Preparation for a meeting of guests always takes a lot of time. It is necessary to put the house in order, set comfort, cook a lot of delicious food and, of course, take care of the aesthetic side - decorate the yard in a private house.
Where to get ideas for decorating a yard?In order to come up with how interesting or unusual to decorate the yard in a private house does not need to break your head for hours. Today it’s easy to go online and see a photo of the decorated yard.

But do not completely copy other people's concepts, just arm yourself with a large number of ideas and come up with your unique design.

It is best if each family member offers its own version of decoration and participates in its implementation. Ideas can be the simplest and even banal, but with the help of ordinary things you can also beautifully and stylishly prepare the yard for the long -awaited triumph.

The yard can be decorated with decorative elements, backlight, stones and other objects. You can also buy hammocks, chairs in the courtyard, build a gazebo or fountain.

If we are talking about preparing the court for some triumph, it is better to decorate the yard with a large number of colors, make an arch, add more light, hang balls and flags.

Do not abuse a large number of different colors and shades. All colors should be in harmony with natural green color. It is preferable to use bright colors. For example, white, purple, blue, yellow and others.

In order for the courtyard of a private house to please the eye, you do not need to seek the help of specialists. Everything can be done with your own hands.

Previously, you need to develop an approximate yard design. Choose a place to place decorative elements, choose colors and determine the overall concept. You also need to decide whether you will do decorative elements yourself or contact a special store.

For self -manufacture of decorative elements, old tires, beach umbrellas, sun loungers, chairs, empty bottles and others can be suitable.

Wedding is the most important holiday for two happy people who decided to create their own cell of society. Girls are always responsible for preparing the celebration and want their holiday to be the best and most memorable.

Usually, in order to decorate the courtyard for a wedding, they invite special people who develop design in advance and take on all the work. But it costs very expensive and the result may not be quite what you expect it.

A wedding in a private house is usually celebrated in the summer. This is a European version, according to which guests are placed on the street, and for the newlyweds they make an arch decorated with flowers.

The place for the wedding ceremony should be spacious enough to conveniently place guests. A special track is made for newlyweds. It can be laid out of stones or tiles.

Along the edges of the path, make a kind of color fence. It is advisable to use fresh flowers, but if this is not possible, then artificial.

It is best to use a mix of white and purple flowers. The place where the newlyweds will make their oaths should be made in the form of a gazebo or arch. This is a wooden structure with curtains and a large number of colors.

Places for guests are decorated with capes on chairs. As additional decorations, you can take bows or floral structures. Try hanging pots with flowers to the ceiling.

The wedding ceremony will definitely drag out until the evening, so good lighting is necessary not only to create a romantic environment. You can use garlands, flashlights, lamps and even bottles.

Flowers are great for decorating the yard, both as everyday decor and as a festive. For holidays, roses, lilies, peonies are usually used and wreaths or arches are made from them.

As everyday decoration, you can use flowers in flower beds, pots and homemade structures. If the yard has a roof and a semblance of walls, then you can plant vines that will form beautiful living walls.

A great option for the yard is flowers planted in transparent bowls or even in bird cells. They look very beautiful and interesting. The main thing is to include imagination and not be afraid of experiments!