The cleanliness in the house depends on the correct choice of the mixer. After all, it is thanks to this simple, but very useful device that it is not difficult to restore order.
It depends on the quality of the mixer: will it flow, the service life and the absence of traces from the fingers. To choose the most, or at least one of the best mixers for the kitchen will help several simple, but reliable rules.

Truly high-quality faucets are made from an alloy of metals of zinc and copper. Simply put, from brass. Usually, zinc, in its composition, is less than half, since it is cheaper than copper. The addition of other metals is not excluded: iron, lead, nickel, aluminum, tin, manganese.

Brass is very resistant to water exposure. Thereby guarantees a long service life. This metal is safe for the human body, but it is necessary to take into account the presence of lead in its composition. It should not exceed two and a half percent.

Although, many manufacturers can raise this bar and up to five. This does not mean at all that it is dangerous to purchase such a mixer. In addition to harm to health, the high presence of lead can affect the life of the device. Cracks on the mixer, for sure, will not bring.

Basically, mixers are made from brass, but the coating is used differently: Chromium coating can be considered the most durable. But this does not take away the presence of stains from food or traces of fingers. Reliability bribes. If you monitor the cleanliness of the surface, the following problems can be avoided. Let, not completely, but at least partially. Nickel has a dull shine than chrome. Nickelized mixers are marked in this way: ...satin..., ...stainless steel.... The coating facilitates the care of the device and is considered durable. Silumin is made on the basis of aluminum. The alloy is quite strong, but fragile. This is his only drawback. Silumin cheap and short -lived metal. This option is suitable for use in the kitchen in a private house.

When buying, you should pay attention to the weight of the mixer. In rare cases, individual parts can be from different materials. And, therefore, the device will deteriorate partially.

Photo materials of the kitchen mixer can be studied first, before buying, in the online store. By the type of opening, they are divided into three main groups: valve, lever and sensory (thermostat).

Varieties of the device: Thermostat mixer
Control occurs using a special sensor, which is installed in the hull of the sink or the crane itself. This device has the opportunity to set the required temperature in advance.

This prevents unpleasant situations, when handing hands to the sensor. The ability to burn is unlikely.

The advantage of such a one -sided mixer for the kitchen, in its convenient management. It is enough with one hand to slightly move the lever, as the temperature and flux power will change.

Pretty classic option for use in the kitchen. Looks like a mixer with two valves located on the sides of the excuse.

Conditionally, surpluses for mixers are divided into three groups: low, medium and high. Also, they can vary in shape and design: Turning pour
This is a universal type of spout. It is designed to control the flow of water in the required direction.

This type of mixer does not have the possibility of changing the position of the crane. Thanks to this, static spout is very reliable in use.

This is an indispensable device for those who have tested it at least once. Particular differences can be considered the possibility of increasing the working area, removing the lime coat from dishes and ease of use due to an unusual form.

A flexible mixer for the kitchen allows you to freely fill the container of any size with water. This practical device will become a real "friend" for the hostess.

In order for the mixer and sink to be combined by design, color and material, you need to choose ready -made options for combining one brand;

Choosing a color mixer, you can focus on the nearest facade shades. So the sink will look harmonious in the finished interior of the kitchen;

You need to be able to choose the right mixer style: Scandinavian, high-tech or classic. Here as with interior design - the main thing is to know the measure;

Should adhere to one shape. Say, if the sink is round, then the excess is necessary the same shape. Well, or close to her.

Pure water - harmless food. The tap water leaves much to be desired. This is especially noticeable during cooking. It is for this reason, earlier, they put a separate mixer, for the kitchen, with drinking water.

Fortunately, modern technologies allowed this to avoid this. Can be combined into one, at the same time, three streams. This possibility will allow you to freely switch between sources, adjusting the type on its own.

It is worth remembering that the price of the mixer depends not only on the material from which it is made, but also on the design itself. Sometimes, the same type of devices with only external differences can have a significant difference in cost.

The purchase of the mixer should be made only in a good and verified specialized store. Reliability, in such a case, the most important thing.

How to choose the right mixer for the kitchen? It makes no sense to "chase" for the fact that it is more expensive. If the price tag is more, this does not mean that the product is really of high -quality.