The choice of curtains in the apartment, like any other decorative element, is a difficult and very exciting task. Especially considering that the decor of the window is able not only to decorate the room, but also serves the practical goals of darkening the room and its concealment from curious eyes.
How to choose the right curtains in an apartmentTherefore, when searching for perfect curtains, you should not relax, this is an important work that should be done thoroughly.

Choosing beautiful curtains in the apartment, we look at the option and the color scheme of the decoration of the room in the first place. We do not repeat the color and texture of the curtains of another textiles and objects in the room, this is no longer fashionable.

At least - do not repeat it exactly. A shade or a pattern can overlap, but not completely.

Almost all options for modern curtains will be appropriate in the hall. It all depends on the chosen style of the room. For classics and modern, ordinary curtains are well suited, but it is better to choose them from lighter fabrics - flax or cotton.

In general, heavy curtain fabrics are better not to consider, because they are not fashionable, and are erased with great difficulty. Curtains in the hall apartments can be translucent if the task is not to fully hide the room from prying eyes in the dark.

A great option for the hall will be the current popularity of Japanese curtains panels. They are hung on a cornice in several rows, the fabric is often used translucent, and the movement of the paintings allows you to darken the room as necessary.

According to the cornice, these curtains move very easily, they do not form unnecessary folds, look concise and airy.

And if you choose a shade of such curtains to the color of wall decoration, they will be completely invisible. We can say that of the laconic options, these curtains in the windows in the apartment take first place, being a continuation of the decoration of the room.

A good solution for the placement of the hall are roller curtains that are not losing their popularity. Now they can be seen everywhere, they have become so popular that at the mention of the curtains, many in memory pop up precisely rolled options.

Such curtains can have different textures, colors, the degree of dimming. It is convenient that they differ in width, so you can choose a decor for any window.

If the window is wide enough - a couple or three curtains different in tones look good. But here it is important to observe harmony with the general design of the room.

Roman curtains differ from rolled in that the canvas does not twist into a roll when lifting, but forms uniform folds.

It looks unusual and creates a complicated option for a window decor, which in certain cases can become a highlight of the entire room.

In a one -room apartment, our hall often appears at the same time as a bedroom. Therefore, choosing optimal curtains for the room is more difficult than in the case of single -functional premises.

It should be understood that in this case we rely more on the choice of curtains for the bedroom, because a healthy sleep is most important.

Based on this, select curtains with a high degree of dimming. Most likely, the room in the spell hall will be zoned for the visual separation of the space, therefore, by coloring of the curtains, we orient ourselves to the zone that adjoins the window.

Когда квартира небольшая, и особенно это студия, здесь на вес золота буквально каждый квадратный сантиметр. It is unlikely that you will choose elaborate furniture for the studio, a lot of textiles, large chandeliers with candelabrays. Practicality, functionality and minimalism are most appropriate here.

The same applies to windows: classic curtains ...Eat... too much space, because it is better to refuse them right away.

For apartments of studios, ideal options will be Roman or roller curtains with a mount on the window. They do not protrude beyond the jamb, easy to use and care, visually do not clutter up the space.

Options for hanging curtains depend on the choice of their type. It is clear that classic curtains can be hung in more options than rolled, Roman or curtains of panels.

The most common options for hanging classic curtains are fastening on the accessories of two paintings on both sides of the window, or one canvas on one side. It is quite simple and always looks good.

But the roller curtains can be hung over or one to one, if several of them are placed on the window. Roman curtains do not imply overwhelming in any form. But the Japanese curtains of the panels can be hung in several rows, creating a multi -level dimming.