Not everyone dares to arrange their own bedroom in black colors.Associations come right away that it is gloomy, dark, scary that an evil sorcerer from a fairy tale, or a terrible vampire should live in a black bedroom.
But so people think so people who are deprived of artistic fantasy and taste, or those who have never seen a photo of a black bedroom - beautiful, stylish and incredibly modern.

Just take a look at the chic design of black bedrooms, how much beauty, hills and luxury in them. A simple layman will not sleep in such a luxurious room!

Black bedrooms look truly expensive and chic, as if the bedchamber for kings. This is not gloomy at all, but on the contrary - very bright and unusual.

A bedroom decorated in black tones can be compact, but it is best to use such a design for a large -sized room.

The bed is a central figure in the interior, and it should only fit a head to the wall, and have a lot of free space on the sides.

The black bedroom is characterized by a combination of many different textures - otherwise it will “merge” and look too deserted. The more combinations - fur, plastic, wood, metal, glass, skin, stone - the more interesting and richer the interior in general will look.

In fact, a beautiful bedroom in black tones is not an innovation. This bold radical shade is inherent in many interior styles, and to one degree or another is found in at least a few most popular areas in design. Minimalism - not without black. But it should be combined with contrasting and specific - white, gray, without gradients and divorces, very clearly and concise. Neo-baroque is a fashionable and luxurious direction in which black is just a king of flowers. Luxurious patterned black wallpapers in the bedroom, fur blanket, shiny black leather, satin and silk, gold frames of paintings and mirrors-this is neo-baroque. Modern and fashionable grunge style - also loves black. Here it should be combined with various scuffs, antiquity, vintage jewelry and decor. Everything is rude, massive, there is a lot of metal and skin in the interior, as well as mirrors and old things. Industrial style lovers will appreciate the interior of the bedroom in black colors. Natural brickwork, chic black bed with a carelessly thrown huge bedspread, silver metal in the decor - all this is modern, beautiful and very stylish. This design is suitable for successful people who lead an active lifestyle and love a frantic rhythm. A rare, but very vivid style of Pop Art also loves black, however-without mandatory combination with bright fragments. Yellow, green and orange pillows, bright multi -colored circles and stripes on a bedspread or curtains, colored prints and paintings - all this on a black background looks original and very youth.

It is not necessarily strict observance of canons of a certain style, the main thing is simplicity, sophistication and beauty. Black is rather risky. And so that he does not get tired and pressed on the psyche, in the bedroom he should be used carefully and combine.

It is not difficult to create a beautiful black bedroom interior, the main thing is to combine it with other colors and tones.

With white color-and your bedroom will be super-stylistic. Black and white colors are definitely the best friends, and in any solution they look just luxurious nearby. Moreover, you can not invent much: just add a couple of white shaggy pillows, a strip of white wallpaper for contrast on the wall or a white leather panel above the bed, rug and pair of vases - and the interior will immediately play.

Gray - ideal for the interior. And how many incredible noble shades are there in it! Gray will help shade the beauty and nobility of black. Moreover, there are two options: gray can be both the basis and in details. Both options will be beautiful. Gray furniture and walls, using different shades, and black textiles, carpet, chandelier, pillows and curtains - and your bedroom will be unique.

Gold. It will be the royal room! Black furniture, black satin bedspreads and a fur carpet, gold frames of mirrors, legs of the bed and a table ... Your fantasy draws a beautiful bedroom? This is a luxury that is easy to create right at home.

Silver and steel shades are ideal for a black bedroom. They will help to shade the main color, give volume and grace, depth and saturation. It can be both furniture elements and decor - figurines, bookshelves, wall clocks, lighting devices.

A beautiful bedroom in black wallpaper and black furniture will “play” in a new way if you add a variety of shades to it-red, beige, pink. Try, combine and look for your unique style!

It is worth remembering that the bedroom in black is a “cold” room, and in order to achieve comfort in it, you should fill it with light and warmth. It should have a sufficient number of lighting devices, and during the day - curtains are always open.

Light candles, nightlights, lamps will make the room much more comfortable and give peace of mind.

The same applies to accessories. Even if you like strict minimalism, do not ignore the decor completely.

A twig with bright colors, a small picture or a tripty on the wall, a figurine on a shelf, a vase on a bedside table - a simple bright trinket will not only decorate the interior, but also make it less gloomy.

Harmony in all details is the most important principle of creating the interior.

If you decide to create a black bedroom, do not buy everything black in the stores and drag into the house. On the contrary - think about how to dilute what to add. The room will only win from this.