Any repair begins with the analysis of the building materials market, the choice of project, the preparation of the estimate, which allows you to correctly plan the consumption and find possible options for saving, irrational use of time and money.
Speaking of repair in the bathroom, the first thing is to come to mind that this room is quite moist, with a specific microclimate, constant hit on various surfaces of water, with possible leaks.

There is no unequivocal answer to this question. All existing ceiling coatings have their advantages and advantages.

Important requirements applied to finishing materials for the bathroom: moisture resistance; Pleshin resistance.

Consider the features of the ceilings in such rooms.

Among the large set of ceiling systems, one can distinguish such a variety as rack ceilings. Given the greater humidity, the rack ceiling in the bathroom can safely be used for this type of room.

However, this advantage applies only to those bathrooms, the size of which coincides with the sizes of the rails produced by manufacturers. With a smaller area of the bathroom, shortening each rail, you will find a significant overpayment.

Among other advantages of the rack ceiling are the refractory properties of aluminum, which is a very important criterion when laying electrical wiring and installing lighting devices to the rails themselves.

This once again emphasizes the safety of the rack ceiling in comparison with the plastic ceiling. Aluminum, as the main material of this type of ceiling coating, has a high level of moisture resistance. Reiki are not subject to deformation, rust, appreciation, mold, which explains the long service life.

Among the advantages of rack ceilings can be distinguished: Moisture resistance. Environmental friendliness. In all respects, rack flows are environmentally friendly and even fire resistant structures. Durability and strength. The rack ceiling is resistant to various kinds of microorganisms propagating in a humid environment, and also reacts little to physical damage. Reese ceilings are good reflectors, so there will always be more light in your room than your bulbs produces. Rheok ceilings are also very convenient to ease of installation, which is an important factor when choosing a ceiling coating. Masks communications. Pipes, wires and other remnants of repair activities that negatively affect the aesthetics of the room may be laid over the ceiling. Thanks to hinged rack ceilings, all of them will remain hidden from the eyes of human.

Is it possible to mount a stretch ceiling with a bathroom, experts say that yes. There are special conditions, therefore, the suspended ceiling should fully comply with. The right choice of the canvas is the only condition.

The advantages of stretch ceilings in the bathroom: uniqueness of design; aesthetics and attractiveness; Duration of operation.

The stretch ceiling in the bathroom provides a wide field of activity for designers who can combine simple forms with complex, getting a new original design.

These ceilings are produced in a variety of colors, replete with all kinds of drawings, with a glossy or matte surface.

The advantages and advantages of PVC panels for finishing the ceiling into the bathroom: the presence of a variety of choice; resistance to fungus, moisture and mold; lightweight; presentability of appearance; simplicity in the installation; affordable price.

The ceiling from PVC panels is quite resistant to any effect with high humidity and high temperature regime.

In case of flooding from above, it is enough to unscrew several PVC panels and dry. Divorces on plastic do not form.

The main advantage of plastic is its durability. With a careful attitude, this material can last you almost eternity. Special care is not required. After the correct installation of a plastic ceiling, it turns out a perfectly flat and smooth surface. The plastic ceiling in the bathroom reliably hides pipes that form a box that spoils the appearance of the room.

Also, plastic provides excellent sound insulation. Having such qualities, even the most spectacular ceilings painted with paint or wallpapers become not interesting. Maybe a plastic ceiling and will not become the most convenient option for you.

And another plus of plastic, you can name its low price. Using plastic, it can be turned into an original interior detail. Thanks to the installation of this ceiling, panel seams, all kinds of defects are hidden, which cannot be covered with the same plaster.

Naturally whitewashing with wallpaper will be cheaper, but the same popular stretch ceiling is much more expensive than plastic. And if you use the services of a designer or apply your designer talents, then your plastic ceiling will be simply invaluable.

An important role in creating the design of the bathroom is played by the modern design of the ceiling. After all, the ceiling brings a special style to the overall interior.

More recently, when planning repairs, it is unlikely that anyone would think about the design of the bathroom. But time makes its own adjustments, and today the decoration and design of the ceiling in the bathroom occupy a worthy place in the projects of designers and specialist specialists.

Recently, a lot of attention has been given the design of the ceiling in the bathroom, as its decoration occupies a large niche in the design of the bathroom in general.

There are a sufficient number of finishing materials on the modern market. With their help, you can carry out a beautiful ceiling design in the bathroom, starting from simple decorative elements, ending with stretch ceilings of various types with LED backlight.