personal preferences of the owners. Any materials are suitable, however, it is logical to choose easily detergent and wear -resistant as a flooring. This is especially true for our latitudes, because in the winter we are snowy, and in the spring and autumn it is wet.

Apply: parquet board; natural stone; laminate; linoleum; ceramic tiles; Carpet with short pile.

As a rule, more dark shades are chosen for the floor than for walls and ceiling. This creates a feeling of stable support under the feet, and a bright contrast between the top and bottom of the room gives a visual increase in space.

Walls can also be made detergents. This will increase them ...endurance... and extend the service life without repair. The following materials can be used for this: a variety of colors; dense washing wallpaper; PVC panels; decorative plasters; fake diamond.

With a small width of the corridor, wooden panels and textured stone are unacceptable. In such conditions, they simply steal the spaciousness.

In this case, the ceiling can be any: stretch; suspended; have a coating from decorative plaster or several levels; decorated with tiles or stucco molding; painted paint.

But it should be remembered (this has already been stated earlier) that in small apartments low ceilings, which means it is worth avoiding a large number of tiers and additional elements of the decor.

With the doors, everything is quite simple: it is customary for them to choose the same material and withstand in a single style. The color of skirting boards will depend on the color of the door, because they are usually made in tone. Less commonly, skirting boards are performed in the same color with the floor. Depending on preferences, you can refuse the standard type of doors in favor of sliding or arches, which also gives a win in the visual expansion of the hallway.

With particular care, you should approach the choice of flowers. With the help of them, you can easily achieve the desired effects, but at the same time, an incorrectly selected design can negate the result from well -selected furniture and lighting.

The main rule sounds like this: the smaller the room, the more light colors are used for it. At the same time, no more than three for one room is recommended.

You can resort to a bold design solution and design each wall in different colors, but it is important to make sure that each of them has a binding to something. This is a very effective reception of zoning and will be a good idea of designing a hallway in a small apartment.

Often in a small apartments the hallway is not only narrow, but also uncomfortable form. The corner corridor is decorated with corner furniture, but since it is cramped, the furniture fits into it very little:
cupboard; The hanger or the so -called hooks they take up very little space and are comfortable if the cabinet is in another room; shoe storage shelf; corner or straight sofa of small dimensions as compact as possible;

The chest of drawers is a more compact wardrobe brother and is suitable for storing any things; shelves in order to save space; table if necessary or in the presence of free space.

Two or three furniture items are usually chosen from the entire list. The sofa can be replaced with a pair of ottomans, as well as experiment with the type of furniture for storing personal items.

It should be remembered, the already the corridor, the already furniture that can be placed in it. Items up to 60 centimeters will be optimal. They are placed in a chain along a long wall.

It is important to prevent the abundance of sharp corners. In limited space, it is easy to injure because of them.Do not add too many decor items, especially small ones, this burdens the interior of the hallway in a small apartment.

Remember small but bright accents, at the same time observe the measure. Burning carpets and heavy curtains, an abundance of bright large pillows and the like are not suitable as such elements.

Fortunately, a small affordable space does not limit the choice of possible design for him. The list of possible options is very large, which allows you to make a modern hallway in a small apartment, however, the following are the following: the most suitable: Minimalism - as can be seen from the name, minimalism does not imply excesses, which will only be at the hand in a small apartment, but at the same time aimed at the maximum comfort of the tenant; High -tech - is distinguished by its ergonomicity and high functionality; Scandinavian- this style combines the high efficiency of the furniture selected for it, and a white winning color. Its characteristic difference from the previous two directions is the predominance of natural materials: brick, stone, wood; Classic, art deco, romanticism are much more extravagant options, however, they can easily and harmoniously enter a small space, leaving it still cozy and not overloaded.