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The bedroom is a special place in every house. Here we can separate from the whole world and take a break from daytime worries. Curtains in the bedroom carry this particular function - help create their own world, drawing a line between bustle and rest.
The quality of the new day depends on how comfortable and enjoyable the situation. That is why the choice of the design of curtains in the bedroom should not trust professionals, because you will rest here you. Listen to your heart, imagine the most cozy place in the world, its tone, smells.

This will help to decide on style and color. Perhaps the second place in importance, after the bed, curtains play in the bedroom. In this article we will try to figure out how to choose the best curtains in the bedroom, preserving the balance between our own desires and modern requirements.

The motto of the designers of this season is laconicism and functionality. Trend color of curtains in the bedroom 2023-2020-all shades of emerald. Naturally in reasonable combinations.

The pomp of the past decade, fortunately, again goes into history, taking away heavy gilded curtains, abundance of ruffles and frills.

The freshness and ease of spring forest in the bedroom will help to cope with increased loads and depression. In this direction, it is not difficult to choose stylistic varieties that will perfectly harmonize with your personal preferences.

The art of decorating a dwelling with a fabric was highly appreciated at all times. From the moment of the origin of civilization and the need to close the home from prying eyes and drafts.

The window curtains overcame the giant transformation, incorporating the cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world, finally, becoming a pleasant element of decor.

Today, the varieties of window curtains have more than a hundred. We will only consider modern curtains in the bedroom that is most suitable for the design of the current interiors of the new year.

The elegance of the Nordic style is far from asceticism. Scandinavian curtains - light, in light colors are made only from natural materials.

The fabric flowing from the ceiling to the floor does not accept heavy jewelry and shiny elements: calm tones gently dissipate the window light, creating an atmosphere of comfort and peace.

Have an original design that allows you to use a variety of shades and playing of light when applying one panel to another.

The principle of their work resembles the movement of wide blinds - the width of one panel - reaches 50 cm. A flat configuration allows you to perfectly enter them into the closest room.

Great bedroom solution.

This type of winding of windows is short curtains into a bedroom made of dense fabric, with transverse strips sewn into it. A special cord system allows you to assemble the material at any convenient height.

In the morning with their help you can let in the room maximum sunlight, and at night is fenced off from the whole world. This type of window curtains, in addition, has additional soundproofing qualities. Usually they are performed long to the windowsill.

The classic continues to be relevant at all times. A convenient, familiar and elegant combination of weightless curtains and dense curtains did not lose its charms and this season.

Preference to pastel colors and removing gilded brushes from the design, we get trend classic curtains to the bedroom.

Exquisite models of marking curtains are a vivid example of truly beautiful curtains in the bedroom.

Universal, exquisite, air assemblies of the marquis will remind of the dormant French queens.

Do not overload such curtains with color, and your bedroom will look like a fabulous dream. Dear to many hearts Provence also does not give up position this season. However, elegant plain curtains in light colors are replaced by traditional flower prints.

Current trend in the design of window openings. Convenient design, modern reflective materials, limitless possibilities of color solutions.

Fastening on the window sash make them extremely convenient when ventilating. Suitable for modern bedrooms in the style of minimalism.

It would seem that everything has already been invented before us. However, designers continue to delight us with unusual new products. Among them are universal double curtains. The upper translucent part, passing the maximum of sunlight, smoothly passes into the opaque lower one, which is designed to hide from prying eyes everything that is below the shoulder line. The second new trend - Photosteles. By analogy with murals, which, thanks to modern technologies, have acquired a second life in the last decade, curtains with a photo print allow you to portray any ornament or photo. When choosing a drapery on the windows of the bedroom, it is important to be guided not so much by fashion trends as the voice of reason and your own preferences. If modern trends dictate translucent fabrics, and outside the window is a dull look of the courtyard with a trash can, it is better to give preference to dense curtains with a pleasant pattern. When the trend opaque Rollite with elements of Chinese calligraphy closes the exciting view of the pink dawn over the city, it is better to resign them.

You need to learn how to listen to your desires - then you can choose for yourself really the best curtains in the bedroom.