In comparison with other rooms in the apartment, about the design of the hallway, we do not think so often. And in vain, because the hallway seems to play the role of a concierge of an elite mansion. She makes the first impression, meeting guests, elegantly takes it to the main rooms, and at the end of the evening she kindly escorts, fixing a pleasant impression. Therefore, the interior of the hallway in the apartment should be decorated with special care.
Guide to actionApproaching the design of space at the entrance, one cannot help but take into account the functions of this room. No matter how much we would like to show the guests all the best at once, it is worth remembering that the hallway is the most passing place in the house. This automatically makes it and quickly polluted.

Here we leave the shoes, coming from the street, hanging a coat and jackets, often looking like rain and snow from them, we leave the umbrellas here. If the family is large, the hallway often becomes a refuge of children's street toys, parking for strollers, bicycles and similar things.

Sometimes this room also takes on the functions of the dressing room. All these factors must be taken into account, more often looking at real halls in apartments, and not glossy interiors that do not know pollution, pets and children's pranks.

If the space at the entrance has a modest size, then its interior must meet the main requirement - functionality. The entrance hall in a small apartment should contain in essence only three main things: a seat that can simultaneously be a repository of shoes, a hanger or a cabinet for clothes and a mirror.

All this can be connected in one headset that will fit even on a very small area. The design of a small hallway in the apartment should give preference to light colors and an abundance of light.

Get rid of unnecessary details and decor elements - they will only clutter up space. Large mirrors and glossy surfaces that visually extend the boundaries of the room are also suitable if you got a narrow hallway in the apartment.

In your hallway, not only the main headset, but also a pair of baby strollers, a bicycle and a bed of a cat is freely placed in your hallway? In this case, we recommend zoning the room. Separate the entrance group from the rest of the hall with a partition or sitting: in this case, you will not let street dirt spread far and save time on cleaning.

When making the entrance hall in the apartment, when choosing materials, be guided by the following criteria: wear and moisture resistance, ease of cleaning and environmental friendliness.

The flooring here is polluted very quickly, so you should not choose a natural parquet or parquet board: they will quickly lose their original beauty.

It is better to give preference to ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, saws of natural stone, linoleum or high -quality laminate.

For wall decoration, we recommend using moisture -resistant wallpaper or painting. Valuable wood of wood will also be inappropriate as a material for furniture. Remember: having designed the hallway with expensive, but picky in operation with materials, you will spend in vain.

Since often the hallway is not all space as much as we would like, the furniture here usually performs several functions at once. The ottoman serves as a repository of shoes or special products for its cleaning, and the closet contains clothes, a couple of skis, and children's sledges. The traditional items of furniture for the hallway are: Cupboard. Modest sizes, designed for several jackets, or more resembling a dressing room - depends on the space and desire of the owners. Sitting that ensures comfort. Mirror, preferably in full growth. It visually increases the scale of the room and allows you to evaluate its appearance before leaving. Shoe. In large halls, a separate shoe cabinet is often installed, which can also serve as a repository for bags and the necessary little things. Rug. He partially absorbs dirt, not allowing her to spread around the apartment. If you still prefer an expensive flooring, then a kind of “rug” can be laid out with ceramic tiles right at the door, protecting the rest of the material. Decor. Hats for hats, decorative tables and chairs, stands for umbrellas and the like will add a coziness of a spacious hallway. But still do not forget about functionality: each element of the design of the hallway in the apartment should play its own, not only decorative role. Lighting. With the help of properly selected light, you can add comfort, expand the space and even change the shade of the color palette. You can play with the lighting of the hallway by installing, in addition to common light, local areas or decorative. If the general style allows, you can traditionally install a large chandelier in the center or hang graceful sconces.

The modern hallway in the apartment should correspond to the general style, present it to his guests.

The best choice of the design of this small room remains minimalism, excluding vanity, pretentiousness, excessive decorativeness. In this style, everything is simple and at the same time thought out to the smallest detail. The ecological and natural Scandinavian style is also suitable.

Various photos of the hallway in the apartment, flooded in the Internet space, will help you be inspired. No matter what direction you prefer, the color palette of the hallway should be kept in light colors.

Exceptions can only be very spacious and well -lit rooms. If the bright gamut seems too boring to you, add bright accents, for example, an original ottoman or an unusual umbrella holder, which will immediately show the guests your amazing taste.