In many cities of Russia in multi -storey buildings, apartments of a small area prevail, rooms in which are small in size. If adults still somehow manage to huddle in such a space, problems begin at the birth of a second or third child. There are several recommendations that should be the right children's room for diverse children.
Features of planning a children's room for heterosexual childrenWhen planning the interior of the children's room for heterosexual children, it is important to take into account the personal space of each of them. Psychologists say that girls usually acquire independence from about 6 years, while in boys this is observed after 7 years of age.

What else should be considered: Room design - in accordance with personal preferences of each child. It should immediately determine which items will be used together with children, and which will belong to each of them separately. Examples here can be a desk, a closet that can be divided into separate zones for storing the things of each child individually, a lamp above the bed.

Important! When planning the interior, remember that he should assume the possibility of modernization in the future, because children grow rapidly. Zoning the room
When 2 heterogeneous children live in the room, it is better to resort to a zoning than to make a strict separation. So it will be possible to provide a separate gaming zone, a personal space in which there is a sleeping place, and the working area. At the same time, you do not have to equip additional partitions, reducing already small space.

What are the zoning options for a boy and a girl can apply: Separation of the nursery according to the parallel line. Each child receives a certain part of the room with his own layout and design. In each of these parts there is a bed, there is a game zone and a place to complete school tasks. Partitions are not recommended here, it is better to limit yourself to a screen or a high narrow cabinet. Some designers recommend using different colors in each of the selected areas. Thus they can also be divided.

Observing these useful tips when registering a nursery for diverse children, you can achieve optimal savings in space and beautiful visual design.
Color solutions
The design of the children's room for two heterosexual children should be cheerful, but at the same time too bright and rich colors are not the best solution. The situation should be positive, but not contribute to the excessive excitement of the nervous system.

If we take into account that the room belongs to both the boy and the girl, it is clear that the colors should not be exclusively girlfriends or boy. You can simultaneously combine wallpaper and other finishing materials of different colors, creating zoning areas.

Pink and gray, white and blue are well combined. You can try a combination of brown with peach color. In accordance with the rules of interior design, you can take the same color, but combine its different shades. Chocolate, green or yellow, as well as other colors are suitable for this. Choosing furniture for a children's room

The main criterion that needs to be paid attention to when choosing is the age of the children. Sleeping places must be separate. In the presence of limited space, two -tier beds will be a good solution.
In the children's room for heterogeneous children-schoolrs, they should separately allocate working zones, where they will be modeling, other developmental classes, to perform school tasks. Such a place should be separate, like the area where children's clothes are stored. If there is no way to put 2 separate cabinets in the room, each child can be allocated on a separate shelf.

Advice! Pay attention to modular systems that can replace several items of furniture at once, for example, a cabinet or chest of drawers. You can access this design at once from 2 sides.
The appearance of such an object can be made even more attractive using decorative backlight. Do not forget about the shelves for books that provide a certain mood for the nursery.

There are cases when the design of the nursery for heterosexual children with a partition is appropriate. If the room has an elongated rectangular shape, you can place near one of the walls of the bed, and install mobile systems or sliding partition in the central part. You can integrate the cornice in the ceiling for zoning and hang the curtains. Correct lighting

Children are especially sensitive to incorrectly selected light. They have to strain their eyesight when they are sculpting, read books, which does not contribute to their harmonious development. The best choice in any situation will be natural light. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is better to highlight the most lit room in the apartment under the nursery. It is desirable that the windows overlook the southeast or east.
It is important to ensure sunlight entering the room in sufficient quantities. Accordingly, you should take air in structure, light and transparent curtains. For the night time of the day, you can hang additional dense roller curtains resembling Roman. They can be pushed after the onset of twilight.

As for artificial lighting, now in the design world there is a trend for multi -level lighting schemes. In the conditions of the children's room, this technique will be very welcome. For the gaming area, use bright upper light. The central lighting device, the role of which can be performed by a chandelier, is better to place it on it. If you plan to equip the game in the corner of the room, you can mount plasterboard ceilings with built -in spotlights in 2 tiers.

At an average level, there may be a displaced scattered light. It, for example, can be organized over a computer table, near the TV or in the area above the sofa. The following level is working lighting. Where children will perform homework, you can install rotary sconces or table lamps. But here you should be neat so that the children later do not interfere with each other.

How to be with lighting over a bed? Apply lamps with soft light and the ability to adjust the intensity of lighting. Thanks to this, one of the kids will be able to read the book when the other sleeps. If we talk about power - for each square meter of room there should be about 15 watts. For the game and working zones, this indicator should be 60 watts.

It is best to think in advance in advance the type and number of finishing materials, the presence of drawings on them. It is also important what texture they have. Other decoration recommendations: The optimal solution for floors in the nursery is laminate, linoleum or parquet. If the nursery is small, the colors used should be light and correspond to natural tones.

Natural colors are used for the working area, they must be somewhat muffled for the bedroom. The game zone can be designed with a more fun and diverse finish that will configure the positive. How to plan a game zone

Here it is necessary to take into account the age of each child, because if they are still very small, you will need a softer flooring. The ideal solution here may be carpet.
The playing area can be smaller in area if the brother and sister of an older age. Teenagers and schoolboy will need more areas where they can perform school tasks and other personal matters.

Advice! If there is an appropriate opportunity, it is better to make 2 separate gaming zones for each child.
If the area does not allow this, the general playing area should be as interesting as possible to both of them. It is important to take care of the safety of such a space, because children under 7 years old usually run a lot, jump during games. On the half that belongs to the girl, you can put a puppet house, and the boy can be offered to play with the castle.

If neighbors live under you, do not ignore the good sound insulation of the floor. Active games of brother and sisters can create inconvenience for people living below. Keep in mind that their friends can come to your children, and therefore it is reasonable to put in the playing area of the Poufa for sitting, game consoles, a convenient table.

Given all these simple rules, even on a small area of 10-14 square meters. m. you can create comfortable conditions for heterosexual children. It is important from the very beginning to think through all the main nuances, so that later it does not have to be forced to redo.