The dark kitchen certainly will not go unnoticed if the guests suddenly looked at you. This will be the first thing that they will pay attention to in the room if it is quite contrasting and bright saturated colors are used.
Dark kitchen design: why not?Not all of us love delicate vanilla colors and cloud outlines. Someone is closer to brightness and saturation both in life and in the interior. Therefore, kitchens with dark facades, countertops or decoration of the premises are not so rare.

For some, courage allows you to make absolutely black facades in contrast with snow-white wall decoration, or neutral furniture to enter into a bright blue interior. It all depends on individual preferences, preferences and temperament of the owners of the home.

What are the main advantages of kitchens with dark facades? First of all, on such furniture, small flaws are less visible from the results of the main work in the kitchen - cooking.

Of course, every time after cooking, even the most scrupulous housewife will not have a desire to wipe all the surfaces of the kitchen.

And if on a light facade any speck will be striking, then the dark is able to hide these shortcomings and wait for the mood and time for cleaning.

At the same time, the dark may not be facades furniture, and for example, wall decoration and floor, and furniture, on the contrary, neutral tones. Then there is also a game in contrast, so the interior only wins.

It is worth noting that when choosing color combinations, it is important to understand the topic well or consult with a professional, otherwise, initially wanting to make an impressive kitchen, you can create a ridiculous.

Despite the fact that dark facades or decoration will undoubtedly attract attention, in dark rooms with a lack of daylight they need to be used extremely carefully.

With neutral light tones, everything is much simpler, and not knowing the rules of the color circle, it is better to choose simpler options.

The dark facades of the kitchen can be perfectly entered into any kitchen, it is important to find a competent combination with the color of wall decoration, floor and countertops.

If there are doubts, it is best combined with white. Because no matter what the color of the facades you choose, light walls And the floor will help create the perfect design of the room.

This option allows you to use dark furniture in any layout of the room, everything will look harmonious and dignified.

Quite often you can see the kitchen where the dark and light tones of the facades of one headset are successfully combined. Any combinations are easier to create if you make furniture for the kitchen to order.

Then you can choose the colors that seem harmonious to you, and which you want to see in your kitchen. With dark light tones of the same color, everything is easier. It is more difficult if you are trying to choose a good combination of warm and cold colors in one interior.

Here you need to be neat, because a cute duet on color samples in the cabin of a furniture studio can turn into a real color nightmare in a new kitchen.

Everything is good in moderation, and if there is no one to tell the best combinations of saturated colors in the cabin, and you yourself are poorly versed in the issue - it is better to study everything in advance, and not make hasty decisions at the time of order of furniture.

It is important to first view the options in the photo of the dark kitchen, if possible to sketch out the project in the program, or to file this request in the cabin - if the company is deliberate, the specialists will definitely go to you to meet you.

Kitchens with a dark countertop- not such a rare phenomenon. Often it can be found in the kitchen, where the furniture set of dark tones.

This is quite appropriate if the color of the countertop coincides with the color of the furniture facades. But this option is not the only possible.

A dark countertop can be found in a completely white kitchen, though it usually echoes the dark color of the window opening, working apron or other design elements. Of course, this is a matter of taste, and if the total color balance is observed, everything will be in order.

If everything is dark in the kitchen, including furniture, wall decoration and floor, a countertop, then you will probably get a rather oppressive impression of the room.

And here it is not even so important how size the kitchen is, what shape it is, is it enough daylight in it. The kitchens of dark colors are always quite gloomy and frightening, although someone can even like it.

Interior design is not in any way not to drive people into a certain framework, but simply gives advice on how to create a good impression of the appearance of the room, so that the guests are comfortable, and the owners do not quickly get bored, and most importantly, did not cause negative emotions.

But a completely dark kitchen may well introduce a person into a depressed state, albeit not immediately, but over time. And a person will certainly want to change such an interior. That is why it is so important to provide everything in advance and take into account all the nuances, including color combinations in the room.