Light is the basis of every person's life. When there is little light, we become sad, something is missing, we do not want to work and be sad. When we enter a brightly lit, bright room, then in the soul it instantly becomes exciting, joyful and good.
Agree that any, even the most beautiful bedroom without a chandelier will look inferior, as if something was gone in it. Which chandelier to choose in the bedroom, and how to make a competent choice - we will discuss and try to determine.

Interior styles today - a huge, infinite set. And first of all, it is worth watching a variety of photos on the network in accordance with different interior styles. This will help not only be inspired, but also choose the most suitable option.

If your bedroom is made in a classic style, then it is better to choose a small, neat and elegant chandelier for it. Today, many beautiful classic chandeliers are made today - not too pretentious, rather compact, but elegant. It should not be huge, but at the same time should attract attention.

A chandelier is perfect for a bedroom in a modern style. This can be a combination of balls on long threads or knitting needles, weaving of metal plates, geometric shapes and bizarre figures. Color should be selected for curtains, carpet and furniture.

If you relax in a fashionable bedroom in the style of minimalism, then purchase an unusual laconic chandelier, cube, rectangular structure. It should be as simple as possible, not too cumbersome and very stylish.

The bedroom in eco-style involves natural materials. A light chandelier made of wood, bamboo, twigs, wicker, fabric is suitable here. Looks fresh, easy and very beautiful.

For a romantic bedroom, something lace is suitable, with floral motifs, with gold and stones. The main thing is not to overdo it with pretentiousness, so as not to reduce the overall view.

The main rule is that the lighting device fully corresponds to the style and general concept of space.

Technical nuances are also very important. The choice of all lighting devices directly depends on what dimensions of your bedroom. Because with their help you can play with space and visually adjust it.

If the ceiling in your bedroom is quite low, then of course. Low huge chandelier is not your option. The lighting device is suitable here ...Reciprocal... type. Such a compact modern chandelier in the interior of the bedroom looks unobtrusive and easy, but adorns the general view of the room.

It should be wide and, as it were, “creep” on the ceiling to the sides, almost completely adjacent to it, but practically without dropping down. Balls of different sizes, flowers, other elements look great on the ceiling.

They should be asymmetric, different in dimensions and slightly “scattered”, then a feeling of volume and spaciousness will create.

If the ceilings in your bedroom, on the contrary, are very high - you must choose long models hanging down. It can be numerous long threads and knitting needles, curved hinges, geometric shapes - but in general, the whole structure should be vertically elongated.It is very good if there are a lot of light bulbs, and they will be at different levels.

Asymmetric small models are suitable for a compact, small bedroom. Ideally, a simple model with a lampshade, or a composition of several bulbs. It should not be too lush, multi -layer and bright.

And which chandelier to choose for a bedroom of large dimensions? Despite the presence of space, a large bulky model should not be chosen. Let it be something voluminous, but simple, without many small details. And it is important that it harmoniously combines with the rest of the interior and furniture.

It is important that the ceiling chandelier for the bedroom is not too inconspicuous and inconspicuous, but does not pull all the attention to itself.

Choosing a fashionable chandelier design for yourself, everything is worth considering: personal taste and preferences, fashion, general style of the bedroom interior, room dimensions, budget. But there are several more small and important nuances that should also be taken into account when choosing. Remember that the bedroom is an intimate space, you need to relax and relax in it. And therefore too bright, irritating lighting will only spoil the mood. Before going to bed, the light should be muffled, and in the morning - not too aggressive. There are often more dust in the bedroom than in other rooms, due to a large number of textile products. Therefore, your lighting device should be easy to care for, without many small details. Do not choose bulky, large, heavy models - they will create a feeling of kich, and it will simply be difficult to relax under such a chandelier. The easier it is, the better. The material should be dull and soft. Matte glass, delicate shades of fabric, matte milk plastic - nothing glossy, bright and sparkling, as in the opera hall. The brightness mode should be adjusted - this is very convenient for the bedroom. In addition, the chandelier must have a remote control-after all, everyone is familiar with this terrible feeling when you need to get out from under the blanket to turn off the light before bedtime ..

Even about the feelings of a person speaks when he is pleased and comfortable that his soul is light. The role of light and lighting is well known to interior designers and creators of spatial solutions. Therefore, a beautiful chandelier, fashionable floor lamps, original sconces and other lamps occupy such an important place in the creation of interiors.

Of course, the bare ceiling in the bedroom without a chandelier looks lonely and uncomfortable. But also pretentious, huge crystal "monsters" scare away and create discomfort. Restraint, lightness and accuracy in everything - this is the main guarantee of comfort and beauty in the bedroom.
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