The stretch ceiling is one of the best options for decorating the ceiling space in the bedroom and other living rooms. The basis for the ceiling is a PVC film, which differs in texture, composition and method of installation.
The nuances of the choiceToday there is a huge selection of products that may differ in external qualities, type of design, as well as in cost. To make it easier to make a choice, you can view photos of the stretch ceiling in the bedroom in ready -made projects. Also, when choosing a PVC of the canvas and the installation method, you need to take into account the size of the room, financial capabilities and aesthetic preferences of the customer.

According to the texture, such courtes are performed in several versions: glossy; matte; Satin.

Each of these variations has both its advantages and disadvantages. The sleeping rooms most often use glossy and matte PVC films.

Glossy stretch ceiling will be an ideal solution for a small bedroom. Such a canvas has a high reflection coefficient.

Thanks to this fact, glossy PVC film allows you to visually expand the space and make the room lighter.

Another advantage of this option is the affordable price and the manufacturability of the installation work. We can say that this is one of the most budget options for designing the ceiling space.

A matte stretch ceiling is a great option for a bedroom made in a classic style. The matte film does not differ in a high reflection coefficient, but at the same time gently disperses the light. Such products are distinguished by a wide selection of colors, which makes it possible to implement many design ideas.

Among the advantages of choosing this option, the following points can be distinguished: lack of irritating glare; acceptable cost; ease of installation; A rich choice of color scheme.

Satin ceilings in appearance imitate natural fabric with a silky surface. The advantage of this option lies in the greater possibility of reflection of light than that of the matte canvas and the lack of glare.

Of the shortcomings, only a higher price can be noted compared to the first two options.

In their design, PVC canvas can be: single -level; two -level; multi -level.

Single -level ones have the simplest design and have the simplicity of installation. Such ceilings are most often installed in small rooms with low canvases.

Two -level stretch ceiling in the bedroom will look great in a spacious room. Such designs make it possible to embody various design ideas: each level can have different texture and color. Which in turn allows you to visually divide the room into several functional zones, without significant financial costs and redevelopment.

Multi -level constructions - Priority of spacious rooms. Of the shortcomings of the latter, one can distinguish: large cash costs for its installation and “eating” of the ceiling space (each level goes about 7cm heights).

Lighting in the bedroom with stretch ceilings is mainly organized either using a chandelier or by means of spotlights.

A chandelier in a sleeping room with PVC ceiling can have any design and material of execution.

The main requirement for such a lighting device in this case is as much distance as possible the lamp from the film.

At the same time, the chandelier itself is attached to the concrete surface or on a wooden lag, so you do not need to worry that from the large weight of the chandelier the polyvinyl chloride will begin to sag or break.

Point lamps allow you to create an unusual pattern on PVC film. The classic version of their application is the creation of a starry sky, which looks very appropriate when decorating a bedroom.

Given the large selection of such products, the question is quite natural which stretch ceiling is better for the bedroom? To choose the most suitable option, you need to take into account the mass of the nuances, the main among which are: room design; the area of the room and the height of the ceiling; the amount of the amount that the owner has for the design of the ceiling space; Aesthetic preferences.

So for example, for a small room, it is better to choose a single -level structure with matte or glossy PVC film. For rooms, you can give preference to two -level structures.

It is also very important to know how to choose the color of the ceiling? Here you need to consider the purpose of the premises.

Since the bedroom is a room in which a person rests from everyday worries to choose calm tones. The best option would be a beige or cream color.

The main, positive qualities of such a ceiling are ease of installation, affordable cost and wide selection in color, texture and other parameters.

The design of the stretch ceiling in the bedroom can be almost any. But at the same time it is better to avoid too bright, “screaming” accents, since the room needs the most soft calm atmosphere in this room.

In general, a well -chosen beautiful ceiling in the interior of the bedroom can become a visual accent of the whole room.