In addition to the right choice of wallpaper for the kitchen, their shade also matters. If the owner of the premises makes a decision in favor of the wrong color scheme, the design of the room will repel with its inharmonic appearance. Experts give recommendations on which color of the wallpaper to choose for the kitchen to create a feeling of large space and at the same time make such a room cozy.
What to consider when choosing the color of the wallpaper for the kitchenThere are some rules that should be taken into account by everyone who plans to buy wallpaper for the kitchen: The material should be moisture resistance, because there is a large amount of moisture here. Wallpaper should not be porous in structure, quite dense. Thanks to this, dirt and fat will not accumulate on the walls. As for the shade, it is preferable to give an advantage to light tones. Thanks to this, the kitchen will look more visually, and the finishing materials themselves will not burn out under the influence of the rays of the sun.

On a note! To prevent the formation of fungus and mold, it is advisable to use vapor -permeable wallpaper.
A good choice will also be the purchase of wallpaper, which are reusable and suitable for repainting. Suppose if you get tired of any color, you can easily change it to any suitable. Color solutions

Be sure to keep in mind that each color has its own characteristic effect on the human psyche. That is - there are tones that raise the mood, tone, while others soothe and set up on vacation.
It is important to be able to choose wallpaper with numbers in the figure. They can give beautiful views of the room, or spoil the design of the room. If you have a small kitchen, avoid large drawings, because they visually reduce the area even more. As for the small ones, they will be very useful here. Geometric drawings on the wallpaper, in turn, provide a feeling of continuous space. It can be a Scottish drawing, for example, or an ornament with intersecting lines.

On sale you can also find wallpaper with a vertical pattern. Designers usually resort to the use of such materials to visually increase the height of the walls of the premises. If the ceilings are high, but small in area, it is better to give preference to a horizontal pattern.
Much depends on the goals you set. There are people who want to relax in the kitchen, while others want to make it dynamic, to provide a certain illusion of movement. If you attribute yourself to the second category, then wallpaper with diagonally located lines will suit you.

Reference! Texture wallpaper is now in fashion and are considered quite stylish. With their help you can create a game of shadows, as well as experiment with different colors. Accordingly, this is a good tool for those who want to create unusual drawings and unexpected combinations on the walls.
Cold colors are great for those who want to make visually larger and wider their own kitchen. It can be turquoise and blue, as well as silver tones. But, in this case, it is important to take into account that the furniture in color should be lighter than the main shade of the walls.

It must be taken into account that the color of the walls in the kitchen should, first of all, delight you. Although the same red color, for example, according to psychologists, not only activates the nervous system, but also contributes to more appetite.
Combined wallpaper is a great option for those who love beauty and originality in the interior. In this case, it is good to include individual elements in the design of the room, which have a similar shade. It can be furniture or appliances.
How to combine wallpaper with kitchen furniture correctly
Many designers recommend focusing on the color of the headset if you plan to buy wallpapers of a certain color for the kitchen. This need is explained by the large area occupied by kitchen furniture.

If you want to choose the optimal color, focusing on the features of kitchen furniture, pay attention to the color circle. This is the most favorite tool of any designer. There is both an online version of such a color circle, and ready-made options that can be purchased in a shop for goods for creativity. In accordance with it, there are ready -made coloristic schemes that should be considered when choosing a shade. You can take any combination of colors from what the circle will offer you.
Monochromatic combinations are especially effective when shades from a single sector are taken. That is - the selection of wallpaper is carried out directly to the tone for the headset. If this option seems too boring to you, you can buy wallpaper of the same color as a headset that differ only in a pattern. It is permissible to conduct an experiment with textures.

Contrast combinations will look no less beautiful when they use a combination of opposite colors. Suppose it can be a blue headset that stands against the background of a wall with orange wallpaper. If you look at the color circle, then blue and blue are just opposite the orange. To understand how to soften such a combination, it is worth considering more complex shades. As an example - instead of purely orange, you can take wallpaper of a terracotta shade.
If your kitchen is not located on the sunny side, it is better to give the advantage to light and warm tones. An excellent option in this case would be: creamy; cream; Light-coral.

Scarlet, orange-gold and other bright colors are acceptable, but only if the headset in the kitchen has a neutral shade. In general, such colors in the darkened room should have a minimum amount.
On a note! In the kitchen, which is located on the north side and receives enough sun, you can apply a combination of white furniture and yellow wallpaper. Such a room immediately becomes lighter and friendly.
White wallpapers look great in tiny cuisine. If a drawing is allowed for the materials used, it should not be very large and not catchy. You can even combine them with the same white set - in this situation they will provide the impression of an immense space filled with air. The snow -white tone is able to visually push the walls.

Is it worth it to refuse a small room from black - it all depends on what design techniques you will resort to. You can create a feeling of deep space if you glue black wallpapers only on a certain wall, while the rest of the surfaces will be finished with lighter materials. If you look at the photo of such interiors, it can be seen that the black wall seems to be pushed into the deepest part of the room. Which wallpaper is better to choose for the kitchen

It is fundamentally important to determine in accordance with the dimensions of the kitchen and the general mood that reigns in it. Regardless of whether you have a big kitchen or small, any pastel colors will look successful in it, such as: cream; peach; Directly green.
You can afford materials in light shades with large colors if you have a huge and spacious room. In a large kitchen

If you have a rather large kitchen and you would like to reduce it a little visually, then it is permissible to use dark shades. The colors look very beautiful and expensive: chocolate; cherry; Dark red.
But they must be used appropriate so as not to create an excessive sensation. You can provide the necessary effect by diluting with light shades. The pattern in a small flower also looks good.

Even if your kitchen is large, the lack of windows and sunlight in it will require certain design techniques from you. You can safely choose warm tones for such a room. The delicate shades of such colors look good: brown; orange; Beige.

If, on the contrary, a lot of sunlight penetrates the room throughout the day, green shades will look more successful. Feel free to take the wallpaper of such colors: pistachio; mint; Salad.
It can be either 1-ton or wallpaper with more complex drawings, let's say-floral.

A fashionable solution for large kitchens-black and white wallpapers with extraordinary prints and patterns. It can be not only flowers, but also complex geometric compositions. Two -color wallpaper always look rich if you are not limited by the area of the room, be sure to consider such materials for yourself. They will diversify your space.
Blue and blue shades can be used. Such colors allow you to relax and delete negative memories from memory. The only case when you should not use such colors is in a situation if the kitchen windows are placed on the north side. Then it is better to replace them with warm shades.
In a small kitchen
The right choice of wallpaper colors is extremely important, because you probably noticed that you want to be in one room constantly, while there is no desire to even go into another. Here the key role is played by the main tone of walls. What nuances should be considered: It is most correct in the case of a tiny kitchen to put neutral shades into business, it is better-pastel colors, such as peach, the color of ghee, beige, light green and light gray. They can be decorated with stripes, floral pattern, cage or some other motives.

On a note! You can use saturated colors in the kitchen by sticking a bright border under the ceiling or along the walls. Such a decision will be successful. White kitchen

What color of wallpaper is better to choose for a large or small kitchen, if the headset is white, it is easy to solve, as this is a universal shade. This is the optimal solution for almost any room, because white is able to harmonize with opposite shades and is distinguished by neutrality. If you purchased white furniture with a modern design for the kitchen, it will look best against the background: strips; photo wallpaper; graphic drawings; exotic collages.

A widespread solution today is the use of wallpapers that convey the texture of brick or tiles. Wallpaper with a 3D panorama can be considered fans of the original options.
When deciding which color of modern wallpaper to choose for a kitchen decorated in white, it is worth considering the cost of the headset. Pay attention to the fact that if you have luxurious expensive furniture in your kitchen, then white wallpaper in this case should be invisible in design and have a pale shade.

There are recommendations about which color of the wallpaper to choose for the kitchen if the headset is offofrmlen in a white glossy. Когда это мебель в стиле кантри, то допустимо прибегнуть к более веселой расцветке обоев. They can even portray some rural landscapes. Beige kitchen

There are certain tips than to be guided and what color of the wallpaper to choose for small dimensions or roomy kitchen if the headset beige. So, it is best to equip such a room if it is small. In this embodiment, the color is neutral and allows you to recreate both the classic interior and its romantic variations, as well as loft, modern and other modern styles.
If beige seems to you a boring solution, keep in mind that it may have several options. Pay attention to such shades such as: Creme brulee; caramel; cappuccino.

These tones will make your kitchen truly homemade and cozy. In addition, you can always pick up a couple of beige. In this regard, he is universal and non -core.
Original combinations can be created from beige and sandy shades or brown. You should not combine it only with luminescent flowers. So when choosing household appliances, keep in mind that it is better if it is metallic color. Designers do not advise putting a beige refrigerator and a plate of the same color against a background of a wall with cream and similar wallpaper. Red kitchen

What color of wallpaper to choose for the kitchen, if the headset is red, sometimes it is difficult to solve. For such a room, it is better to choose wallpapers of neutral shades. In this case, cream, white wallpapers, as well as finishing materials of the color of ivory, shades of light wood, gray will look good in this case.
Designers do not recommend purely red in the kitchen, as they believe that it leads to fatigue. It is better to consider some original shades for yourself-coral, terracotta, grenade, cherry.

Separately, it is worth saying which color of the wallpaper to choose for the modern design of the kitchen if the headset is brown. There are various options for this color. Venge looks especially luxurious. Best furniture of dark shades of brown will look on a light background.

It is advisable to buy wallpaper of such tones: sand; cream; beige; milk.

If brown comes from a dark palette, having a burgundy and chocolate tint, then the wallpaper can be more interesting, even funny in color. It is allowed to use the finishing materials of such colors: terracotta; vanilla; pistachio.
On a note! Cold variants of brown will create harmony with green and lilac wallpaper.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, keep in mind that each of them is able to visually influence the dimensions of your room. Bright and saturated colors will be more acceptable in rooms having a large area. At the same time, light and cold tones will be a more successful solution for small kitchens.