Forming the appearance of the living room, everyone faced the problem of organic placement of a large number of objects.
All kinds of vases, souvenirs, household appliances and other little things literally cllate the room, significantly complicating the life of the household.

Back in Soviet times, when people sought to make as many reserves as possible, such an item of home interior as a wall was invented.

Many were rightfully proud of the possession of this truly monumental subject - and some appreciate and still. In those days the wall in the living room It was a whole complex of huge cabinets and cabinets exhibited along the wall.

The furniture occupied a huge space, changing the outlines of the room and, as it were, forming a new wall - from here it, apparently, went the name.

Despite the incredible size, there were a number of advantages. The wall combined the functions of a wardrobe, a sideboard, a buffet, a pantry and a bookcase, allowed to place audio and video equipment in itself. Thus, many things found a place and the room was maintained in the room.

Despite the external resemblance, modern mini walls for the living room have little in common with their ...senior... brothers.

The modern interior, as a rule, seeks to make the living room visually more than it seems. Therefore, modular mini-tents for the living room are by no means bulky and do not obscure the entire wall. However, one cannot fail to note the convenience of the design.

Usually the wall creates a space into which you can organically enter small objects of modern life and souvenirs. If necessary, you can add additional modules provided for by the design of furniture: cabinets, tables, wall cabinets and more.

If you look at the photo of the mini-tanks for the living room, then a false feeling of fragility and unreliability of the structure can be created. In fact, this is far from the case!

Only high -quality and damage resistant to damage will honestly last for many years, complementing and decorating the appearance of the living room.

Of course, not every design will easily transfer such an addition as a mini-tank. It will not be easy to decide when choosing mini-tents for a small living room, or if there is already a lot of furniture in the room.

In such cases, it is recommended to opt for those models that do not take up much space. Such walls are a conglomerate of small shelves and cabinets that are attached to the wall. This option is not intended for large loads, but is able to accept quite a lot of objects.

Corner mini-tents for the living room is also a good option for those rooms that do not have an excess of free space. In shape and essence, such a wall is most reminiscent of the usual office organizer, which accommodates a huge number of different objects and streamlines them. Convenient and compact - fundamental qualities.

If earlier the walls were made only of wood, now a variety of types of plastic, decorative stone and wood are offered to choose from the manufacturer.

The modern market offers the buyer an incredible variety of products. Do not try too hard to highlight a mini -tank from the interior - this can violate the design of the apartment as a whole.

The most universal options, as a rule, have a heat of a light plain gamut. Cold colors are also a good choice, especially if the furniture material is good and without visible defects.

Colorful coloring is the rarest option that is unlikely to be suitable for the living room. However, such an interior detail will perfectly fit into the atmosphere of the children's room.

It is worth noting that light and durable material is a much more optimal choice than a difficult. This is especially true for those types of mini-stones that are fixed on the wall.

In your choice, you should be guided not only by the external qualities of furniture, but also by the existing atmosphere in the living room. A mini-tank should organically pour into the appearance of the room, and not stand out.

All objects placed on the wall should be entirely placed on shelves and allocated openings, forming a whole and harmonious composition. Sometimes there are simply no suitable options for sale - in this case, furniture is made to order or ...Gathering... From the modules.

A mini -tank is far from a bulky conglomerate of cabinets, which with its monolith once and for all occupies part of the apartment. However, they perform similar tasks.

In the modern interior of the living room, there is practically no place for neither wardrobes nor sideboard. Small -sized fashion and elegant designs displaced them in the bedrooms and pantries.

Despite this, a mini-tank found her place in the main room of the house. Its purpose is to streamline the appearance of the room, turning the interior into a single composition.