Bedroom - a place of intimate solitude and increased comfort. The room in which a person wants him, or not, spends almost 1/3 of his life. This is evidenced by medical statistics that recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day. Therefore, it becomes clear why the bedrooms are given increased attention when designing the design of modern repairs in the bedroom, the selection of furniture and accessories.
About how to design the interior and make the bedroom repair with your own hands, what materials should be used in the repair.

It has traditionally happened that families are sacrificing a comfortable and healthy rest during sleep for the sake of representative interests, choosing the smallest, poorly adapted room for the bedroom, and they are allotted for the living room in which only a few hours are spent, and even then not every day they spend every day.

The problem is complicated when the bedroom becomes a place of refuge, rest and leisure for the couple. In this case, conflicts of tastes and habits are frequent.

The first problem facing the master who started repairs in the bedroom with his own hands is the coordination of the color solution of walls, ceiling and flooring.

It has long been noticed that color has a strong effect on the human psyche. Forms an atmosphere of emotional rise or relaxation. Bedroom - first of all, a place of rest and sleep. For young spouses, it is relevant as a venue for joint intimate leisure.

At the same time, fashion trends of visual stimulation with bright, provoking colors or the use of contrasting color transitions that have an exciting effect for a short time, eventually becomes tedious, irritating.

The bedroom room causes subconscious irritation instead of relaxation. It is useful to view real photos in the bedroom.

The most optimal are any shades of green and pastel warm colors. It is completely unacceptable to use black in the interior. A strong irritant is red and orange tones. Blue, purple, gray colors are little suitable for the bedroom.

Before proceeding to decorating the walls during repair in a small bedroom, you need to take care of good soundproofing the room. If the walls of the bedroom are adjacent to the children's room or borders on the neighboring apartment, it makes sense to sheathe their soundproof panels. The same applies to the sound insulation of the floor and ceiling.

In most cases, wallpaper is used in wall decoration. Their choice should be paid to special attention. Preference is given to porous wallpaper on a non -woven or fiberglass base for painting. Such wallpapers, Painted with water -soluble emulsion, pass the air well and help maintain a comfortable microclimate.

Using the walls in the decoration of upholstery woven materials creates an atmosphere of evidence and wealth. Unfortunately, despite the high cost, such a decoration has a number of shortcomings: dusting dust and the need for frequent cleaning using a vacuum cleaner; burning in the sun; Home parasites quickly start under the fabric. Puffen ticks are especially dangerous in this regard - a source of allergic reactions in children and adults.

Completely should abandon the wallpaper of the vinyl. Air -permeable film can look beautiful and even rich, but it completely violates the circulation of air in the bedroom. In addition to the discomfort of the air circulation in a violation of circulation, vinyl polymers distinguish a specific smell for a long time that does not contribute to comfortable sleep.

The best option is a coating that is comfortable for the legs at any time of the year. The palm of the championship is kept by natural not painted wood. But it quickly gets dirty and requires constant care. An alternative to it is the coating from the cork. It is comfortable. Is an excellent heat insulator and noise absorber.

The use of linoleum should be avoided and completely abandon the arrangement of flooring or porcelain tiles. Do not use carpet. He, during operation, reveals the same disadvantages as in fabric wallpaper.

The vast majority of modern residents prefer suspended ceilings. This is justified, aesthetically and comfortable. When equipping the ceiling, special attention should be paid to the location of lighting devices.

If possible, either completely abandon the point -built lamps built into the canvas, or place them in such a way that they are not located above the bed. Their bright, narrowly directed light is very annoying. It is more suitable for offices, but not for residential premises.

The spouses have an occasion to discuss the ideas of the repair of the bedroom, look for additional points of contact. Discussion of options for how to make repairs in the bedroom is a time of mutual concessions and compromises that bring partners together and rafting.

It is not necessary to carry out all the work yourself. Resorting to the help of specialists is not shameful and profitable.

Spoiled expensive materials and time spent, sometimes much more valuable than saving funds for the wages of employees.