Curtains are an important element in any room. Absolutely doesn't matter the kitchen or bedroom. They decorate the window and make the interior complete.
The design of short curtains allows you to choose the most amazing options for decoration. So that they harmoniously fit into the interior and do not spoil the appearance, you need to take into account a lot of nuances when choosing. Modern short curtains can be divided into the following types: Roman
This type of curtains is suitable for decorating different rooms. They look very profitable in the bedroom, and in the living room, and in the children's and the kitchen.

Roman curtains are sewn in a specific way. Pockets are made in the canvas, into which thin slats insert. This is necessary in order to remove all the folds.

Curtains are shifted using a chain, which is inserted into the upper pocket. It is better to hang them on the cornice to give the charm window.

If your house is made in a classic style, then do not buy too dark and heavy curtains. Stop your choice on soft colors to unload the overall atmosphere.

At first glance, they are easy to confuse with Roman. The mechanism of opening and closing somewhat resembles the previous option.

English curtains are divided into vertical and horizontal. They are sold in finished form, where the rings are already installed and the chain is pulled.

English or London curtains look very expensive. They can be pulled on the sides of the ribbons and give the room sophistication.

Usually, this type of curtains is chosen in the nursery Or a bedroom. But if you want to unload the space in a large living room, then you can stop on this option.

For modern design, this is the best option. They look very profitable on small windows and visually increase them.

Such curtains are considered the best option for kitchens and large loggias. They look simple, there is nothing superfluous and elaborate on them. Their color is plain. As a drapery, tapes are used to match.

These are curtains that are not so easy to sew. Many material and several hours of work are required for their manufacture. They should get in a small fold.

Hang them on the most ordinary curtains, can be decorated with ribbons or lambrequins. You can hang curtains from dense fabric on the sides.

If you want to decorate a retro room, then pay attention to curtains in the style of "a la cafe". They appeared back in the 19th century and decorated the windows of restaurants. But modern designers adopted the design style from their ancestors and introduced it into a modern interior.

Short curtains for windows have a number of advantages. We will list some of them now.

Short curtains in the interior: what to look for when choosing

Short curtains for the kitchen in 2023 became a trend. Many housewives abandon bulky and heavy curtains and make a choice towards light and miniature structures.

More light penetrates through a short curtain, and uncomplicated drawings unload the space. They are also very convenient. A lot of dust and fat are always gathering on the kitchen floor.

A long curtain collects all this dust. The material of the curtain should not be too dense, it should be easily erased and. It is desirable, dry quickly.

The choice of curtains in the bedroom takes away a lot of time and effort from the hostesses. This room should be carefully hidden from curious eyes, but also decorate the room from the inside.

Coming to this room, you should rest not only physically, but also morally. Therefore, curtains should be made of light material and in muffled colors.

Photos of short curtains that will look great in your bedroom, you can find on our website. The recommendations of experts will help you choose the ideal option and make your bedroom unusual and magical.

Short curtains will look great in the bedroom, where there is no excess furniture. It will only close the window opening, and the rest of the space will be free.

If you want to decorate the curtain with accessories, then pay attention to the tapes with bows. For windows that are not on the sunny side - the best option. You can open the curtain for a day and return it to its original position in the evening.

The living room is this main room where not only households like to gather, but also guests. Short curtains look good in any interior, but the window with such curtains will look especially beneficial in high-tech style. It can be supplemented with lambrequins and discreet accessories.

There should be a special atmosphere in the children's room. Curtains help to create it. They should decorate the room and not take the space from the child. In addition, short curtains are much safer for families where several children.

They will not tear them off and the whole structure will not collapse on young researchers. A lot more light enters the room through short curtains. In addition, tapes and clothespins will help you quickly collect a light curtain.