Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

DIY wall painting and ceilings are a very simple thing. You just need to correctly prepare the wall and know the basic rules of painting.

The first step will be the preparation of walls - it depends on how the walls will look immediately after painting and time, how much the paint will last. First you need to remove the old wallpaper.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

The most common type of wallpaper is ordinary paper, and it is very simple to remove them. You just need to moisten them abundantly with water so that the glue of the debris and the wallpaper themselves peel off from the wall.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

It will be more difficult to remove waterproof wallpapers - they need to make an incision in a special place and fill the water there so that it would soak the glue.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

If after the first procedure the wallpaper still holds on the wall, you can moisten them several more times, as much as you need. After a certain time, the wallpaper will be easily separated from the walls with bare hands.

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Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

After removing all the wallpaper from the walls, you need to wash them with water and detergent.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

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Rust removal of rust from the walls

Rust must be washed with hot water, and then treated with copper sulfate. If the spots cannot be removed, then you can paint them with a special primer on top of the plaster.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

The primer of the walls

It is very important to primer the walls several times. First after cleaning the walls, then after applying the plaster, and at the end before painting. It is very simple to primer, you just need to have a special primer and a roller.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

This procedure is necessary so that paint and putty are better grasped when applied to the wall. It also extends the time before the paint begins to get off the wall.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Than to paint the wall?

In order for the paint to lie on the wall with a good even layer, it is necessary to use only good painting tools.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Spray. This option is not suitable for untrained people, with the help of a spray gun it is very difficult to paint the wall without preparation, but a person can do it quickly and simply. This requires a compressor and a spray gun.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Roller. This method is very simple, and any. The main thing is to choose the right roller. For even walls, you can not use fur rollers, because when the paint dries, traces of fibers will be visible. It is best to paint even walls with a foam roller or a roller with a short pile.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

A brush - an object necessary for any painting work. There are a variety of sizes and materials. Even if you paint a roller, you will need a brush to get to hard -to -reach places.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall paint

The best choice of paint for walls will be water -based paint. It is three types

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Acrylic water -based paint. One of the most common species, the main advantages - easily lays down, does not burn out, for a long time retains the color incredibly easy to wash.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
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Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
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Latex water -based paint is a very expensive type of paint. Good because of its water resistance. As well as the past look, does not burn out and retains its color for a long time. Due to elasticity, it can be used to close up small holes and cracks.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Silicone paint is also not cheap. Like the past two types, it does not burn out, it retains its color for a long time and the waterproof, silicone paint also passes steam and gas through itself, so it can be put immediately on top of a fresh putty. Used mainly for bathrooms.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

As you can see, painting walls with water -based paint has its own undeniable advantages, thanks to which it has become so popular.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Drawing on the wall

First you need to prepare paint and room. The air temperature should not be more than twenty degrees and not lower than five. Also do not do wall painting in the room if the air is too humid.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

You need to find out how much paint you will need for each wall, for this, count the wall area. It is always written on a bank with paint how much square meters it will last.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
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Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
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It is important to know that the bank accounts for how much paint is needed per layer, so you need to buy 2 times more paint for two layers. If you already have paint, you need to bring it to working condition.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Pour a little water into the jar and mix thoroughly. This must be done immediately before painting.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

During painting, the roller must adhere to three rules: The roller should always be well soaked in paint so that the layer is not too thin. You need to start dyeing from above so that the implements and drops do not spoil the finished section of the wall. The corners and the most inaccessible places are best painted with a small brush.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

It is necessary to paint the walls with several layers, at least two, and optimally three. One thick layer of paint will never be compared in saturation with two thin layers. As you can see, the painting of the walls with your own hands is incredibly light and even pleasant activity.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Design of wall painting

A variety of colors and methods of painting gives a huge scope for decorative painting walls. One of the simplest methods is to create the texture of the wall with a rough roller.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design
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It is easy to paint the wall with a special roller, and it will look beautiful and unusual for applying the picture there are stencils for painting walls, this will give sophistication and unusualness to your interior.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

You can choose the style you need by looking at the photo painting walls.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

You can draw inspiration from professional designers and masters.

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Photos of wall painting ideas

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

Wall painting - 80 photos of examples of modern design

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