Of course, one of the most stylish ways to put your living space in order - to use some of the hottest trends in the world of design.
Global trends require innovative, smart and flexible solutions for urban living conditions - this is a fact that in recent years there are more and more people of the world in cities.

Limited urban space provides for fewer conditions, but this does not necessarily mean that you should compromise with the quality and lifestyle.

This provides an opportunity for creative and unexpected ideas that lead to new trends and artistic solutions on the design and architectural scene.

And flexibility is the key to this - the flexibility of furniture and spatial solutions, the flexibility of imagination. Ideas for designing apartments 2023 will help you update your interior in accordance with new trends.

The largest interior design in 2023 is Terrazzo. This is the influence of the legendary Memphis design group from Milan, whose multi-colored furniture and recognizable style from the 80s are gaining popularity again, as can be seen from the photo of the novelties of the design of the apartment.

People buy coffee tables, bedside tables and tile floors in the style of terrazzo. We even see the tiles of the terrazzo tiles used on wallpaper and carpets. This is the trend of the past that returns with the modern slope.

In 2023, a more traditional kitchen design will dominate. Inspired by the ideas of the British kitchen design with its closed cabinets, door panels made of wire mesh and authentic old details.

Modern kitchen design will return to the basics to allow natural materials to work independently. Think about wood, stone and jute.

If you want to design the interior of the apartment using new furniture, use the aesthetics of rounded lines in design.

The rounded furniture inspired in the 1970s will continue to dominate. Rounded backs of chairs is a chic way to bring this trend to your house.

The combination of metals will still be relevant in the modern design of the apartment of 2023, but it will be accompanied by a combination with texture materials. A variety of textures help add depth and contrast, creating a multidimensional space.

Rich inhabiting materials, such as velvet, next to more cozy wool and cashmere, are an excellent addition to a combination of lighting effects from brass, iron and gilded metals.

2023 design trend is a hobby for green. Green is a soothing, sophisticated and disposable color. He fills the rooms with a sense of sophistication and works well in botanical interiors.

Since we strive to take care of the environment, avoid plastic in our everyday life and in our homes, the use of green on furniture and walls is a fabulous background for natural materials that we use.

Since the art deco 1920s, we have not seen so widespread green, so these are also a tribute to glorious days of design and elegance.

Organic forms will be a great hit this year. Pay attention to the revival of curved furniture in 2023. Hard geometric lines that we have observed over the past few years are replaced by softer forms both in prints and in the form of furniture.

Traditional organic materials do not lose their value: wood, glass, stone are still a great choice for designers.

Innovation here stems from the strength and durability of materials. Recently, the glass is so durable that all the furniture is created from it, or it is used as a strong basis for heavy marble counters.

Highly contrast neutral colors will be in fashion in 2023.

In the same spirit, we will also see more eclectic spaces that play with different styles and design eras.

The time has come when we begin to abandon geometric shapes. Much more designers and manufacturers return to the craft and find ways to reduce the pace. From experiments with new materials to the manufacture of a limited number of objects.

In our world of mass production, many are inclined to smaller parties, more “artisan” or “butyle”. Even larger companies turn to smaller manufacturers to create more unique goods when each product has some imperfections.

The combination of patterns of any and any kind - in fabrics, tiles, carpets ... Lay them, combine coinciding or inappropriate, pattern on the pattern - this is a new embodiment of the style of the older world. Imagine that the English country house is greeted by Parisian Pied-à-terre.

Think about modern items mixed with a large number of vintage or modern design solutions combined with Hollywood style for the design of the hall in the apartment of 2023.