The most important and large room in the house is the hall. It is customary not only to meet the guests in the hall, but also to spend most of the time.
Therefore, the hall is always solemn, they buy the best and most beautiful furniture in it. Curtains play a huge role for the hall. They bring new and special colors to it.

Allow you to make a room so that it is pleasant to be in it. To choose decorations for windows, just look at the photo curtains in the hall, listen to the tips and give preference to the most beautiful option.

For several years in a row, curtains made in a minimalist style have been especially popular. They put comfort in the first place and only then beauty.

Also choose natural shades and images. But do not forget that 2023 is also the time of experiments and references to the past.

It is customary to decorate the modern hall in the same style. Modern curtains can be very simple, but with massive curtains or vice versa made in the style of modern.

The modern style is not afraid to experiment with forms, colors and decorative elements.

As an option of modern curtains, you can choose curtains with eyelets. They look very good and allow you to focus on themselves or on other furniture items. Curtains can also be French, roll, Austrian or Roman.

French curtains are a beautiful option for the hall. They are a cascade with a large number of folds over each other.

Such folds fall very beautifully and this allows you to create a very beautiful design. French curtains usually go with lambrequins. Lambrequins make them even more beautiful and solemn. It is best to hang such curtains on two windows in a row.

The design of curtains in the hall should not only be beautiful, but also convenient. This option is extremely rare in the hall. But if the hall is associated with the balcony, then such curtains are the best option.

But even it would seem simple roll curtains can be beautifully placed in the hall. They look good in rooms made in a modern style. In this case, the emphasis is made, for example, on pillows or sofa. Rolled curtains can be plain or contain various decorative elements.

Beautiful curtains in the hall are Austrian curtains. They can be light or, conversely, heavy. Light curtains make the rooms very bright and visually make the room more and freer. Heavy curtains look very elegant and solemn.

Austrian curtains are combining French and Roman curtains. They make the room truly royal.

Roman curtains look equally good in all rooms and not only in the hall. Outwardly, these ideas for curtains in the hall resemble rolled curtains. They can be dense or fabric. Such curtains allow you to delay sunlight and not let it into the room.

Ordinary straight curtains can be hung on top of Roman curtains. They can be multi -layer.

The choice of curtains to the hall is not the easiest job. Curtains should be in harmony with the overall design of the room and simply delight the eye.

If you bought plain curtains and the room looks too simple with them, then add more decorative elements. It can be bows, flowers or other decorative elements. You can also try to make multilayer curtains of different colors or choose an interesting tulle.

When buying, for example, roller curtains, you can give preference to plain structures or, conversely, choose curtains with decorative elements. For example, with flowers, birds or animals.

Do not choose too bright colors, it is better to let the curtains be warm or pastel tones so that you can pleasantly relax in such a room after a hard working day.

Thus, a lot depends on the choice of curtains. Curtains allow you to make diversity to a boring room, make it bright and at the same time very cozy. Correctly selected curtains will look very harmonious with furniture and with the whole environment. Follow the tips and buy those curtains that you will like!