You can change the interior in your house without starting repairs, and without spending large amounts on new furniture and beautiful accessories. You can change the concept of each room using the decor of the curtains.
With the help of curtains, you can change the appearance of the room, increase or reduce it visually, make it lighter or, conversely, darken. In this case, the advice of modern designers and a photo of the decor of curtains that can be viewed on our website will help you.

It is very difficult to choose curtains in the tone of the main room. This is especially true when the owners decided to mix several styles.

But, if everything is done in one style, then do not be wise. In this case, the curtains should be selected for the general style solution.

Classics are eternal and, probably, such times will not come when it goes out of fashion. This style allows us to make our house festive and solemn, will transfer us to past centuries and make our ordinary life more beautiful.

Most often, designers pay attention to the following classical directions: Empire; Roman; Modern; Greek; Baroque; Classicism; Renaissance.

Curtains made in this style will emphasize the beauty of the room and give the interior of completeness.

Ethnic style in recent years has become very popular in our country. More and more people want to arrange their apartment in the style of simplicity and ease. Of course, in its pure form this style is almost impossible to meet, t.to. Designers competently combine several styles in one.

The Scandinavian and Chinese motive looks especially interesting in the interior. This allows you to hang beautiful and unusual curtains on the windows. Art Decor Curtains will fill the room with warmth and bring a touch of unusual in a simple interior. But do not get carried away with drawings.

For example, if you decide to arrange a room for Chinese motives, then you can focus on the curtains - you can write beautiful phrases on them, with a secret meaning that will be understandable only to you and your loved ones.

Country style is more suitable for country houses, where I want to create an atmosphere of ease and lightness. This interior helps us go to a village house, where there is nothing superfluous, but at the same time, each item is at hand.

When choosing curtains, you should pay attention only to natural fabrics: linen, cotton, chintz. On the curtains there may be a straightforward pattern or the simplest ornament.

In tone to the curtains, you can choose a tablecloth or bedspread on the sofa. Forget about lambrequins, complex drapery and other jewelry. DIY decor ideas can be implemented in this direction.

This style, recently, more and more often began to be used in apartments. But it looks more profitable in cottages and in country houses. Fans of France and everything French, he will help to transfer to small French villages and feel like a native of this country.

If you decide to arrange a room in this style, then the choice of curtains should pay special attention. Curtains and other textiles should be one. Forget about splendor and pomp, only simplicity that will bring its charm.

Synthetics is not suitable, only natural fabrics. You can decorate curtains with beautiful accessories, for example, hairpins made of large colors of different colors. You can choose plain curtains, but they must correspond to the total color of the furniture.

Tenderness to the interior will add glasses and beautiful floral patterns. It is not necessary to buy white curtains. They can be blue or pink. Gray tulle in combination with bright curtains look especially beautiful.

Curtains should be chosen not only in appearance and composition of fabric. They should be easily erased, quickly dry, not let sunlight into the room, and at night to protect from bright advertising and traffic lights, not be afraid of a sharp temperature difference.

This type of curtains is not suitable for each room, but modern designers manage to place them even in large halls. On sale you can find a wide variety of blinds with different shapes and color.

Particularly popular are photo ranges. They can be depicted all sorts of paintings that will transfer you to any place.

For a country style, for example, blinds made of wood or bamboo are suitable. Decorating them is very simple. On any holiday you can create an amazing atmosphere in your home.

New Year's decor of curtains in the form of blinds will make the room an unusual room. An uncomplicated patterns in the form of snowflakes and Christmas toys will appear on the window. You don't even have to decorate the Christmas tree, it will be so fabulous in the house.

A simple design of the curtains allows you to place them in any interior. Small tissue shreds are attached to thin rums, which can be easily opened and if necessary to close.

A simple mechanism allows you to make beautiful and uncomplicated folds. It is advisable to buy roller curtains from natural materials. They will last more than one year. You can decorate them with bright accessories, but do not forget about the main concept of designing the entire room.

Decor of roller curtains is not easy, but very interesting. You can decorate them with stickers and drawings.

Such curtains look especially profitable on the balcony and kitchen. You do not need to take care of them. They are easily washed and for a long time remain in its original form.

For the scarlet living room, these curtains will be a real salvation. With their help, you will transfer the emphasis on the window and make it the main point in the entire room. The canvases are made from a dense canvas. They will close the room from prying eyes and bright sun.

The decor of the curtains with fabric is a great way to give the old curtains a second life. With a bright piece of fabric, you can make beautiful bows or squeeze an unusual decoration. Popantize and you will definitely be able to make an unusual interior design in your home.