Curtains are an important window decoration. It depends on the curtains how well not only the window will look, but the whole room as a whole. It will not be difficult to buy curtains in the store, but if you want unique curtains to hang in your house, try to make them with your own hands.
What curtains are and how to make beautiful curtains?If you look at a photo of home -made curtains, then be surprised how diverse they can be. Most often, curtains are divided into several types: curtains with lambrequins and curtains with eyelets.

And also: roller curtains; French curtains; Roman curtains; Austrian curtains. Make fashionable curtains with your own hands, this is not the easiest thing.

First of all, you need to decide on the color of the fabric, the type of fabric, the type of decorative jewelry and choose the type of curtain. For a beginner, it is better to start with the simplest curtains, which are vertical fabric fabric.

Let's start with the simplest option. To make curtains in the form of horizontal paintings, you need: buy a fabric of the right size. Process the ends. To the upper part of the canvas along the entire length sew the ribbon for the loops. Add decorative elements, for example, ribbons.

Curtains with lambrequins can contain several types of folds - toad, tie, cokilier and bell. We buy fabric and calculate the amount of fabric that we will use. For lambrequins, we take several types of fabric.

Divide the fabric into several squares and cut diagonally. We sew the ribbon for the loops to the canvas so that the folds are obtained. Add decorative elements.

We select the cornice. For curtains with lambrequins, they do not pick up too elaborate cornices, It is better to give preference to a simple type of cornice. The pipes do not look very good. We hang the lambrequins.

We select fabric or desired material. It is preferable to use polyester. Measure the window size. We attach the fabric to the cornice for this we put one side on the other, the width of the cornice. We process the ends. We also make a pocket from below. We make two holes on the pipe.

We insert the pipe into the pocket made in advance. Wrap the fabric on the pipe. In the lower pocket we insert a weighting agent. In special holes on the cornice, we spread the cords.

We fix the cord with a knot. We wrap the cord on the pipe on one side. So that the cord does not fall insert special plugs to the end. In the wall above the window we insert special designs that will hold the cornice. But the pipe should scroll freely.

You can facilitate your task with the help of special finished designs that will raise and lower the fabric.

French curtains are a set of folds at different heights. To make such curtains, you need to take more fabric and at the same height it is beautiful to choose the fabric. To the place where the fabric is assembled, you can attach beads or beads.

Austrian curtains are curtains that simultaneously combine French and Roman curtains. Roman curtains can be made independently if you use the tips above. You can also add lambrequins.

It is definitely worth it if you are sure that you will succeed. But in any case, it’s worth trying.

The main thing is to choose the right fabric, determine the type of curtains, develop an approximate design and get down to business.

Do -it -yourself curtains have a unique design. They will definitely look great on the windows, fit perfectly into the design and delight the eye.

The easiest option is curtains with eyelets. In order to make them enough to buy rings, pipe and make special holes. You can also make the simplest curtains, just process the fabric and sewing the tape to it.

To make the curtains look well, add more decorative elements. Curtains with lambrequins do not make it so easy. So that they look truly beautiful, you need to have a special skill. The easiest option is suitable for the kitchen.

It is also not easy to make French or Austrian curtains. The easiest way is to make roller curtains. Rolled curtains look great on the windows in different rooms. And also well protect the windows from sunlight in the summer. You don't have to suffer from the heat.

The most economical curtains are made on laces, more expensive - on a special design. Thus, curtains are the best decoration of the house.

Without curtains, the house would look empty and not well enough. Curtains help to hide the flaws of the windows and distract from other shortcomings of the room.

How to choose curtains? Trust your own taste and do not use too many flowers, select the colors in the tone of the wallpaper or try to make them harmoniously look with furniture or other decorative elements.

How to make curtains with your own hands? Start with a simple one: select the material, process the fabric, add decorative elements. Gradually improve your skill, trying to make something more complicated with your own hands.