The sofa in the living room is a favorite vacation spot for all family members, and it is necessary that it meets all needs in terms of aesthetics and convenience.
Usually, choosing a sofa, first of all pay attention to its shape and color, so for a start it is enough to consider the presented photos of sofas in the living room to mark the copies to their liking.

But you should not have a chase only for beauty, the emphasis should be made on practicality. To do this, you need to understand some points.

First, imagine the tasks that should be assigned to it. It is one thing if the sofa serves to receive guests and unification of the whole family, for example, for watching a TV, and as a sleeping place is rarely used.

Other, if he will be laid out every day. You can draw many ideas for designing a sofa for the living room by studying a huge assortment.

Secondly, you should highlight the space for its location and measure it to determine the desired size of the sofa. These parameters must be in accordance with the dimensions of the room. Another component of this predestination is the composition of the family.

For two, a model will be sufficient, 1.7-1.8 meters wide, for a family with one child a three-seater, 2.1 m in size, is suitable. There are large models for a large company. The main thing should be noted that in the unfolded form the sofa will need a lot of space.

For the living room it will be appropriate simple, not a folding sofa. It can be executed in any form: composite, island, corner, straight.

The modular design consists of several sections that can be configured for a specific room. The inclusion of several elements of different depths and width is included.

There are various combinations with tables, racks where it is convenient to put a book, glasses, phone. You can integrate anything in modern sofas. These are sockets, massage mechanisms, and places for storing things. As a convenient addition to the sofa, drawing mechanisms intended for relaxation and rest are used.

Which sofa to choose for the living room so that it serves for many years and does not lose its appearance? To do this, you should understand what its service life depends on. The basis of the sofa is the frame, so when buying you should look inside. The material for its manufacture can be: Chipboard. This is the most budgetary and impractical option, designed for the small weight of a person. Wood. Such a frame is strong and durable, although roads. But here you need to pay attention to how the details are fastened. Metal, in particular steel - the best in strength. Combination of materials: chipboard and metal components.

The service life also depends on the filler, and how convenient it will sit on it, lie and sleep. The sofa should not be too soft and too hard. It is important to take into account who will use the sofa. If these are elderly people, you need to provide a hard landing of the sofa, so that it is easier to get up with it.

Modern sofas fill with various materials, including latex, polyurethane foam, synthetic winterizer and others. In combination with a spring block, they make products very comfortable.

Such furniture can be safely chosen, it will last a long time. If the sofa is used every day as a sleeping place, you need to pay attention to its mattress. It is desirable that it be orthopedic.

The upholstery should be durable, resistant to abrasion, easy to care. Opportunities for selection are enough: velor is a soft, pleasant to the touch material.

Microfiber with Teflon impregnation that prevents liquids from penetrating through the tissue - does not fade in the sun, does not accumulate static energy, is well cleaned. The jocked is good for those who love gloss and beauty. Does not tolerate water at all.

Eco -leather - the most wear -resistant material, easy to care. Natural fabrics are most moody in care, capable of burnout, require careful attitude. It should be remembered that the color of the sofa will become decisive in the interior of the room, it will attract his eyes.

If the sofa fits into the already finished fashion design in the living room, the rule should be taken into account that the calmer the color of the situation, the brighter the sofa should be and vice versa and vice versa. There are many options for colors in different categories and cost.

Some have a rolling mechanism working on the rollers. Thanks to simplicity and reliability, such sofas are very popular in living rooms. Model, accordion, belongs to one of the most inexpensive, but reliable systems for laying out.

Its significant minus: it is hard to move on carpet coatings. Others are laid out as a book. Modern Eurobodyk is a simple and at the same time very reliable mechanism.

Still others unfold according to sections. Such a model is gentle for the floor, because just put on the legs. Convenient in everyday use. There are no videos here. But requires a lot of physical effort.

The compact model of New Roller-easily and at ease, turns into a full-fledged double bed with an orthopedic mattress and also easily folds back. In addition, it has an enhanced orthopedic frame and a steel grill. Such a layout mechanism serves for decades.

The sofa style can be modern or classic. Modern sofas are produced in a variety of configurations and sizes.

Their distinctive feature is the conciseness of forms, the use of plain materials. Classic models are more complex, carved, with different upholstery, combination of colors.