Kitchen project is the foundation of a good mood. After all, correctly planned things that are in their places for a long time, we like it and we will not soon want to change everything. We do not notice the not convenience, we feel comfort.
In any case, you have to create and receive guests in this kitchen, so it is important to pay worthy attention to the development of the project.

The kitchen, like any other room in the house, needs careful planning and design. This is especially true for the kitchen, because here, if there are errors at the stage of creating the project, you can very regret it in the future, or even redo everything in the second circle.

In order not to double the time and the money spent on repairs, it is important to take into account every little thing and think through all the points carefully.

Because you don't need to rush. As you know, you hurry - make people laugh. It is important to do everything right and follow a certain plan.

Very often, if necessary, make repairs in the kitchen, its owners first run to a furniture store, order furniture in a hurry, then in the construction hypermarket for the right finishing materials (this is when the kitchen has already been ordered), then the lamps are selected, and they usually buy the equipment at the very last moment, When the repair is approaching the completion stage.

This is a fundamentally incorrect approach. The kitchen is a room where not only beauty and comfort are important, but also the functionality of all its parts, which should ensure the safety of staying in it.

First of all, we determine for ourselves the budget for the repair of the kitchen premises. Surely there is a certain amount that you are ready to spend for this purpose.

From it we will dance. This amount must be correctly distributed for the creation of a project, the purchase of furniture, finishing materials, lamps and accessories, and also not to forget about the remuneration of workers. It is better to think about it all a hundred times than to make hasty decisions.

Further with the measurements of the room and our ideas, we go to the design studio. Often designers work with furniture salons, which will save you means. The designer leaves for the object, makes measurements himself, notes the location of communications, sources of natural light, etc.D.

Because although you save on design, it can do more than if the final work does not suit you. That is why it is still better to turn to professional designers who will show the visualization of the kitchen in all angles at the stage of creating a project.

Perhaps you do not want to contact designers to design your kitchen, and want to do everything yourself. The main reason for this is most likely a reluctance to pay for such a job. The only thing where a hitch can happen is technical difficulties.

After all, just throw a plan on paper with the arrangement of furniture - this is not enough. You need to have at least elementary work skills in programs, for example in AutoCAD and ArchiCAD.

Indeed, the design of the kitchen with your own hands is a real idea, although it will require you to cost resources, both time and skills. If you have a good taste, you got acquainted with the novelties of furniture, equipment, finishing materials in advance, then you can make a kitchen project yourself.

Yes, it is better to be able to work in 3DMAX to create beautiful visualization pictures, but this must be studied for a long time and hard, and the primitive can be done in Archicad.

If you still decide to make a design project of your new cuisine yourself, then there is a lot of work to do. First of all, it will be necessary to study photos of the best kitchen projects, get acquainted with new trends, main directions and styles, learn everything about the latest materials.

Next, you need to study the basic design rules for kitchens, including the rule ...working triangle..., layout options, norms for installing kitchen appliances and furniture. So that the new kitchen brings only positive emotions, you need to calculate everything up to a centimeter.

Let's say the project is already in your hands. If you did it with designers, you probably already imagine what materials and furniture you need to buy, and perhaps designers continue to help you at this stage.

But today, such a huge selection of everything related to repair, and in such a huge price range that you often just need to look for better to find everything you need.

If you did the project independently - it is more difficult - but you probably have already traveled more than one furniture salon and a construction hypermarket, you know what, for what, you roughly know what is needed to implement the existing project.

Yes, it happens that some strokes of the project have to be changed at this stage when there is no way to fit into the budget or find, for example, a suitable shade of blinds.

When all the materials were purchased, it is important to make the decoration of the room and lighting before installing furniture and appliances. After all, quality materials do not yet guarantee a successful result, therefore it is so important that professionals take up work.

Когда рабочие справятся с поставленными задачами, устанавливается мебель и техника, закупаются дополнительные аксессуары, и вуаля - новая кухня готова!

Thus, when you are developing a design, whether it is a project of corner kitchen or premises of any other layout, you need to do quite a lot of work, even taking into account the fact that it can be entrusted with a larger volume to professionals.