The bathroom is a deeply personal and most intimate space for every inhabitant of the house.
It is here that I want to get here after a hard day's day to wash off the tension in the shower or to “soak” in the bathroom properly.

That is why it is very important that the bathroom is harmonious, cozy and attractive. But at the same time, this place becomes affordable for guests during their visit.

Surprisingly, it is the bathroom that is sometimes able to impress guests more than the rest of the apartment as a whole. The main thing is that it is made and designed qualitatively and with taste.

Features of fashion in interior design are that the interior is not a dress, it is not so easy to change from season to season.

Therefore, fashion trends in the design of the apartment are transferred from season to season, replenishing with new interesting accents and elements, but at the same time not making high -quality jumps that radically change the idea of what is fashionable in the new season.

Thus, having made high -quality basic repairs and competently complementing it with accents and accessories, it is possible to enjoy a fashionable interior for a long time.

All this is relevant for the bathroom. The novelties of the bathroom design appear annually, but mostly appear in accents and motives.

2023 philosophy in the design of the bathroom
At the Center for the 2023 bathroom philosophy - understanding it as a special space capable of filling with energy, surround with comfort and ensure a sense of safety.

Water, fire, earth and air - those primary elements of nature that feed man with energy. It is they, their combination, that underlies the new philosophy. If there are no questions with water in the bathroom in the bathroom, then at the expense of other elements they may occur.

The land in the bathroom can be interpreted as a natural stone in the design.

Moreover, it can be both classic marble or tiles made of natural stone, and all possible options in the decor made up of real stones, pebbles, etc.D.

Air can be considered both in the direct and figurative sense. So, the trend to make a window in the bathroom is no longer new for country, but this is not possible in every apartment.

Therefore, it is worth considering the air - like a free open space, the ability to breathe freely, not cluttered and not forced. Of course, a reasonable question arises of relatively small bathrooms.

But even in such bathrooms with a reasonable approach and a thorough selection of color and interior items, it is possible to create a harmonious space in which there will be a feeling of freedom and lightness.

With fire, everything is much easier. From ancient times, fire was associated in people with warmth, light and comfort. In this vein, special attention is paid to the light decision in the design of the room.

It's no secret that too sharply strong light can cut eyes, and the soft muffled light creates the mood of romance and peace, especially in combination with candles. In general, designers in the new season offer to pay attention to a complex game of light to emphasize the interior and its details.

Color solution in the design of the bathroom
The choice of basic color scheme is a key issue in the design of the premises. The modern design of the 2023 bathtub proposes to refer to the preference of light tones close to natural and natural.

In general, naturalness and environmental friendliness are the main trend of the 21st century. In addition, a simple straightforward bright color of the bathroom is more universal.

Based on the basic light design, it is possible to play with a common interior due to all possible color accents and details that are much easier to change over time than to do repairs and update the interior from scratch.

Numerous photos of the bathroom design of 2023 can throw a lot of ideas for the interior.

However, with the base color you also need to be neat. For example, with white. If you make a bathroom completely white and choose the wrong light, that is, a risk instead of a fashionable bathroom to get a hospital ward.

In general, designers do not recommend using one color in the design of all surfaces - floor, walls, ceiling. This design creates a feeling of discomfort, pressure and even closed space.

It is also worth remembering that the light basic color helps to visually expand the space of the room, and dark and bright, on the contrary, make it visually smaller.

Especially this moment will be relevant for small bathrooms. The design of a small bathroom of 2023 was made in light colors.

The basic light color will be great to combine with the inserts of soft dim colors - coffee, pink, green and others. Inserts with floral or patterned ornaments look beautiful.

Using colored inserts, you can zone the space. Only here it is also worth adhering to moderation, especially for inserts with drawings, otherwise the interior can quickly slide to tasteless and awesome.

And not competent zoning with colored inserts will give a feeling of absurdity and lack of unity in the interior.

Selection of bathroom accessories
Accessories give the room a complete look, fill it with life. Fashionable designs of the 2023 bathroom are created precisely due to trifles. Therefore, it is worth carefully approaching the issue of their choice.

Choosing accessories is based on what you want to pay special attention to the room. For example, if the emphasis on the mirror, then it can be issued in a beautiful frame.

Emphasis on the floor - put a beautiful rug that attracts attention. In the choice of accessories, you should also adhere to moderation - do not overload the bathroom with too many details, especially if the bathroom is small.

Here it is also worth remembering the rule "light - increases, dark reduces". For example, one of the fashion trends in the decor of the bathroom is environmental friendliness.

In this vein, you can pay attention to the wooden surface of the table under the washbasin, or a wooden cabinet under the bathroom. But! The dark expensive wooden cabinet under the washbasin will look gorgeous only in a spacious bathroom.

In a small room, he will score space, will look unpretentious and cumbersome and, of course, will not demonstrate its high cost and chic.

In any case, making repairs, everyone strives to create a space for themselves - to their taste and their own idea of the beautiful. And relying or not to rely on the recommendations of interior designers is a matter of everyone personally.

The main thing is to remember that the designer will come and leave, and the bathroom will remain in the apartment, and whether the owners will like it and depends on them entirely on their choice.

Bathroom design photo of 2023