Innovative technologies allow you to develop a modern bedroom design for every taste and any wallet. Let's try to figure out what includes the concept of the interior of the bedroom.
The modern interior of the bedroomDesigners are developing the modern interior of the bedrooms taking into account the limiting functionality and ergonomicity. So, in order not to “overload” the space with excessive objects, today elements are used that can perform several functions at the same time - this allows saving space, but at the same time does not cause any household problems.

The second condition is environmental cleanliness, the requirements for which are constantly growing. Compliance with this norm, enshrined at the level of legislation, forces designers to be in the search for new construction and final materials and their combinations, resource-saving technologies and innovative solutions,

And finally, the interior of the bedroom of 2023 should be comfortable for households, since this room is intended for rest, restoration of strength and intimacy, and not for receiving guests, games with children and work.

The interior design of the bedroom directly depends on the two factors - the size of the room and its geometry. In a small room where you can only put a double bed and two cabinets, Baroque and Empire will look ridiculous and pretentious - visually heavy, massive and dark furniture “displaces” the remains of the space and create a gloomy, “pressing” atmosphere in which it will not be possible to be more half an hour.

This room will look in a very different way in the style of minimalism or high-tke. Clear lines are used to create design in these directions, “live” color scheme, visually light materials.

Supplement the design with a large mirror in a chrome frame, open shelves and glass facades of bedside tables, a bed with metal elements, as well as LED lighting around the perimeter of the room. This technique will visually expand the space twice, give it lightness and airiness.

If the room has an unstrant configuration, for example, niches and “appendicitis”, they need to be beaten correctly - for example, on such an area you can install a built -in wardrobe or a cabinet.

Usually, the ceilings “fall out” of design projects-they are covered with white wallpaper and framed by baguettes, which completely depersonalize the surface.

The modern bedroom should use to the maximum the potential of this space, so designers recommend recalling stretch ceilings that form a bright, original surface.

Stretch ceilings will become indispensable and given that the interior of a small bedroom cannot be “overloaded” with accessories.

At the same time, the emphasis on the ceiling will allow you to abandon other elements of the decor, since it will become a real "highlight" of the room.

It is best to use bunk ceilings with rounded or rectangular carved inserts. The perimeter of the ceiling, as well as a convex or upperson figure, must be equipped with point lamps that complement the general light solution of the bedroom.

Innovative technologies allow the use of two -color stretch fabrics, which will “support” the color scheme of the bedroom, visually “erased” the boundaries between the walls and the ceiling.

This is a very interesting solution, especially if you use contrasting shades that perfectly complement the loft or hi-tack style.
And finally, you can install ceilings with a photo printed pattern or a large -format image that imitates the run of clouds, the vast ocean or planet of the solar system.

Photos of the interiors of the bedrooms with this design prove that this is a great idea, however, it is possible to fully feel the beauty of the starry sky only in the dark.

Wallpaper in the interior of the bedrooms are very important, since carpets, numerous regiments and large paintings have long gone out of fashion.

Today on the walls it is permissible to place asymmetric or diagnosed shelves for souvenirs, a photo album, a pair of three books and discs, several photos or watercolor miniatures, a mirror, a decorative panel (of course, not all together, but separately), so the design of the walls becomes extremely important.

To maintain a classic style with a bias in historical topics, as well as the directions of art deco and romanticism, designers advise to select wallpaper with tissue texture, possibly with a soft mother-of-pearl overflow. Such a texture will give the walls a reflective effect, so the light composition of the bedroom will become more interesting and unique.

To implement the project in modern style, you need to use wallpapers of neutral shades, combining them with inserts from wallpaper of bright, juicy colors. The era of Victorianism will pass on the wallpaper in the cage, a kind of barberry style, and the Japanese spol will not do without wall wallpaper from bamboo wallpaper or rice wallpaper with a decor of flowering branches of sakura or hieroglyphs. But, the black bedroom is especially relevant, or black and white graphics that perfectly emphasize the conciseness of minimalism, modern, and even art deco. Naturally, white should dominate three walls, and on the fourth, if the area of the bedroom allows, you can make a dominant black tone, shaking it around the perimeter with white baguits. A wooden parquet or laminate with a “wood” structure looks good in the bedroom. A simple rustic style can be supported by a floor wide board, the direction of which depends on the geometry of the room. But the materials that simulate natural stone should not be used - they bring cold and visual dissonance into the heat of the bedroom.

Designers advise abandoning the rifs, continuous carpets with a high pile, synthetic terrible paths. They do nothing to the interior but memories of Soviet childhood, and in addition, are the main "vacuumboards" in the house.

If you do not think of life without carpet, use two small rugs of natural sheepskin, symmetrically thrown on both sides of the bed.

Textile details - bedspreads and pillows, furniture upholstery and curtains in the interior of the bedroom play the same important role as furniture. With their help, the invisible, but well -tangible feeling of comfort and security, which should be present in the bedroom, is created.

Again, textiles are selected taking into account the general style, but it should be natural. Do not be afraid of traditional solutions, because with proper presentation they can turn into trends.

So, for example, a warm woolen blanket and small sheepskin rugs on the floor near the bed are emphasized by village, Scandinavian, eco- and country style.

Patchwork “Babushkino” blanket in the style of patchwork is an ideal solution for the implementation of vintage and shabby-chic areas, the bedspread with the addition of silk in black-bordic-beige gamut will become irreplaceable for the Japanese theme of the bedroom design.

Heavy bilateral curtains are necessary in the bedroom, the windows of which overlook the eastern and southern side, but when arranging modern styles, they can be replaced with linen dense Roman curtains that will detain light, but at the same time leave more free space.

And finally, a few words about lighting. The interior of the light bedroom can be supplemented with the main and two auxiliary lighting sources. We are talking about the central large chandelier and two lamps standing on bedside tables or bedside.

If the decoration of the bedroom includes black and brown colors, bright wallpapers and dark furniture, she will need additional illumination on the ceiling. It can be mounted in a stretch ceiling with a glossy base, which perfectly beats and disperses the light, visually expanding even the smallest space.

As you can see, the concept of the interior of the bedroom, regardless of trend ideas and fashion trends, remains unchanged and is to make this room cozy and comfortable for households. But since the vision of the “ideal” bedroom for everyone is different, this gives rise to a lot of original solutions to the arrangement of this room.

And everyone who wants to live in space expressing its individuality, taste and character can take advantage of these achievements.