Each time before repairing any of us, the same question arises: how to modify the room, transforming it and ennobled using modern materials. How to make it stylish and cozy ?
Yes, you can take ready -made options from the Internet and follow them blindly, you can use the services of a designer, but no one knows better what you need exactly. Yes, the process of choosing a layout is quite laborious, takes away resources, but believe me, it's worth it.

The perfect layout of the bedroom is what she is? First of all, one that fully meets your requirements. What do you want from the bedroom? What will be located in it? You like darkened bedrooms, like a cozy mink, or you need light and space, as in the royal chambers?......

Yes, it’s not easy, but before you choose anything, you need to listen very carefully to your beloved. How do you prefer to fall asleep? Looking at the stars or light of the lanterns in the window or at your favorite picture in an old frame on the opposite side of the room? Will you place a dressing room or wardrobe in the bedroom? Or maybe besides the bed you want to see in it only bedside tables and a huge TV on the entire wall? There is something to think about here.

We think about everything to the smallest detail in the modern layout of the bedroom, so to speak, it provides for the presence of furniture such as a bed (usually double), bedside tables, a cabinet, a chest of drawers. Quite often, a convenient dressing table is added to this list, which allows you to put yourself in order with comfort, as well as a reader for reading. For convenient placement of all these furniture items, the room should be quite large, at least 16 squares.

But you still need to forget about the curtains on the windows, cute accessories, whether it be figurines, exquisite candlesticks or paintings, a cozy carpet on the floor, if desired, high -quality lighting.

The latter in the bedroom is especially important, because it should be possible to change the intensity of lighting depending on the need.

To read before bedtime, it is better to use wall sconces or desktop lamps on the cabinets, and the total lighting should be multi -level, allowing you to change its brightness in mood. So, you can choose a beautiful chandelier, an ultramoded lamp or backlight along the perimeter of the room, and only some areas can be highlighted with light.

Furniture, accessories, lighting - all this is good, everything needs to be paid attention to, but first of all, it is important to choose the right finishing materials.

Let's say a few words about quality. Recall that the bedroom is the room where a person spends the most time in his life. The dream takes 8 hours on average daily, which is a third of our life. It is unlikely that at least one room in the house boasts such a great significance.

Therefore, it must be approached with proper attention. If you choose wallpaper for walls, make sure that they are at least a little ...Breathing....

If the walls are completely ...Clogged..., And on the windows, double -glazed windows, and even the ceiling of the stretch - things are bad, because air will not pass into the room during sleep. Often in such rooms, windows are fogging by morning - this is precisely what the room does not breathe, and the excess of moisture has nowhere to evaporate.

The same applies to the floor and ceiling, it does not matter what you choose - laminate, parquet, linoleum, stretch ceilings - all this should meet safety standards and not harm health.

The best layout in the bedroom provides that everything is interconnected in the room, thought out to the smallest detail that each of its elements is not knocked out of the overall picture. The choice of walls of walls, floor and ceiling should be associated with the choice of the color of furniture, accessories, textiles.

Ideally, you should, as it were, see with your inner gaze the bedroom that you dream about.

If difficulties arise with perfect color combinations, you can contact the corresponding information on the Internet or consult with the designer. CHOOKS will also help to choose good combinations in the construction hypermarket, there will always be tinted palettes in the paint departments, and in some places employees can even quickly show in the computer program how all this will look indoors.

To think and create the bedroom of your dreams, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the stylistic direction. Then it will go easier - and it is easier to pick up the colors, and look for furniture, knowing which one you need. Yes, and textiles and accessories at the end will not be difficult to choose correctly.

There are many different styles and directions in the design of interiors: Victorian, Empire, Shebby-chic, baroque, Boho, Gothic, rococo, Scandinavian, eclecticism, loft, Mediterranean, classicism, Provence.

And this list is far from complete. To understand in which direction to move, you need to imagine what exactly you want and look for this on the Internet.

Photo instruction for the layout of the bedroom will help you make up a kind of cheat sheet that can be followed when choosing all the components of your perfect bedroom.

When, finally, the layout of the bedroom is completed, and the materials and furniture are purchased, there is a moment of truth - to realize everything properly, so that the picture ultimately coincides with reality. Therefore, trusting the repair of workers, it is so important to control the implementation at each stage of creating a new interior.