You can increase the functionality and comfort of living space with a lack of free area by combining the kitchen and living room.
Such a design solution is very popular. However, it should be understood that the kitchen-living room has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages that you should know about in advance.

Not every planning solution allows the dismantling of the wall. And certainly to redevelopment without its preliminary approval in the corresponding instances is strictly not recommended.

note! Illegal redevelopment threatens with fines and problems when the apartment is subsequent to sell due to the mismatch of the actual layout and the one indicated in the technical documentation.

In order for the redevelopment to be considered legal, it is necessary to take a few steps: Contact the architectural bureau that will develop a redevelopment project and indicate in it all the necessary information. Also, the project must have drawings before and after redevelopment. The owner appeals to the interdepartmental commission for redevelopment to obtain a permit for redevelopment with the project and title documents. After receiving an official permit for redevelopment, the owner may carry out work in accordance with the project. At the final stage, you need to get an act of work and make changes to the technical passport of the apartment.

The kitchen, combined with the living room, certainly does not suit the family where cooking is regularly, that is, every day. This is due to the fact that in the room the smell of preparatory food will spread and even a very powerful hood will not be able to cope with it.

Soon the curtains, the upholstery of the sofa are saturated, the combustion products in the form of fat spots will settle on the surface of the furniture. The interior of the living room will no longer be so talked and attractive.

From this we can conclude that the process of making food in such a kitchen should be episodic in nature. Such a design solution is suitable for one person or a married couple without children.

The interior of a combined kitchen with the living room looks modern and attractive. The advantages of such a layout are as follows:
When organizing family holidays, the whole family will be assembled - both guests and owners will receive maximum pleasure from communication. A young mother will have the opportunity to simultaneously cook food and look after the child.

Due to the unification of the living room and the kitchen, a lot of free space appears to accommodate all guests. If the living room premises were originally small and nondescript, then after its unification with the kitchen, it will add natural light and the sensation of the spaciousness.

Due to the addition of square meters, freedom of movement in the kitchen increases. Photos of the kitchen combined with the living room clearly demonstrate a huge selection of design solutions when designing such premises and options for zoning space.

In order for the premises of the kitchen-living room to turn out comfortable and functional, it is necessary to think in advance how to combine two interiors, taking into account some nuances. Smell. The kitchen will need to install a high -quality, powerful hood, which will timely remove any smells that accompany the process of cooking.

Discomfort is possible even when the modern household appliances are inevitable - the noise background is inevitable from the refrigerator, kettle, hoods, microwave oven.

If the living room is equipped with a berth, then extraneous noise can become an obstacle to comfortable sleep. You can solve the issue by installing a transparent glass partition between the kitchen and the living room, which visually will not reduce the area of the room, but protect it from noise and smells.

The working space of the kitchen should be kept clean, since it is always in sight. Do not choose too open facades of the headset and shelves - this is how the room will be too overloaded with details.

note! When combining the kitchen and living room, there will no longer be possible to retire. With all the desire to achieve comfort, the room will turn out to be noisy. Therefore, it is important to take into account the needs of all family members.

For this, the space is visually divided into several zones: the workplace, the place of meals, the living room area.

The modern cuisine of the living room should be functional and comfortable. There are various design techniques for visual separation of space.

Bar stand or peninsula element of the kitchen set visually serves the boundary between the living room and kitchen, and can be used as a dining area.

You can enhance the effect with the help of lamps hanging above the countertop.

Podium structures are not only a spectacular visual accent, but can also perform the function of storage zones.

On a small elevation, you can place the working area of the kitchen or living room, highlighting it in space.

You can visually emphasize one of the zones with the help of a suspended ceiling structure, an accent wall, different finishing walls and floor material.

You can conditionally draw a border between the kitchen and the living room with the help of a lunch group or sofa, a low chest of drawers or a through rack.

An element of zoning can be a partially left partition or portable screen. Sliding partitions reliably protect against the spread of smell during cooking.

One of the effective ways of zoning space is a competent selection of lighting sources. So, an intense, bright backlight is placed above the working area, and in the recreation area - soft, combined.