In the conditions of the harsh climate of Northern Europe, a style was formed, which is called Scandinavian. In the design of the rooms, natural materials are used, textures combined with a gamut of pastel colors. The interior of the bedroom in the Scandinavian style 2023 is an expressive grace of restraint, simplicity.
Features of the Scandinavian styleStylistics was formed under the influence of the climate of Northern Europe. Cloudy days prevail in these parts. It was the limited number of clear sunny days that the dominance of white. The main goal is to fill the room with light, visually expand the space.

The philosophy of the Scandinavian style in terms of functionality is the pragmatism of the design, without excess. This is close to minimalism, but in this style there is no place for composite materials, plastic, chrome products. In the 19th century, when the Scandinavian style, furniture, decor elements were originated from natural materials, therefore wood, stone - integral elements in the interior design.

Features of style: emphasis on functionality, simplicity of decoration; The spectrum of white, pastel colors prevails; natural textures, materials; the use of interior design techniques that contribute to the saturation of space with light; Expressive decor elements are used as accents, including the handmade made using the technique; laconic design of the window opening; minimizing the furniture set, the exception is a large bed in the bedroom; White or light ceiling that visually "lifts" the room.

The main strokes of the Scandinavian interior are listed. In modern interpretation, materials, textures, stylized for wood, stone are used. For example, tiles under a bleached brick, natural stone; laminate, parquet board with wood texture.

note! The design of the room in the Scandinavian style is open for the experiment, the use of extraordinary design solutions. It is possible to interspers the elements of not characteristic of "Scandinavia".

The main thing is that they are inscribed harmoniously, the leitmotif of the style is preserved. So furniture, strict geometric shapes, in the style of minimalism, organically fits into a light bedroom decorated in the Scandinavian style. The choice of suitable color scheme
The predominance of light tones is characteristic of the Scandinavian style. It is better to combine them with the natural range of pastel colors. Bright, juicy paints are used as intersperses, for decor elements. Caution enough to give expression to the interior.

Contrast combination, such as white and brown colors, is appropriate to use individual elements in the design of the bedroom to isolate. With this combination of colors, light colors should dominate.
Scandinavian interior with white furniture
The effect of expanded space is also achieved by installing white furniture in the bedroom. The headset can be entered both in the monochrome version of interior design, and in combinatorics with other colors. A bedroom with white furniture is suitable for a small room, Khrushchev, attic. White furniture, one might say, is more “airy”, light. It does not look so bulky, “dissolves” against the background of light walls.

Monochrome white bedroom is somewhat “cold”, but creates the mood of peace and peace. Cuts of heat will add decor elements, textile design. For example, a picture, a panel at the head of the bed.

For textile design, it is better to use pastel colors of warm colors. Laminate, a parquet board with imitation of a light board, for example, a bleached oak, is traditionally used as a flooring.

Color combinatoric with white furniture can be any. If the windows overlook the north-west, little light, sun, it is better to use a muffled palette of “warm colors”, a spectrum of yellow, orange. Pastel colors of blue, purple, lilac flowers will bring a feeling of freshness, coolness. Green - they will revive the interior with natural colors.

A contrasting combination with white furniture-a gamut of brown, black, dark gray, release a furniture set. The white color of furniture dark floor will emphasize profitably. The often used designer solution is an emphasizing wall at the head of the bed with decors. A dark tone, distinguishes a recreation area, creates a contrasting composition. You can use dark colors in textiles, decor elements.

For the design of the bedroom in the Scandinavian style in the apartment, the house is organic and dark furniture, mainly with the texture for natural wood. Against the background of light walls, it stands out. The flooring is more correct to make several tones lighter, so that each element of interior design manifests itself, sounds. In contrasting, dark furniture, light walls, ceiling, room acquires clear contours.

An atmosphere of emphasized restraint is created. In a polyphonic design, in combination with light walls, a ceiling, a splash of another color scheme, the bedroom becomes multi -sounding. Depending on the selection of colors, shades can be created in the interior with dark furniture different mood. So muffled coral color textiles will create an atmosphere of comfort. Blue bedroom
Depending on the shade of blue, they create an interior with a different mood. We must remember that bright, juicy tones do not attract the Scandinavian style. Use only as separate expressive decors.

Where you can use the shades of blue: highlight the wall by the bed, opposite it; textile design; in separate elements of the decor, the color scheme of the panel, paintings; Light pastel colors as the main color of the walls (aquamarine, blue and white).

It is interesting! Unusual, it looks interesting in the Scandinavian interior furniture painted in blue.
Interspersed of cornflower, sky blue will bring optimistic moods, refresh the interior. Topaz, steel blue, gray-green blue-restrained tones, fit perfectly into the Scandinavian style, create an atmosphere of calm, balance.

You can experiment with bright colors. So the azure tone of the blue spectrum sets up on a romantic contemplation, meditation. It is appropriate to reflect it in paintings, panels, textile design. Beige space
Beige tones can act in the Scandinavian style as the main tone, light shades. Be present in the interior of the bedroom as an additional tone. Beige peculiarity - neutrality. He, like white, is combined with the entire color scheme.

In monochrome sound, when different beige tones are used, the interior looks somewhat monotonous, but is ideal for a relaxing rest. In a polyphonic performance, beige color is unsurpassed. He connects all the elements of the decor, the room of the room, harmonizes the space. In gray
The peculiarity of gray is that it does not have warm subtons, is considered a moderately noble color. Like beige, connecting, can act as the main background. To the interior of the bedroom in the Scandinavian style 2023 in gray tones, in monochrome, you need to approach extremely delicately, skillfully playing with shades.

In the canvas of the Scandinavian style, such tones of gray will fall: olive-gray; gray moss; stone-gray; Galic gray; Platino gray; gray silk; Agatute gray.

These pastel, soft shades of gray are used as the main tone of walls, darker for textile design, contrasting selection. The photo of the interiors shows that the gray color in the bedroom balances, models the space. Remarkably combined with other colors, in particular smoky shades.

From the spectrum of flowers for the bedroom in the Scandinavian style, it is better to exclude bright and dark tones. Perfect shades sound perfect in this style.

For wall design, textiles are suitable for such shades: gray-green; color of green moss, tea; herbal; Green fern.
These are natural, natural calm tones. Light shades can be used as the main color of the walls. All of the listed tones of green are suitable as an addition to white, beige, gray, neutral colors.

If you add floristic compositions to green tones, the room will be a continuation of the natural landscape. The green color in the interior of the Scandinavian bedroom is influenced by pacifying, extinguishes negative emotions, irritation, discontent. How to choose furniture for the bedroom in the Scandinavian style
Furniture set in the Scandinavian interior - minimizing all unnecessary, bulky. All elements of the situation should be functional. The only exception is a large bed. Cabinets can be replaced with a chest of drawers open shelves. Or enter them into the interior so that they do not catch your eye. For example, order a wardrobe for the color of the walls so that it looks like a natural continuation of the room.

Furniture made of natural wooden array, or a similar texture fits perfectly. You should not make a large head of the bed, this contradicts the philosophy of the Scandinavian style. In this style, small elements of a furniture set are appropriate: a chest of drawers, wicker from a vine box for storing linen, a small toilet table, an armchair.

note! The form of the furniture should be simple, without unnecessary additional decors. Even stylization is allowed for some “clumsy”, “clumsiness” of products, as if made of natural wood with your own hands.

Decor, textile design complement the interior ensemble in the Scandinavian style. Organized in this style of different supplies made by yourself: caskets, figurines, family photos in the framework. The walls are decorated with paintings, panels. Fit into the design in the Scandinavian style of pots, pots with flowers, herbs, wicker products. The carved wooden panel, animal horns look good in the interior.

As a textile design, it is better to use natural fabrics, including rude textures, flax, weaving such. Bedspreads on the bed, curtains should be simple, without excessive decors. The textile decoration of the window should perform the main function - to let the light into the room as much as possible. Such options for window curtains are suitable: sliding curtains, shortened canvases, pins. The color of textiles can overlap with wallpaper on the walls.

The wicker bedroom rugs, made animal skins on the floor are appropriate in the interior. The choice of lighting
Remaining the room with light is facilitated by properly selected lighting. As a rule, they use combined light in the bedroom.

Options: chandelier and bedside lights, floor lamps; general lighting and hidden LED tape above the bed; spotlights instead of a chandelier, a table bedroom lamp.
Specility Lighting in the Scandinavian interior is the free spread of light. Lamps of lamps, simple in shape, should not muffle the light.

Suitable spray glass, lampshades from light translucent fabric are suitable for this. Ideally in the canvas of the Scandinavian interior, now fashionable chandeliers in the form of a conventional bulb are fashionable.