The kitchen is the room where all households like to gather. Everything should be perfect here - from furniture to dishes. This also applies to tulle.
A simple tully curtain with neat patterns will decorate absolutely any window. The correctly selected curtain will give the room coziness and make it comfortable and warm. In our article we will analyze each point of choice in detail.

Tyul appeared back in the 15th century in the small French town of Tulle. The creators tried to do something unusual and they did it.

Until the 19th century, this material was not popular. During this period, they paid attention to him and began to sew light curtains, which were perfectly combined with heavy and overall curtains. This decision allowed to decorate the rooms and make the interior complete.

Many people consider the tulle a relic of past eras and try to abandon this accessory. But I would like to note that even the most fashionable designers adorn the window openings tulle. Such curtains complement the interior and make it finished.

Tulle - decorative decoration of the window. The popularity of this product is very great. Every day, products from different materials appear on the market, with different patterns and in different color solutions. Tulya manufacturers are trying to do something unusual to surprise the hostesses.

When choosing a tulle to the kitchen, it is worth considering: the length of the product; Product shape; Color; Texture features; Material. Tulya choice is a rather responsible step. At the same time, it is worth considering everything to the smallest detail. It is necessary to start with the size of the room, design and furniture color. As for color and texture, there is a huge scope of imagination.

There is a huge number of different curtains on sale, that choosing something unusual is quite difficult. Every woman, before buying, creates an ideal option in her head and focuses on it. Tulle is produced from different materials: silk, polyester, cotton. To the touch it is very soft, light and transparent.

This selection criterion is considered the main. It depends directly on the design of the room. The main thing is that the product is practical and harmonizes with the rest of the kitchen elements.

The most profitable option for decorating a window opening in the kitchen is a short tulle that does not reach the floor. This option allows you to use the windowsill, install various kitchen utensils or flowers on it.

For example, in a small kitchen there is very little space and a sink with a stove are very close to the window. A long curtain will constantly get dirty and can light up from close location to the plate.

Modern tulle in the kitchen will give the room elegance. Flowing, light and airy material will look profitable in any interior. For example, Austrian curtains can be combined with lace, lambrequins and fringe. You can opt for Roman curtains.

Tuli Arca will look great in the dark room. They are very light, do not overload the space and pass fresh air.

Long tulle is suitable for large kitchens with high ceilings. But many housewives refuse them because they are not convenient and completely close the window opening. They are chosen only if there is a door near the window that goes to the balcony.

Fashionable tulle in the kitchen can be both monophonic and with a variety of color transitions. Fabric with embroidered patterns and textured cramped fabric is especially popular. They are made from natural materials such as viscose, cotton and polyester.

The main colors of the tulle that will look profitable in any interior:

White. Main color. It looks profitable in absolutely any interior. Most designers and women prefer this color;

Color. Pretty risky choice. Color tulle cannot harmonize with any design solution. For example, if your kitchen is made in a classic style, then you will have to refuse such fabric;

Motley. Such a tulle is chosen to create a bright accent.

Remember, if you have dark furniture and dark wallpaper, then the tulle should be as brighter as possible. And, on the contrary, if you have a bright kitchen, then you can choose a dark tulle.

The material is no less important when choosing a tulle to the kitchen. In this room, the curtain should be light, not with a brand and not absorb otherworldly smells. Natural fabrics get dirty very quickly and absorb absolutely all smells. Mixels on the contrary, are very easily erased and practically not getting dirty.

To decorate the window opening of the kitchen, you can pay attention to the following materials: Veil. Very soft material that looks great in any interior; Chiffon. This material is very similar to the veil, but in structure it differs in lightness; Grid. This material passes air and sunlight, but dust always accumulates on it. Therefore, it will have to be often washed; Organza. This material does not come off and looks profitable on the window.

You can purchase curtains in any textile store. To the attention of buyers, a huge number of different options are presented. Each buyer can choose the option that will be interesting to him.

To make the right choice, read the photo of the tulle in the kitchen.