What finishing materials to choose for the hallway to create your only style from the front door, show guests the unsurpassed taste of the owners. Let's start with the possibility of using the area of the room, because in narrow and uncomfortable halls there is simply no room for heavy furniture.
Your hallway is a unique business cardThe style is created precisely the wall decoration. In city apartments, wallpaper for a small hallway will be able to visually expand the room. Even in the new planning of apartments, only a few square meters are allocated for the hallway.

But it is here that you need to create a feeling of freedom, try to change the configuration of the walls or make the ceilings visually higher, so that several people can remove outerwear and street shoes at the same time.

And find a place for bicycles, sports equipment, mirrors and cabinets.Using the decoration of the room, a lot will be possible, you can make the room lighter and more fun.

Cabinet furniture, mirror and sofa will still be obligatory for the hallway. It is also worth putting a small shoe cabinet, leave the rest of the area free. So the main attention is paid to wall decoration, modern wallpaper for the hallway must be practical and reliable, last for many years.

What materials for work to choose - the owner of the house decides. The best, probably, can be considered durable finishing materials that can be easily washed or quickly replaced if necessary. Manufacturers are offered the following construction products: Paper wallpaper Floselyal finishing materials Bamboo Vinyl Cork Textile

The prices of such materials for the hallway can be low enough if the owner of the apartment is ready to often change the decoration of the room, but it is worth spending once to create an elegant interior. So let it be washed finishing materials.

In a small room, artificial illumination is necessarily installed. Only in private houses there is an opportunity to make a hall with windows so that natural light penetrates into the room. So the color of the wallpaper for the hallway select light.

Contrast vertical or horizontal stripes can be added to the main shade. If you want to expand it - use materials with a pattern leaving deeper, in order to visually raise the ceilings, vertical drawings on the decoration are suitable.

In a large hallway, murals and large drawings look good. A small, not emphasized print will also visually expand the room. The finish with contrasting drawings looks interesting, it is worth stopping at the game of colors, and not on the variety of drawings.

The easiest way to entrust the work to professionals, but the owner of the apartment (at home) can choose wallpaper for the hallway. You yourself create your own individual style, so you can spend a couple of hours watching a photo of the wallpaper in your free time.

It is worth paying attention to materials with glossy trim - they can play the role of peculiar mirror surfaces along with modern furniture covered with smooth laminate.

In small rooms, you should not glue dark wallpapers and choose finishing materials with a large pattern - again we are talking about space.

In the hallway, it is best to create pleasant sensations of transparency and lightness. If the ceilings in the room are low, they can be lifted as if - make them light or mirror. Suspended glossy ceiling is an excellent solution, in addition, care for it is quite simple.

All materials for apartments and houses should meet three requirements: environmental friendliness, practicality, durability

In the halls, it is worth using good materials, here most often you have to wash the walls, do general cleaning. So, if you decide to use the original ideas of wallpaper for the hallway, you should not forget about practicality.

Why not leave a place for raw brick masonry or log house? But next to them let there be walls with calm plain wallpaper. This will turn out an interesting modern room corresponding to the interests of the owners.

If in living rooms and rooms the wall decoration is most often done in the exact combination of furniture and jewelry, then for the hallway you can leave a place for the game to imagine.

So the question is -what wallpaper to choose for the hallway, let it be for the owner an expression of individuality. You can choose original textures for the room, take textured materials for decoration. Let the room look original - this is your business card.

The most durable - vinyl wallpaper. With the help of these materials, you can hide minor flaws of walls. They are quite dense, the service life is up to 20 years.

The paper wallpaper is the cheapest, so if you want to often change wall decoration, choose these materials.

Modern textile finishing materials - two -layer, decorative, having the function of thermal insulation.

Woes can be repainted, this is a durable and practical finishing material, used in fire hazardous buildings.

Bamboo wallpaper - environmentally friendly, light finishing materials. Materials of light shades prevail.

So that a small hallway looks beautiful and harmonious, do not clutter up it with furniture. It is best to put closed cabinets –Kup. Hang a mirror and install a small canapon bench. The role of decoration is taken on wallpaper - here it is possible to use the color, texture of building materials, combine various textures.

Classic, it most often uses light shades, the walls can be divided into separate areas

Minimalist - small sections of wall decorations with bright prints or ornaments are used

Provence - any shades of beige, plant ornament on the wallpaper. Can be used for finishing natural natural materials

High-tech involves the use of metal parts in wall decoration, the use of sparkling wallpaper is allowed.