Khrushchev’s housing is a frequent occasion to break the head to the designers. The main feature of such an apartment is the layout. Small kitchens and tiny bathrooms about 3 m². Often the bathroom in such housing combined. How to make a bathroom design of 3 kV meters harmonious and comfortable, experts say.
Rules for the design of a small bathroomModern developers are also interested in making housing more accessible, reducing the meter. Therefore, in the new -fangled studios, bathrooms of no more than 3 m² can be found quite often.
A detailed project is primarily done, where the layout and modern design of the bathroom with a sink over a washing machine or another will be reflected, for a personal choice. The plan affects the rational application of meters, therefore it is necessary to take into account all protruding elements, equip ventilation and provide for the place where the riser is located. The door to the room should not open inside. After the basic elements are displayed, you can engage in: plumbing equipment; lighting; mirrors.
On a note! For comfort, computed visualizers in 3D format are used. So you can create a design project of the future room.
In a small bathroom 3 m² should be quite light. The more light in the room, the more spacious and comfortable it will be. It's good if there are several lighting points. Mirrors with lamps - a great option. This will make it possible to reflect the light, highly illuminating the bathroom. In addition, several lamps make it possible to choose the level of light.
The design of a small room provides for the use of light natural tones. Pure white ceramic on horizontal and vertical surfaces will resemble a hospital. It is recommended to buy tiles with unobtrusive geometry, favorite color. Plumbing can be snow -white.
A small room cannot be overloaded with things. The washing machine can be placed in the kitchen, in another room - this will make it possible to make the interior freer. In a small room, you need to leave exclusively the most necessary. How to organize space in a bathroom

The main thing is to rationally use useful area. Often a person accumulates many things, this creates problems in restoring order, and the room is cluttered with useless objects.
According to experts, you should primarily get rid of trash, it is necessary to correctly order everything. It is necessary to collect all things in one place, give to friends or throw out unnecessary. Next, you can sort everything on the principle of "one place for one thing". If the premises of 3 m² are used more than one person, it is recommended for all family members to provide a single place for hygienic accessories. It is also important to organize storage areas and decompose everything accordingly. With the toilet

It is difficult to organize a bathroom design of 3 sq meters with a toilet and washing machine. The device is recommended to be taken out and put in the kitchen room. For the design of a small -sized room, the main thing is to place everything correctly.
Instead of a conventional bathroom, rationally apply an angular model. Such a trick will allow the center of the premises, especially if the owner of the housing has equipped a shower cabin. Without a toilet

Bathroom design of 3 kV meters without a toilet is relevant for small apartments. You can buy a console bathroom. He comes under any style. The essence of such a design in a tank hidden from the eyes in a separate niche. Plumbing will not take much space if you put a plum tank in the wall. For this, the design of GKL or bottom of the cabinet is perfect. With a washing machine

Many people make a layout with a washing machine without a toilet, but more often they still combine the bathroom with it. A compact washer can occupy a specially designated niche under an overhead sink in a closet above the plum tank. Also, it can be installed in the place that remains between the bathroom or shower and the wall.
On a note! You can find pendant models. Such equipment will wash linen and will become an interior decoration. With a shower

With a shower, the design looks fashionable and harmonious. This is an ideal option for workaholics, those who are constantly in motion. It does not consume water in such quantities as a bath, and partitions take care of furniture and interior from spray.
You can install not a standard booth with a shower, but an option with a volumetric bowl where you can atone for a child and even sit in a jacuzzi. In what style to arrange

It is recommended to choose stylistics in such a way that it corresponds to the general design idea. This can be one of the following areas: Classical. Here the emphasis goes on naturalness and high cost. Wooden furniture. You can use stucco molding elements, ceramics, luxurious large mirrors and as little plastic as possible, metal. Modern. Minimalism, this is the absence of all the superfluous. The use of simple, non -frying finishing materials, clear lines, the minimum number of furniture items. Modern. The style provides for the use of modern comfortable and functional plumbing equipment - corner baths, showers, hydromassage. Exclusive, unusual in execution, design in symbiosis with modern building materials - this is modern. Choose this style usually youth. Ethno-style. Provides for characteristic household items used in a certain state, for example, African, Indian, Thai. Furniture is acquired in the chosen style, finish, decoration, decor are performed. Colors in ethno-style can be used by different ones-from natural, to juicy, violent, bright. High tech. This style provides for the technicality and functionality in everything. Ultra-reproach give out glass, chrome and plastic elements in combination. The furniture includes chrome -based rack structures and cabinets with a mirror.

Photos of small bathrooms made in different styles can be observed in the most fashionable magazines. They all are characterized by increased functionality and lack of extra elements. Decoration of walls, floor and ceiling
Designers offer a large number of decoration ideas. For decorative decoration of walls, it is recommended to take waterproof paints, liquid wallpaper with imitation of a stone surface. Materials in the market in abundance, you can find.
On a note! The main rule is a rational interior.
The use of ceramics is popular. The choice of tiles is huge, you can create both classic and modern design.

A great idea in wall decoration will be the creation of sides. The bottom can be tile in dark color, and the top is lighter or even snow -white. Excessively bright colors should not be used in a small room. It is recommended to use warm light colors: cream; beige; powder; milk.
Tile material is usually used to decorate the floor. Special rugs will help decorate the interior of a small room, become a bright spot in the design of the bathroom.
It is better to paint the ceiling surface in a small bathroom, you can buy: acrylic; latex; water -based.
On a note! To decorate the ceiling, you can choose a PVC panel, but this option will “steal” precious centimeters of a small bathroom. Color solutions

Choosing colors for a small bathroom should be very carefully and carefully. It is better to apply no more than a couple of shades. A pastel background with accents with a couple of tones looks good.
You cannot use gloomy and bright contrasting colors in a small bathroom. Light gamma visually increases space. The most popular are the following colors: White. This is a classic of the genre and a more successful choice for the interior of a small bathroom. It is beautiful both independently and in combination with any other colors. In the design of the room, you can apply slightly diluted shades: milk, cream or pearl. Blue. The small -sized room belongs to the water element, and the blue and its shades are related colors. The interior in such colors refreshes, gives mystery, lightness. Blue in combination with white will make a small bathroom easier and more voluminous. In addition, he applies soothing on the nervous system, and also remove fatigue after a hard day. Green. Natural freshness of the bathroom will give all shades of green. It is advisable to emphasize pale tones with the thick herbal prints, shade with chocolate or ashy color. In symbiosis with green, marble, decorative stone, copper surfaces, clay and wooden elements look great.
On a note! Bathroom design of 3 kV meters in gray is also relevant. This shade gives airiness, but it is necessary to add bright accents to such an interior. Choosing bathroom furniture 3 sq meter

Experts advise installing compact, but spacious furniture or functional items. For example - mirrors with hidden cabinets. In addition, it is important to use the walls as much as possible to give the small room the most harmonious view.
Shelves on the walls, hangers, rods and retractable elements on the doors, as well as baskets will help to benefit from the area. But there should not be too many of them so that there is no feeling of clutter. How to organize lighting in the bathroom correctly
The number of lamps in the bathroom directly depends on the area of the room. If it is small and is approximately 3 m², then it is enough to place a ceiling chandelier with 2-3 bulbs.
On a note! Even if the bathroom is small, it is recommended to additionally highlight the sink and mirror area. Suitable lamps are suitable.
So, when only 3 m² are allocated in the apartment for shower procedures - this is not a reason to be upset at all. Everything that is needed may fit here. The main thing is to think out a design project qualitatively and competently use the existing space.