The most demanding interior design of red color, not everything is approached at all in a row. Correctly selected furniture will be a great addition to your design.
Red walls can be combined with furniture in white colors. The interior is bright and pleasant. Even simple items will become a good addition. The budget situation will not be a problem for a pleasant design.

However, in the photo of the red wall you can see that the white details are not the most interesting solution. For example, red wallpaper for walls can be combined with golden attributes.

Criteria for application

The tones of trees and other vegetation are perfectly combined. It is worth noting that almost all styles can be easily combined against the background of the red wall in the interior, and golden furniture does not require additional integral elements.

Neutrality and naturalness, here are two fundamental features of red walls, for example, in the kitchen.

Golden, honey, golden-sand parts of the interior, look very nice against the background of the design of the red walls. In a big one, almost all colors look good against the background of red.

Against the background of the red wall in the room, you can always use chocolate attributes. In chocolate color, you can paint the skirting board, floor, or, for example, the frame of the paintings. The walls supplemented by chocolate color look very bold, but the color in this case should coincide with the flowers of furniture.

Do not use chocolate shades in rooms with poor illumination. If you want to achieve comfort in the room, then feel free to use chocolate shades.

The only thing to avoid is excessive darkening of the room, because the colors themselves will be dark. For additional lightening of the interior, light floors, thin curtains, bright paintings on the walls are used. So you will avoid excessive dimming.

The classic addition will be black color, a kind of fellow red shades.

Often used furniture of a black palette, which is not everyone likes, but most often it turns out very not a flakh design.

The most combined shades suitable for red are beige, sand, straw, cream, in other words, natural.They create comfort and do not tire at all, since light and natural colors dilute the red color well.

One of the walls can be performed in a golden hue. The combination of walls is very good if you combine the right colors. Use beige, cream, vanilla, sand, straw, then your interior will be harmonious.

In very lit rooms, it is best to use light brown shades. Good design, highlighting one color from shades of another. This can be done using horizontal staining.

A mistake is often made when the mirrors are placed in painted frames, but this only weights the color palette.

If there is enough lighting, then you will achieve your. In general, you need to add lamps and a good chandelier and a little bright things.

There are examples of design that should not be used at all. Attributes of languid and catchy shades, such as :: bright pink, purple, herbal, green and even orange, only interferes with the red walls.

Another example of erroneous work is a design with orange color. If it is incorrectly used, then the entire design will be spoiled and you will not get the expected results.

Do not overload your interior with red shades, otherwise you will simply overdo it and all the work will go. Know the measure in all colors and everything will work out.

Red walls dictate the design, but still they remain restrained and are easily suppressed by additions of different colors.

Red color is considered the most active color of the spectrum, so when the interior is overloaded with attributes, they begin to irritate your attention. Therefore, a heavy atmosphere in the room is created.

When there are many attributes, color scheme and other things, the interior looks obsessive. In such cases, the room seems to be talking about something, but it is still completely incomprehensible about what.

Photos of the walls of red