Designers consider the kitchen one of the most difficult spaces in the work, since in addition to creating a stylish and modern interior in it, it will be necessary to take into account such moments as the functionality, ergonomicity and savings of the housewife labor costs.
Of great importance in the interior is given to the possibilities of the kitchen space itself. This is perfectly demonstrated by numerous photos of beautiful wall decoration in the kitchen, on which with the help of light, texture and color accents, the space is competently divided into clearly expressed functional zones. And each of them contributes to the general style of space.

Traditionally, the most popular method of decoration is facing-ceramic or tiles on the walls in kitchens today is used in every second design project.

This indicator is completely explained-the tile is very reliable and durable, does not deteriorate from the temperature-humid regime of the kitchen, the effects of steam and sunlight. It is environmentally friendly and easy to care, is not afraid of the effects of chemicals and is quickly mounted.

Separately, the aesthetic parameters of the material should be noted - the tile can be made in any color category, have a smooth or rough texture, be “consonant” with any style, imitate a wide variety of surfaces.

The wall decoration in the kitchen can be continuous - from the skirting board to the baguette and monophonic, and may include separate “interspersed” of tiles with a finished pattern or pattern, as well as entire tile panels.

Such a simple and rational “classic” is always appropriate, but it is most suitable for arranging small kitchens - light is well fought off from light tiles, creating a dispersing effect, visually increasing the space.

Tiles that linifying the room only below, approximately to a level of 1.5-1.6 meters, look good. In the upper part, wallpaper or paint coating may be located.

The dividing line between the two materials and the spaces is the milling cutter, laid out in one row and “supporting” the main tile with its ornament, color and theme.

An economical and simple way to design a kitchen, which does not go out of fashion, but only modified, in accordance with the main currents and trends, this is wallpaper by wallpaper.

So, it is desirable to purchase two types of wallpaper on the kitchen. The main panels should be neutral, with a pattern in a thin strip or cage, to be an imitation of some texture, for example, sand or ice.

They will cover most of the perimeter of the kitchen, and additional-they will make one or two zones, making visual accents on them with color or print. As a rule, this is a wall where the dining table is located.

Thus, with the help of wallpaper, the division of space into functional zones is also carried out. The main and additional wallpaper should “echo” with each other with their texture, for example, have a rough surface or the same pattern.

Often this is one of the elements of the main coating, repeating more brightly in the decorative canvas. But so that this is not, the "community" should be traced clearly and clear.

Recall that the kitchen will require special varieties of wallpaper, which have increased resistance to adverse factors that repel dust and “do not suffer from hydrophobia”.

But, the repair made with the help of wallpapers faster loses its “presentation”, therefore, once every 3-4 years it will be necessary to update both them and the kitchen during cosmetic repairs.

The phrase "painted walls" can cause horror in a representative of the generation, who made the country. In those years, terrible dirty green, brown-blue, gray-prayed shades of oil paint were painted with the walls of all institutions-from schools to hospitals.

If the kitchen is decorated in the classical spirit, it is not necessary to refuse the paint - with its help they create a very aristocratic and spectacular surface called “Venetian plaster”.

The finish layer of the Venetian is often a light gilding or silvering, so the walls trimmed in the Venetian style will visually correct even the interior of the modest living room.

Who said that the design of the walls in the kitchen should repeat someone's author's projects, embody other people's ideas or consist of beaten, traditional and familiar decisions?

We ourselves limit the flight of our fantasy, so let's let it go and just watch where it will lead us. So, for example, you can decorate one of the walls, a dining area or apron on a wall for the kitchen with a triplex glass or, darkened with transparent acrylic.

The reception will give the room a little additional space, and, like the trend of modern design, will make it lighter, weightless, and most importantly, unconventional, allowing you to express your personality.

This is what the masonry looks like that you can decorate the wall of the dining area. I don't like orange or yellow brick?

It doesn’t matter, masonry can be made of glass, or it can be made of short multi -colored tiles, with its dimensions not exceeding one cutter!

You can also “sheathe” the walls with wooden yellowish or light beige panels. Such a kitchen looks great outside the city where it can “support” the design of the entire cottage.

In the kitchen of a small city apartment, it is better to make a continuous sheathing, but an alternating surface alternating with a painted or wallowed wallpaper. Yes, there will be few wood, but it will not “crush” and call associations with a wooden coffin.

Today, materials are produced perfectly imitating natural stone with which you can decorate the walls. There is a chic in the walls “under marble” or “under the quartz”, but again, in small rooms, they need to be compiled with other materials that will expand the space, even visually.

The style of the kitchen should be whole, one, because even the decorative wall of the kitchen, which will differ in style from the rest of the space, is able to add complete dissonance to the overall picture.

You can decorate them with wide wooden strips vertically, reaching a one and a half meter height, where they will be replaced by continuous walls of the walls by one or two tones lighter, located below.

Despite the fact that the modern rhythm of life reduces the time spent in the kitchen for cooking or in a circle of a loving family, this room remains the heart of the house, the arrangement of which is imposed very strict requirements.

A huge role in the correct design of the kitchen is played not even by furniture, but by the design of surfaces, primarily the walls. It can be so diverse that to list the features of a particular style, there will not be enough for several hours.

If you speak briefly, then modern trends welcome creativity, and even in canonical stylistic solutions.

As elements with which you can experiment, working aprons, a lateral space located on the left and right of the window structures, a free wall, reserved for the dining room.

As a result of such experiments, surprisingly bright, bold and individually developed projects are formed, which clearly emphasize the nature of the house and its owners.