If a dog lives in your house, then you need to create such conditions that it feels comfortable and comfortable regardless of the time of the year outside. It is more profitable to build a simple aviary for a dog with your own hands, created with all love and care for your pet.
Scientists have proven that dogs living in aviaries are less sick, unlike those who live in apartments.

For independent construction, it is best to take into account many nuances and think through all the rules for organizing the structure. Such conditions are not always observed in ready -made designs, so the creation of the structure with their own forces is not only more economical, but also more reliable.

In the creation of enclosures, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards. Otherwise, the dog will be uncomfortable in such a building, and it can begin to behave unusual for its usual behavior. Particular attention is paid to the size of the dog. Minimum parameters:
Dog up to 50 centimeters - size at least 6 square meters. The dog is higher up to 50 centimeters - the size is from 8 square meters. The animal above 60 centimeters - the size of more than 10 square meters.

It is impossible to save space for your four -legged friend. The space should be as free and spacious as possible, but within a reasonable.

In the opposite case, excessively large space can lead to improper thermal concentration in the winter season. The dog will begin to freeze with the onset of cold weather.

Initially, you need to think about where the pet itself will be located. For this place you need to take into account a number of conditions.

In the lowland, the aviary will be flooded during the rain. Spaces such as the compost pit should be located far from the aviary. The dog will have problems with smell over time. The western or eastern side is perfect for entering. It will be very hot in the southern dog.

Before the fed of work, you need to create a plan of further actions. In this case, the aviary drawings for dogs will be the best solution. They will allow any nuances of work. It must be taken into account the presence of the foundation. This is not always a necessity if the dog does not live there constantly.

You need to distinguish the zones. Mark where the wood platform will be. The animal itself will live there and a booth will be located there. The place where the dog will eat can be laid out with tiles or wooden boards. Dog walking a special place made out by grass or soil.

The presence of a separate booth must be considered in advance. In some cases, you can do without it. If the aviary is absolutely open, then the booth is required. If the aviary is built with blocks that can protect from wind and frost, then the booth is not built.

Before making avoiders for dogs with your own hands, you need to make sure to correctly equip the floor in the structure. When thinking over the floor, you need to take into account some nuances. For example, many believe that it is better to use boards. But it is best to do zoning.

Build one part from the boards, and leave the other without gender. This will allow the dog to celebrate the need not on the floor. But there is a chance that the animal will begin to dig holes, and after a while it can escape from the corral. Therefore, you always need to look at the habits of your pet.

The walls must be constructed free and not deaf. Dogs like to watch what is happening around. It is better to use the lattice walls, at least the front.

They can be forged, welded details or consist of a net grid. In the latter case, the dog can catch his teeth and injure them. To arrange walls, it is better to choose brickwork or wooden boards.

The roof may not be over the whole aviary. Although some try to equip it around the entire perimeter. This will cover the animal from any severe weather conditions.

The choice of roofing material can be any. Wooden aviary is better to use partially.Such material creates unique thermal insulation. Soft material allows you to achieve maximum noise insulation.

Such an action is necessary, because dogs can often bark and interfere with the usual life of the owners. The door to the aviary should open inward. It is better to make shutters and locks, both from the inner and outside.

To create a structure for your pets should be carefully thought out. First you need to view all the photos of the aviaries made by yourself, available on the Internet spaces. This is important since the owner will be able to understand how the design should look visually.

After that, you can gradually create a drawing and an action plan. Only after preliminary work can you start building a room for your pet. The dog will feel comfortable only in the correctly organized space.

We recommend! The site shows an overview of all dog breeds, and in order not to make a mistake with the size and technical characteristics of the aviary, we recommend that first you will see all the features of your dog breed.