Perhaps, speaking of modern bedrooms, in the head of almost every person there are very similar pictures in which there is a bed, bedside tables, a convenient lump for linen, a TV, a soft carpet on the floor and of course, a roomy wardrobe-wardrobe.
After all, wardrobes are the most important elements when arranging a bedroom. There are many variations and models of cabinets, because everyone selects for their needs and parameters. On one of the furniture sites there are more than 1000 options for cabinets, so the choice is very large - for every taste and color!
Without these components, it is difficult to imagine a convenient and functional bedroom.

Cupil in the bedroom - The most convenient invention that saves space due to sliding, not swing doors, place a wardrobe, bedding, jewelry, etc.D. In one place, hiding all this from the eyes, and at the same time allowing you to quickly find everything you need.

Today, furniture stores present a huge variety of wardrobes not only of various external design, but also filling. It is amazing how convenient the cabinet can be, and at the same time not bulky.

Let's start by filling the wardrobe. If you choose a ready -made model, then most often simple models have a shoulder rod and open shelves for boxes, bags, organizers.

The smallest -sized wardrobes can have one bar and two shelves - from below and from above. Such cabinets are inexpensive, and at the same time allow you to conveniently organize a small space of the room.

Most often, wardrobes are made from chipboard panels. So, these panels should be high -quality and quite thick, not bend under the weights, not to deform from changing the humidity level in the room.

The width of the smallest cabinet of the compartment can be 80 cm - this is the standard, and the height is even less than two meters (but more often than 2 m and higher). The depth of standard wardrobes depends on the width of the shoulders, and it is taken into account that 10 cm is usually allocated to the sliding doors of the cabinet.

In total, the standard depth of the wardrobe should be 60 cm - this is also a standard that many manufacturers adhere to.

But unfortunately, not all rooms have the opportunity to place the best cabinets with a depth of 60 cm. As it turns out, this is also not a problem. Designers came up with sliding rods for shoulders, where clothes are not hung sideways, but face to the owner.

Yes, in such cabinets less clothes on the shoulders will fit, but such models also have the right to exist, and in many apartments they become a real salvation. In such cabinets they make more shelves and drawers to place clothes and accessories in the most rational way.

Having familiarized yourself with various photos of the cabinet in the bedroom and their filling, you will be surprised how many rational ideas were invented by designers at the present time.

Here you can arrange convenient drawers as in chests of drawers - a great solution, if you decided to refuse from the chest of drawers in the bedroom.

In addition, you can make drawers from the grid that pass the air and allow you to immediately see their contents.

Want to accommodate more clothes on your shoulders? Not a problem, because you can arrange rods for the shoulders at two levels, it is convenient and functional.

Do not want to buy a floor mirror in the bedroom, and the cabinet doors are not mirror? It doesn’t matter, because you can install a mirror in a closet, it can be put forward on the side and not to occupy a useful space by itself.

Shelves from above will help to place organizers with rarely used or seasonal clothing, and the lower shelves can be occupied with shoes. In addition, now we have come up with a lot of devices for convenient storage of bags, jewelry, underwear in cabinets - all this can be used and enjoy the perfect filling of your wardrobe -wardrobe.

It happens that in the bedroom the corner of the room becomes the best place for the cabinet. There is nothing criminal in this, and the corner wardrobes are quite common. They can be found ready -made in stores or executed to order. They are quite functional, conceal the corner, save space, and have an aesthetic appearance.

Perhaps this is the most convenient and optimally using space option for a cabinet. Built -in cabinets require less care (you do not need to wipe dust on top, for example), they use the entire height of the room, while being a cheaper option, especially when the walls and ceiling are used as walls of the cabinet.

Yes, it is much more profitable to place only shelves and rods, mounting them directly into the walls, while the sliding mechanism is also attached to the wall.

Speaking about the design of wardrobes, we primarily mean its appearance, in particular - the facade. Sliding doors of wardrobes can be very diverse. The most common mirror doors or panels combined with chipboard.

Such doors are also functional - you can always evaluate your image when choosing clothes, and at the same time the room itself is reflected in the mirror and visually moves apart.

Quite often you can find in rooms beautiful cabinets with completely mirror doors. You can also apply any sandblast on the glass, or make it completely matte. When a drawing is placed under a mirror surface - it also looks very original, and most importantly - individually.

But wardrobes with plain chipboard panels are also not inferior in style and design, perfectly fit into different interiors. You can also make the doors of one wardrobe from different materials - it looks expensive, original, allows you to perfectly enter the cabinet into any space of the bedroom.

A bedroom with a cabinet- like porridge with butter, it is difficult to imagine one without the other. And the choice of a wardrobe for such an intimate room is a very important task. It should be due to the choice of the cabinet, which can serve you faithfully for many years.

When choosing a cabinet, you should pay attention not only to the design, but also to its quality, to accessories used. This is very important, and you can even say the key point.

So, the doors along the wheels should move smoothly, soundlessly, without clinging to the walls, the doors themselves must have stoves so that the door is fixed in one position when closing. Internal lockers should move smoothly, do not fall out, move silently.

The shoulder rod should be durable and withstand a fairly large weight of clothing. The shelves should also be strong and reliable, do not bend under the large weight of boxes and bags.

It should be borne in mind that the cabinet will need to be wiped from dirt and dust, therefore, ideally, its surface should be smooth and well withstand detergents.